The Kid in You

"Hey buddy long time no see"
("Uh, What is it")
What don't you remember me
I'm the the thing you created in your head when you were 3
(Wow, I haven't seen you since I was nearly ten)
(Yeah I remember you, you were my imaginary friend)
(I haven't seen you in forever what are you doing here)
(The last time I saw you I was dealing with night time fears)
I needed to talk to you cause it looks like you're having issues
And besides is it corny enough to say that I missed you
(Issues? My life is perfectly fine right now)
(So I certainly don't have a clue what you're talking about)
C'mon I could see your problems even if I was blind
You lying to me, is just a waste of both of our times
You've changed a lot since the last time that we met
And I'm not talking about puberty, you seem to have many regrets
(Look, I think it's really cool to see you again)
(But remember you're only my imaginary friend)
(You don't even exist, and you don't know what I've been through)
(So stop talking like you know me, cause you really have no clue)
Oh, I know you a lot more than you think
(Just leave me alone, your bullshit is starting to stink)
Hey you can't say that word, you know those words are bad
(If you keep pissing me off, you're gonna make me more mad)
(What the hell are you doing here, what are you trying to do)
It's simple, I'm just trying to bring back the kid in you.
(The kid in me, what the hell are you talking about)
It's simple, I'm trying to bring that little kid back out
The one who loved everyone, and was so happy in life
And the one who wouldn't lay a hand on his future wife
(That was an accident, don't you go accusing me)
It's really sad cause you don't see the things I see
I've seen you grow friend, I've always lived in your brain
And the more you grow, it seems like you're swallowed in pain
I saw as a teen when you were bullied and abused
I saw as an adult when you were stressed and confused
I saw a couple days ago when you tried to take your life
But don't be taking that pain out on your future wife
(Shut Up!!! You don't understand my struggle)
(All this pain in my heart for years I had to juggle)
I can see that your regrets have certainly left a mark
(Ugh weren't you supposed to die when I got over the dark)
Please listen to me, I represent you as a child
The kid who let his imagination run wild
The kid who desired for peace and for love
The kid who wanted to be free like the clouds up above
Growing up is apart of life, I know this to be true
But you went ahead and tried to kill the kid that was inside of you
(Damn it man, I've been struggling for so long I want it to be through)
(Where were you all these years when I really needed you)
You suppressed me deep in your brain, but I'm here now
I'm glad you finally understand what I am talking about
Don't worry together we'll make this transformation complete
And we'll bring back the side of you that has been living in retreat
(So what are you saying, what are we going to do?)
Simple, we're gonna bring back that kid that was inside of you.

This poem is about: 
My country
Our world


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