They say if you can’t see God, then he’s never there.
If you can’t hear him, he won’t answer your prayers.
If you’re going through something, he doesn’t care and
if when you have fear, he’ll leave you scared.
Those people are the ones who don’t believe.
They don’t have faith, they’d rather get up and leave.
They don’t try to fix anything, God’s all you got because
the only problems that matter are the ones they got.
“If you can’t be there for your brother and go see about him
then what makes you think I will be there for you.”
Everyone has trials, sins and tribulations or else
he wouldn’t have died on the cross for you.
You’re not above anyone and God is above all…
But soon enough You’ll know the deal.
He sees all, he knows all, to him you know nothing
Because God... God is real.