Happy Birthday Bro

Hey big bro, how've you been
I wanted to talk to you using my pen
Well actually I'm typing with my phone
I just wanted to make sure my presence was known
Well I'm sure that you already know
Today is when your big day was 34 years ago
I wanted to thank you for looking out for me all the time
That's why I'm here figuring out the words to rhyme
You gave me some great advice that I really appreciate
It put my mind at a higher level, and a better sense of state
You also put me on a lot of great music too
Nas and Big K.R.I.T, man them boys the truth
Just know I'll always have love for you
And your beautiful daughter Kailyn Alleyne too
And I hope you succeed at whatever you do
Even though failure is a part of making a better you
Thanks for all the memories you've gifted me
I'm glad that you're a part of my family tree
Now there's only one more thing left for me to say
Hey big bro, I hope you have a "Happy Birthday"

This poem is about: 
My family


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