Under Pressure

I've been working hard
I've been searching for God (x2)
As the days pass by, my brain gets to thinking
How the rate of my lifespan is rapidly blinking
It's something that I wish I could stall
Because it feels like I'm barely living at all
I feel the anxiety inside of me rising, as my family gets to advising
But the pressure inside of me is constantly rising
So now I must do a better job at my emotion disguising
I've thought about all those jobs that didn't call me back
You're making a mistake, man I wish I could tell them that
All my failed attempts of finding work is getting harder to track
To get an occupation I might have to go through hell and back
I've been working hard, I've been searching for God
Maybe if I try harder, I would be able to discover a job
Maybe someone will call me
Maybe a job could install me
Maybe someone can allow me to show who I finally can be
Under Pressure

I've been feeling under pressure
Many times I feel the pressure is coming
I feel the tension inside of my stomach
I feel anxiety so often that this feeling is numbing
Because of how my lack of a love life is absolutely stunning
Sometimes this bothers me; because I must follow rules of society
Maybe the reason is somebody took a girl that I could've had
Maybe my resentment is still telling me I should be mad
Or maybe I'm just scared that it will all fall through
Maybe commitment is something that I can't do
Or maybe I'm scared of the awkward rejection
That with the wrong words can happen in a matter of seconds
I get bothered how often people like to question me
Do you have a girlfriend, or what are you trying to be
But I do this to myself
I cant blame no one else
Maybe one day my love life won't finally be called a fail
Maybe I'm overthinking this, maybe there's a plot twist
Maybe at the end of the road my emotions are bliss
My head is filled with thoughts, many dreams that I sought
And I have to put in this info from birth that I was taught
Overcoming pressure requires the ultimate scheme
I got to put in time to achieve my American dream
Build on all that I've learned, achieve goals that I yearn
As the mechanical clock on my life continues to churn
Success is a hard path, I must focus in on my craft
Pressure hits my psyche like I'm the first pick in the draft
I'm going to achieve peace, so I can be at ease
And I'll aim for this goal for as long as my lungs breathe
After I lift this pressure I can finally be at ease
And I'm aiming for this feeling so long as my lungs breathe
Under Pressure

I've been feeling under pressure

In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7 ASV

Inspired by Logic

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