
One day I saw this girl from around the block
She had a presence to her that made cars stop
She had a smile on her that could brighten the day
Damn she's coming, uh..what should I say
The pressure is rising, I'm starting to sink
Man she's coming fast, uh.. let me think
Hey girl, I can be your hero, here's my cape
Forget it, I'll just cover my mouth with duct tape
When she approached me, I was completely mute
Damn, why did this girl have to be so cute
When she passed me with her scent, my brain was fried
I couldn't stop thinking about her even if I tried
Her figure was perfect, she was looking right
She put me in a trance that lasted the entire night
Her beauty always made me look like a fool
Now I'm drowning in feelings like I'm in a deep pool
I know they say there's more fish out there in the sea
But I think I found the one that's just right for me
And one day I'll know what to do
And I swear we'll be together, just me and you
The first day I saw you walking, I wanted you from the start
So us not being together, is breaking me apart
You can't deny what's in the soul, can't deny what's in the heart
So us not being together, is breaking me apart
Her beauty hit me with a gleam
So it was no wonder she was chilling in my dreams
And together me and her made a great team
And everything was perfect, so it seemed
One month a couple, and it's whatever
5 months pass, and it's getting better
A year goes by and we're still together
And now I'm thinking to myself could we be forever
But suddenly I awoke from my fantasy
And reality hit my ass like a bunch of steam
Now I'm plotting for her attention like an evil scheme
And I'm focused for her affection like a laser beam
These dreams are really irritating me
I must have you in my life, girl can't you see
These dreams keep popping out so vividly
And shows me what we both could one day be
Now I'm wondering if my dream can come true
A reality, where it's just solely me and you
One day I swear I'll know what to do
And we'll be together, I swear I will make this true
The first day I saw you walking, I wanted you from the start
So us not being together, is breaking me apart
You can't deny what's in the soul, can't deny what's in the heart
So us not being together, is breaking me apart
Saw the thing I didn't need to see
You were with a guy who's name wasn't me
The pain stung me like it was from a bee
Now I'm paying for my shit like it's a late fee
But one day you were lonely and I wondered why
Someone told me that your ex made you cry
Now I'm wondering if I should really try
Or walk away, and see my last chances die
I walked up to you, and then you smiled
Damn I'm stuttering, this may take a while
I got the words out, and asked nervously
Would you like to go on a date, just you and me
You answered quick, I thought it was bait
You said yes "it'll be fun" you couldn't wait
"For real", I'm excited, could this really be
My biggest crush is really going out with me
Now I know what I must do
Say these couple of words that were meant for you.
The first day I saw you walking I wanted you from the start
So us not being together "was" breaking me apart
You can't deny what's in the soul, can't deny what's in the heart
So us not being together "was" breaking me apart

This poem is about: 
My community
My country
Our world


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