I am young- too young to remember
When a man takes a gun to an elementary school named Sandy Hook
I am 16-the night before the Tony's- when a gay Latino club in Orlando finds 49 people dead instead of dancing
I am 17- and there's 17 dead
And a month later I'm walking out, listening to my friend speak about texting their friend hoping they're alive in Parkland
And a month later that same friend texts me:
"hey, you want to walk out today?"
And I find myself stuffed into a car driving to Seattle where we spend 5 hours making signs and protesting for our right to live
And yet, I am lucky
With my messed up life and my messed up brain
This crazy messed up world has made messed up me lucky
My friends are still alive, no man with a gun walked into my school
This should be a given- not luck
And I still walk into school everyday
Not knowing if I'll walk out
And there are still people who say guns are not a problem
So when I am 18 I will vote
And when I am 18 I will graduate and got to college and change the world
Unless- when I am 18- a man with a gun walks into my school