Mixed Emotions
America the great? Always
Always blessed to live here
The freedom of speech
To speak up for what I believe
My thoughts
Free to be expressed
The way I want to
Blessed to live here
Blessed for my rights
Blessed to be able to choose who represents me
Blessed to choose the life I want to lead
To choose the world that should be
But where has that gone
The turmoil rages in this beautiful nation
Protest after protest
Fight after fight
Words thrown around
Words just thrown around in hatred
Turning people against people
Creating division and pain
All for the election of one man
America the great? Always
Despite the pain and suffering, we can make it through
We can fight when we feel our rights taken away
We can fight love with hate
We can stand together
We are the United States
We must stay united
America the great? Always
Even in the darkest times
There will always a silver lining