Thank You
Thank you.
It’s never said enough,
But when it is said,
It’s said with much appreciation.
But who do I thank?
I thank my parents,
For always being there and supporting me
Through everything I’ve gone through in life.
Without them behind my back,
I may not be where I am today.
I may not have accomplished the things I have accomplished.
Thank you.
I thank my teachers,
For showing me the way and providing guidance.
You’ve taught me so much,
And even if I didn’t always grasp the concepts in your classes,
I was still able to learn from you.
You teach more than just your subject matter.
You teach life lessons.
Thank you.
I thank those who have crossed my path in life,
People who I barely talk to sometimes
Or see every once in a while,
For they have given me little nuggets of knowledge.
Everyone whose path I’ve crossed,
I’ve been able to learn something from them.
Whether it’s patience or a fact of life,
I’ve been able to learn.
Thank you.
I thank my friends,
For they have supported me through the toughest times of life.
They have lended an ear when I needed someone to listen.
They have brought laughter into my life when I haven’t wanted to laugh.
I cannot thank them enough for all the things they have done for me.
Thank you.
Remember to thank those you love and care about.
Thank those who cross your path and do something simple for you.
You never know when your time with them will be up.