I love you.
Because i love you ill always be here and even when im far
youll always feel near because youre in my heart
i have nothing to fear no doubts regardless of the scar
that he left
the scar you stiched up and healed.
Because i love you i will forgive your mistakes
i will always be honest for the sake of our love
for the sake of our child, the sake of having your hugs and hearing your laugh
and having you home and growing together because i love you.
Because i love you i will always accept you
i will always respect you
i will always ressurect you when you feel beat down
when you've been let down
when you think you cant smile
ill show that you can.
Because i love you, you love me too
and sometimes we cry and sometimes we fight
but thats just what people
who love eachother do.
The important thing is we keep our bond tight
and treat eachother right
no matter how hard it might get ill love you still
Ill never give up because i love you Wil.