What it's Like to Know You're Dying
There’s so little time
To be grateful for the little things.
The things that go unnoticed, but are ingrained into your memory.
Like how there’s always a few seconds left on the microwave,
After someone stopped it early and forgot to clear it.
Or how the clock above the fireplace hasn’t worked in years,
Even though all it needs is a fresh set of batteries.
Or how the rug next to the bed is always just a little crooked,
No matter how many times it has been straightened.
Or how you have to be careful and deliberate when closing the windows in the basement, or they will bounce back open a tiny crack.
You want to go back and recount
all the little things you must have missed,
To squeeze every last detail out of life before it’s swept away from you.
But you don’t want to admit that suddenly,
Everything matters.