We believe in the constitution, even willing to bet our lives on it, yet we aren’t even sure it’s actually complete
The equal rights amendment has never been truly ratified
Apparently America refuses to claim their woman, half their population , as equal
We must encourage the people to claim their mothers,the sisters, the daughters
for equal opportunity or equal rights
Men are not the enemy but also many are just watching
Watching it as if it was one of the fake reality shows, plastic America cherishes
Saying this is not real life
Alice Paul Suffragist leader, 1923 is spitting on her own grave
Betty Friedan, spitting in our faces as she created feminist mystique, and embarrassed of man’s obsession to be above
Yet here we are every person is screaming we are equal
Bleed the red white and blue, Be proud, We are free
Yet we should all be fearing
The fact our women are still having to deal with discrimination at work
Sexual harassment, Difference in pay ,And being asked in their interviews “ do you have children”,“Do you want to have children”
And me being told, To never drink out of a mans cup alone
Without this amendment
Equality between sexes is nothing, it is not the identity of america
Claim our women on paper
Claim Amelia Earhart, Claim Eleanor Roosevelt
Claim Harriet Tubman the face of our 20 dollar bill, And so many more
Claim them, On paper, Permanent ink
Claim them for our children,Gender equality is An epidemic
Congress ratified it 1972
The state's didnt States supposed to have a choice
They made a biased choice
And now we all act like its okay, Its okay to not be equal in the constitution
It's okay to know that your daughters will have to work afoot harder
A bit longer than some, Will have to check their bosses words
Make sure it’s appropriate, Will have to pack the pepper spray with their lipstick
NO PROTECT THEM, give them equal protection
From Assault,from discrimination, show our daughters
our mothers, our sisters equality
Show your sons ,your fathers
That your birth givers ,Your lovers,Your moons are worth claiming
You see ,When the constitution said all men are created equal
They shouldve said, All human beings are created equal!