Because I Love You
Dark brown with flecks of gold
Inside your eyes I feel your hold
I'm independent, smart, and strong
Until other people have gone home
You see the worst and the best
But others see all the rest
Brown and rough your hands hold mine
Through good and bad at any time
Sometimes it hurts how much I care
Even if I know you're always there
It's hard for me to trust and believe
When no one else has cared for me
That is not all there is to say
Because not all are rainy days
Sunshine warms us just as much
And even then I feel your touch
We laugh and joke the feelings high
Look at me with dark brown eyes
Dark brown with flecks of gold
Don't say much but still I know
You deal with me through the bad
The good is the best we've ever had
That's why you look at me and say
Because I love you is why I stay