My Passport to Pain: From Immigrant to Addict
I am from a former British Colony (Hong Kong),
known for being Chinese,
home of exotic gifts and luxuries.
I am from the Rainier Valley,
of respect and black power,
rice and fried chicken,
r & b and basketball,
crime and fear,
family and tears.
I am from an immigrant family,
oldest son of three,
wondering what’s to happen to me,
as I live life in America,
unsure of myself,
hiding my feelings from all to see.
I am from the Seattle Public Schools,
teachers and staff caring,
inspiring and exhorting,
hoping we can succeed.
I am from an Asian community,
of Chinese friends, family, and Christian ministries,
Giving me a sense of spirituality.
I am from journalism,
where words matter,
impact society for worse or better.
I am from pain,
of culture and shame,
learning silence and fear,
the only means to cope and endure.
I am from cities both small and large,
West coast to Mid-West,
Toledo to Los Angeles,
International and provincial,
backwards and progressive.
I am from therapy,
both client and clinician,
of thoughts and feelings,
generational trauma, loss and addiction.
I am from God,
A new life he breathed,
purpose, direction,
healing, connection,
safe in loneliness and absence,
exalting his presence.