To Stand
So close, but so far.
So clear, yet so blurred.
I stand on my two feet, yet my arms
are flailing.
Invincible to my peers, yet so
very vulnerable.
Once strong, now helpless.
I flew in the vast skies,
until I was dumped into sinking quicksand.
These bonds of ours--
Taken for granted,
scoffed at,
thrown down into the deepest pits of the
blackest hearts.
Raise my hands
upwards to triumph
for I’ve shed your
shell, my innermost
beliefs shining through
to face the sun, the stars,
where I’ve made my place:
the world.
Rejoice, for my worries
have been placated.
My loved ones are my solace
and my dreams are my motivation.
I shall stand. I shall stay.