A word or two
Proverbs 16:24
24 Pleasant words are like a honeycomb,
sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
A word or two
Searching for a word to say something that would be noticed
Reality of yesterday disappeared in history
All appears like children’s play vaguely out of focus
Total lack of detail to be stored in memory
Can’t remember much of anything what was said years ago
Folks remind me all the time of statement I somehow made
Is it really important the remembering as I move to and fro?
Surely in the misty forest of my mind as I’ll soon be out of date
Are the searches for words to say already hidden deep within?
Is it really possible at times for inspiration to travel from afar?
Are there certain special ways to visit where and what I’ve been?
Or are these just a way at times to elevate ourselves above “par”?
Jan Wienen