Demanding Attention
Going to school,
12 years and I'm done.
All my 8 classes,
demanding attention.
I use my car to drive there,
it could use new suspension.
All that car maintenance,
demands such attention.
High school boyfriends,
high demand, did I mention?
Take all the time,
demanding attention.
Two jobs throughout the summer,
to earn an extension.
Back to back shifts,
demanding attention.
Things that we deem big,
but really are small.
That in the end,
won't matter at all.
There are villages and towns,
with no money to shop.
They thirst day to day,
trying to raise crops.
I'm fed at my leisure,
sometimes don't think to stop.
To realize I'm spoiled,
each day with soda pops.
The bellies of poor children,
in famishing dimensions,
are crying to their mouths,
demanding attention.
But people stare at cell phones,
walking in the wrong direction.
Petty America is calling,
demanding attention.
Worried with such foolish things,
buying yachts and motor bikes.
Loving themselves and their image,
by number of meaningless likes.
A question like, "where did I put
my car keys?"
Will never leave the lips
of the least of these.
So since we are so blessed,
with our cultural inventions.
Today choose where,
to place your attention.
If you can read this,
you have it fair.
Literate and online?
This combination is rare.
Money pulled food,
away from mouths of young children.
For the green to stay watered,
it demands great attention.
Be a change this world needs,
rise to the ascension.
The most valuable donation,
is your heartfelt attention.