A Beautifully Unfortunate Love

Tue, 01/10/2017 - 22:31 -- LPM

I know you think you're slick but baby 

I know your dirty tricks 


It's not something I'd like to believe 

Yet I know something's up whenever you leave 


I can smell the perfume 

I know you have no curfew but it's as though the clock's tick has no purpose 

I now feel worthless


Yet I run back to you, my way of thinking has become askew


I never meant to get this deep 

But now I'm here losing sleep 


Thinking of you 

Sinking in the words that you said 

Holding back the constant dread 


It wasn't always like this 


We used to be close, in love

Two turtle doves, in a big world 


Not ready for the pressure, 

Even if it had been something that we could measure

This poem is about: 
