How I See Love
Love, it’s everywhere isn’t it?
Behind every person, there’s a story of love
That unconditional attachment between a mother and her newborn
The feelings two dumb teenagers have their Junior years
The friendly sibling rivalry, who can jump highest, run to the top of the hill first?
That old couple down the street, celebrating their 40th anniversary
Love is everywhere and nowhere all at once
Because people can make it brittle
When a mother has to give up her child because of abuse
When at boyfriend passes something between friends, that’s really meant for no one
When the growing separation grows so wide between two sisters it almost can’t be bridged anymore
That old couple that will fight after their expensive dinners over money and how fat they’re getting
Yes, and “love” can be fake
“Love” can be wrong, immoral, disgusting
“Love” can make people do bad things
“Love” will make them crazy, filled with a pedestalled ideal of grandeur
“Love” is what leads to crushes on the wrong people, overstepping bounaries, even stalking, scaring those they claim to “love”
Yes, true love can be hard, but love can survive, it can lead to better choices
It exists to help, wherever it can
That mother, who sees what she’s done and reconnects years later, giving no excuses and accepting their blame
That one boy who punches the boyfriend, and helps the girl move on
Those two sisters, who begin talk again after a tragedy
Or those two young brothers, embracing each other, building the other up so they can stay strong
Love is amazing, but love hurts
Love can die, love can be reborn
But most importantly, love is truly everywhere
Like heat, where even its absence is measurable
Love is a concept, a perception, and that makes it infinite
Love, true love, is powerful
That tempered feeling of trust that comes after a crush
Once upon a time, that mother was the happiest woman in the world
Once upon a time, those broken up teens couldn’t stop looking into each other’s eyes
Once upon a time, those two sisters shared everything
Once upon a time, that old couple knew everything about each other
True love, a gift everlasting, mends all wounds
It can solve any problem
It will show that stranger they shouldn’t chase after that girl
It will grow a new relationship between mother and son
It will show that young girl someone new, someone better
It will grow a stronger connection that ever existed between those two sisters
It will show those brothers how to help their parents
Love is such a strong force, something so powerful for people to have
It’s something that has no limit, but also never doesn’t exist
There can never be too little
Because a little love can go a long, long way