Life In My Skin
Some look at me like I’m just another person.
But others see me as the evil half of themselves; the darker version.
They don’t show it. They try not to since slavery’s been abolished,
But I see it on paper.
My numbers are so much lower yet I’ve been working here for longer.
It’s insane because I have more experience than this other me.
I come in, and work. He comes in, and twiddles his thumbs in his seat
And looks at me like I don’t belong and it’s about time that I leave.
The six digits on his checks and five on mine tell the entire story.
It says that slavery is still happening in our economy
And behind the folds of the eyes,
And I’m just another victim because they can’t see me in the dark.
Well, newsflash people: we’re all invisible in the dark.
Some people are just given a light to show them the path
While others like me have to wave our bare hands
Just hoping that we’re headed in the right direction.
And whenever we hit a wall, our first line of protection
Is to get violent because we don’t know where we’re headed.
But we keep trying and trying
Hoping one day to become a legend
So I might become successful but I’ll never be the best.
I might be it in my mind but to them, I’m so much less
Of a man. Yes the rest
Think I’m just another black boy cheating the system to impress.