Actions speak louder than words
Action is a form of expression
reveal what type of person we are
each individual has a certain action
with our actions we intend to be careful
careful so no one can get a wrong idea about that individual
after all actions speak louder than words
People's actions presents what kind of person they are
through the movement of their body
to the movement of their eyes
we can predict what they are doing
yet we can never understand what they are trying to do
after all actions speak louder than words
Actions are wonderful to be expressed
yet to others, seem to be inappropriate
we know each of us aren't perfect
we try our best to control our actions
yet it isn't good enough
after all actions speak louder than words
Will there ever be a day where we can express?
Express through our actions without being judge
without feeling we need to keep hiding our actions
being able to do what we need to do to be free
if we do, then our actions reveal something else to others
others that don't understand what we are trying to get rid of
after all actions speak louder than words