The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – volume 2
Copyright © by Nikhil Parekh
All rights reserved. No Part of this book publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, Electronic, Mechanical, Photocopying, Recording, Print or otherwise, without prior permission of Copyright owner and Author, Nikhil Parekh.
About The Poetry Book
This Book which has 60 differently titled Poems , is actually volume 2 of the Book titled – The Womb ( 250 pages ) . A flurry of poetic concoctions dedicated to the ever-pervading woman and mother. Profoundly saluting her love, compassion and resolute grit as she evolves a diminutive infant into a powerhouse of talent, into a complete individual. The poems in the collection are humble salutations to the essence of Parenthood, to the unbelievable depths of sacrifice that a mother resorts whilst bringing up her child right since its inception in the womb. Each poem reveres the 'godly womb' as the source of all creation that has ever been. This book in itself is the most befitting tribute to the agonizing odysseys of parents as they nourish their children-and children as they grow up as the most powerful angels of God to stupefy all humanity with their inherent charm. A quintessential read for every parent or parent to be, it brings out the charm of creation since the very first breath. The verses within bountifully poeticize every unbridled mischief of a child with its beloved parents.
23. 9 MONTHS
38. MY SON
Watch them bounce in untamed exhilaration; boisterously clap their hands in unison as the sun shines high in the sky,
Watch them play gleefully in the mud; coating it uninhibitedly and with exuberant energy on their innocent faces,
Watch them splash in the sea; munching delicious cookies; embossing fabulous sandcastles in the foamy and shimmering sands,
Watch them pummel each other joyfully in the ribs; triumphantly march forward without a trace of manipulation or fear in their impeccable eyes,
Watch them sing songs in incoherent tandem; not bound by restraints of the monotonously conventional society,
Watch them fantasize to unprecedented limits; surreally swishing their chubby cheeks to a place where the most ingenious of scientists failed to reach even in mind-boggling inventions,
Watch them run behind their mothers back; emanate the most mesmerizing smile ever found on this colossal planet,
Watch them greedily gobble milk and food; make a sheer mess of their plates and clothes as they sat with overwhelming mischief besieging their facial contours for nocturnal supper,
Watch them clamber up their elders without the tiniest of embarrassment; pluck the beard of their fathers with insurmountable naughtiness,
Watch them go to school with their laces always upside down; crusts of innocuous dirt always dribbling down divinely from their nose,
Watch them immaculately emulate their siblings; run rampantly in the loose mud for their place at the winning point,
Watch them evolve incongruous words with their pens; fall asleep midway as if the load was the biggest to confront on this globe,
Watch them walk upside down with their tongues poking out in candid expression; the cotton encompassing their diminutive bodies fluttering violently with the winds,
Watch them incessantly cry in lap of their mother; make the amusingly astounding gestures with their nimble pink set of dainty jaws,
Watch them intriguingly stare at a flurry of objects in vicinity; trying their best to decipher the meaning of this alien world,
Watch them stumbling inadvertently as they walked; endeavoring to solidly consolidate their intricate footing on earth's ground,
Watch them smear ice-cream all over their robust complexioned minuscule bodies; unwitting perceiving it to be the bubbly family soap,
Watch them indefatigably decorate and feed their fairy dolls; entirely oblivious to the vagaries of this uncouthly parasitic township,
Watch them breathe and live with an ardor; that even the most mightiest of human beings floundered to achieve in infinite lives,
Watch them enjoy the privilege of being God's favorite molecules; easily superceding the most unfathomable of creations in this Universe,
And over and above all; watch these tiny angels grow in the future decades yet to unveil; harness handsomely and with irrefutable conviction into the noble citizens of tomorrow.
Just when I felt my eyes were closing; my lids incorrigibly wanting to shut down,
I saw the tiny buds of rose blossoming outside; the unsurpassable grandeur of
its petals engulfing the atmosphere in entirety.
Just when I felt my legs were going limp in exhaustion; the indefatigable stress of the day inevitably pinning me down,
I saw the pouch bellied kangaroo leap across with gigantic strides; traverse the marshy fields overlooking my window with uninhibited and gay abandon.
Just when I felt my tongue relinquishing taste; infinite buds on its surface had died a gruesome death,
I saw the cow philandering in the leafy meadows; munching robust chunks of grass with great relish.
Just when I felt my mouth aching; the chords in my throat abysmally parched and dry,
I saw the orchestra singing loquaciously; madmen screeching at the top of their lungs; attempting to bring the roof on earth.
Just when I felt my hands go pale; every iota of strength sapped wholesomely from the conglomerate of my bones,
I saw uncouth barbarians bludgeoning their way through the forest; annihilating gargantuan tree stalks; exerting monstrous power with their palms.
Just when I felt the skin encompassing my neck sagging profoundly; disdainful
wrinkles inhabiting virtually every part of my demeanor,
I saw a cluster of young maidens with sparkling skin; boisterously bouncing on the silken couch.
Just when I felt the waves of sadness vacillate in my soul; bizarre grief stabbing me like daggers of blistering coal,
I saw the clowns of in the circus mischievously smile; with their loud guffaws thunderously piercing the atmosphere.
Just when I felt pulsating pain in my forehead; an avalanche of thorns curtailing it from perceiving further,
I saw a medieval sage reciting hymns in blissful harmony; the unperturbed expressions of his face; depicting that he was in a land of surreal fantasy.
Just when I felt that I was about to sleep; the clockwork machinery in my brain failing to tick forward,
I saw a battalion of roosters flying high in the air; permeating the crispness in the ambience around with their cacophonic sounds.
And just when I felt I was about to die; relinquish the final draught of breath; to rest in my heavenly abode,
I saw a child being born; crying innocuously in the tender palms of its mother; trying to imbibe as much as it could with its large eyes dancing around the earth; to better understand the place it was now going to exist; diligently continuing the chapter of existence.
No astronomically colossal wave in the ocean should ever forget; that it was once upon a time a minuscule stream of frigid water,
No pompously extruding tree in the forests should ever forget; that I was once upon a time an inconspicuously trembling seed,
No flame escalating handsomely towards the sky should ever forget; that it was once upon a time a diminutive flicker emanating from the bedraggled candle wick,
No majestic eagle soaring high in the clouds should ever forget; that it was once upon a time an infinitesimal fledgling whimpering insatiably; at the disappearing of light,
No royally grandiloquent castle should ever forget; that it was once upon a time a profoundly disheveled brick; freshly baked under raw rays of sunlight,
No winner basking in the glory of incredulously earned victory should ever forget; that he was once upon a time shivering in nervous hysteria at the starting point,
No fathomless dungeon impregnated with biscuits of glittering gold should ever forget; that it was once upon a time a obsolete hole; losing its entity each time as the winds blown,
No impregnably towering mountain should ever forget; that it was once upon a time a lump of transient mud; being trampled by every entity transgressing its way,
No boundlessly incomprehensible desert should ever forget; that it was once upon a time a granule of insipid dirt; hovering without a stature of its own; wholesomely solitary in the Universe,
No tumultuously mighty avalanche of ice should ever forget; that it was once upon a time a droplet of water almost freezing to death in the icy winds,
No blissfully blossoming fantasy should ever forget; that it was once upon a time a rustic idea; which kept dwindling infinite times even before it took ephemeral shape,
No profusely embellished skin should ever forget; that it was once upon a time; nakedly fragile; when just born,
No overwhelmingly eloquent tongue should ever forget; that it was once upon a time; babbling worse than a child; while in divinely deep sleep,
No insurmountably thundering echo should ever forget; that it was once upon a time; a disastrously squeaky voice; nimbly caressing the rocks,
No unsurpassably successful businessman should ever forget; that he was once upon a time; a wholesomely ignoramus novice; just starting to learn the tricks of the manipulative trade,
No unbelievably scented lotus should ever forget; that it was once upon a time; a tiny bud extruding from mammoth chunks of dirt all around,
No entity celestially married should ever forget; that it was once upon a time; philandering like a mosquito to manifest its romance into reality,
No invincibly powerful organism on this earth should ever forget; that it was once upon a time withheld by the Lord; in the realms of mesmerizing heaven,
And no Human; possessing even the most Herculean strength on this planet should ever forget; that once upon a time he was an uninhibitedly crying child; trying to hide deeper and deeper inside the chest of his sacrosanct mother.
If you taught it gruesomely ghastly crime; all it ever learnt was indeed crime; nothing else but treacherously lambasting and invidious crime,
If you taught it menacingly manipulative politics; all it ever learnt was indeed politics; nothing else but devastatingly ribald and worthless politics,
If you taught it lethally pulverizing power; all it ever learnt was indeed power; nothing else but disgustingly lecherous and unforgivable power,
If you taught it indiscriminately dividing bloodshed; all it ever learnt was indeed bloodshed; nothing else but the most insanely maniacal blotch on mankind called bloodshed,
If you taught it remorsefully insipid dilapidation; all it ever learnt was indeed dilapidation; nothing else but the realms of ghoulishly jejune and sordid dilapidation,
If you taught it malevolently criminal hatred; all it ever learnt was indeed hatred; nothing else but the lunatically frozen and lugubrious corpses of hatred,
If you taught it ghastily bombarding devastation; all it ever learnt was indeed devastation; nothing else but bizarrely ungainly and agonizing devastation,
If you taught it truculently devilish obsession; all it ever learnt was indeed obsession; nothing else but vindictively vociferous and meaningless obsession,
If you taught it morbidly sickening loneliness; all it ever learnt was indeed loneliness; nothing else but salaciously thrashing and rotting loneliness,
If you taught it lackadaisically wastrel sky staring; all it ever learnt was indeed sky staring; nothing else but wastefully nonchalant and decaying sky staring,
If you taught it sanctimoniously slavering sin; all it ever learnt was indeed sin; nothing else but the hell of disastrously charring and brutal sin,
If you taught it barbarically unending war; all it ever learnt was indeed war; nothing else but the vultures of dreadfully ostracizing and petty war,
If you taught it dolefully dissolute dastardliness; all it ever learnt was indeed dastardliness; nothing else but demonically cursed and dithering dastardliness,
If you taught it egregiously spurious lies; all it ever learnt was indeed lies; nothing else but viciously grotesque and dolorously dammed lies,
If you taught it miserably orphaned abuse; all it ever learnt was indeed abuse; nothing else but licentiously lascivious and discordantly distorted abuse,
If you taught it preposterously ridiculous imitation; all it ever learnt was indeed imitation; nothing else but sleazily threadbare and inconsequential imitation,
If you taught it bawdily disoriented religion; all it ever learnt was indeed religion; nothing else but cold-bloodedly diving and fanatically marauding religion,
If you taught it savagely disintegrating tyranny; all it ever learnt was indeed tyranny; nothing else but ruthlessly puerile and victimizingly venomous tyranny,
If you taught it satanically indescribable snatching; all it ever learnt was indeed snatching; nothing else but nondescriptly obsolete and flagrant snatching,
If you taught it unfathomably incarcerating greed; all it ever learnt was indeed greed; nothing else but sardonically opprobrious and disparaging greed,
If you taught it inexplicably debilitating disease; all it ever learnt was indeed disease; nothing else but heinously crippling and vengeful disease,
If you taught it traumatically dying ostentation; all it ever learnt was indeed ostentation; nothing else but salaciously notorious and livid ostentation,
If you taught it hideously crucifying torture; all it ever learnt was indeed torture; nothing else but doggedly excoriating and lascivious torture,
If you taught it severely macabre ghosts; all it ever learnt was indeed ghosts; nothing else but extinguishingly evanescent and morose ghosts,
If you taught it obnoxiously dolorous stench; all it ever learnt was indeed stench; nothing else but disdainfully impeding and thwarting stench,
If you taught it unthinkably imbroglio trash; all it ever learnt was indeed trash; nothing else but severely battering and despondent trash,
If you taught it unsurpassably irate hostility; all it ever learnt was indeed hostility; nothing else but corpulently debasing and reprimanding hostility,
If you taught it fecklessly inflated pride; all it ever learnt was indeed pride; nothing else but perilously sinister and ephemerally slithering pride,
If you taught it inconsolably terrorizing sorrow; all it ever learnt was indeed sorrow; nothing else but punitively fretting and abominable sorrow,
If you taught it pallidly insomniac degeneration; all it ever learnt was indeed degeneration; nothing else but indigenously corrupt and oblivious degeneration,
If you taught it absurdly demoralizing slang; all it ever learnt was indeed slang; nothing else but sloppily imprisoning and disappearing slang,
If you taught it horrendously stunting adultery; all it ever learnt was indeed adultery; nothing else but impudently stripping and poisonously orphaning adultery,
If you taught it impeachingly derogatory promiscuousness; all it ever learnt was indeed promiscuousness; nothing else but nefariously expurgating and maiming promiscuousness,
If you taught it abhorrently unending extinction; all it ever learnt was indeed extinction; nothing else but castigatingly devilish and slaughtering extinction,
While so astoundingly sensitive was the mind of the infant; that if you taught it immortally unassailable love; all it ever learnt was indeed love; celestially forgetting all of the above; harnessing every ingredient of its blood with nothing else but; the spirit of perpetually Godly and timeless love.
It was a bundle of overwhelmingly sparkling joy; please don’t mercilessly maraud its flesh; with your obnoxiously uncouth nails,
It was a sacrosanct leaf of freshly blossoming life; please don’t invidiously inundate its immaculate brain; with your horrendously truculent tales of bizarre manipulation,
It was a fairy having just descended from the heart of celestial sky; please don’t gruesomely maim it with your indiscriminately cold-blooded stride,
It was the ultimate fulfilling fantasy of any two perpetual lovers; please don’t heinously strangulate the last iota of breath from its innocuously Godly body; with your infernos of indescribably sordid malice,
It was a quintessentially ardent constituent in God’s chapter of timeless procreation; please don’t ghastily blind it forever; even before it could open its mesmerizing eyes,
It was an Omnipotent lantern illuminating countless dwellings besieged with disparaging despair; please don’t ruthless snap its hands; with your fangs of vindictive hatred,
It was an unassailable harbinger of humanity; please don’t venomously poison its holistically vibrant soul; with your lecherously stinking world of politics and crime,
It was an astoundingly eclectic and unconquerable prince; please don’t lay a battlefield of your pugnaciously acrid thorns in whatever path that it crawled and blissfully tread,
It was a fountain of inexorably unending happiness; please don’t satanically thrash its ears; with your whips of derogatorily unforgivable savagery,
It was an everlastingly smiling doll which embraced all mankind; please don’t sinfully replace its bountifully adorable laughter; with your ghoulish teardrops of torturously penalizing hell,
It was the most divine fantasy of every organism alive; please don’t hideously cripple its unblemished originality; with your disparaging greed and ostracizing prejudice,
It was an unparalleled jewel of the poignant eye; please don’t salaciously rip apart its skin; with your profusely blood stained and barbaric butcher knife,
It was a blessing from the cosmos to all fraternity of mankind breathing and alive; please don’t trade its innocently benign flesh; for your sinister wads of debasing money,
It was the most impregnable Sun of tomorrow; a spell bindingly guiding light; please don’t horrifically confound its boundless resplendence; with your cloudcovers of treacherously gory night,
It was an unfathomable cistern of perennial enchantment; please don’t bawdily kick it with your bohemian toes; always sunk way beneath the graveyards of insane lifelessness,
It was the greatest star ever shining on marvelous earth divine; please don’t brutally plagiarize it with corpses of illiteracy and pernicious sodomy; instead of gifting it with effulgent toys,
It was a horizon which had absolutely no end; please don’t vengefully asphyxiate its chords of celestial existence; with the disdainful abhorrence for all surviving; ostensibly burgeoning in your eyes,
It was an immortal heartbeat pulsating with unstoppable life; please don’t tyrannically deprive it of all the fathomless tributaries of love; that it was destined to assimilate every unfurling minute of its beautiful life,
In the name of the Omnipresent Almighty Lord O! Devil; please don’t in anyway harm the new born child; even if your desire to kill transcends everything else on
this planet; you can readily take my life; but please don’t harm the child; don't you dare harm the freshest outcry of newborn life
O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were the most ecstatically ravishing entities; on this fathomlessly enchanting Universe,
O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were the most unbelievably artistic and poignantly sensitive entities; on this boundlessly enamoring Universe,
O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me
were the most unsurpassably surreal and limitlessly fantasizing entities; on
this timelessly enthralling Universe,
O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were the most triumphantly sacrosanct and bountifully virile entities; on this
spell bindingly ever-pervading Universe,
O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were the most compassionately humanitarian and symbiotically melanging entities; on this unceasingly fructifying Universe,
O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were
the most vivaciously exuberant and optimistically brilliant entities; on
this unbelievably symbiotic Universe,
O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were
the most intrepidly tangy and ebulliently unconquerable entities; on this spectacularly panoramic Universe,
O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were the most jubilantly charismatic and inimitably priceless entities; on this timelessly Omnipotent Universe,
O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were
the most impeccably mollifying and ubiquitously effulgent entities; on
this inexhaustibly redolent Universe,
O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were
the most iridescently vivacious and tranquilly ameliorating entities; on
this unfathomably blessed Universe,
O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me
were the most chirpily extravagant and unstoppably burgeoning entities; on
this Omnisciently insuperable Universe,
O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were
the most truthfully undefeated and righteously bestowing entities; on
this uninhibitedly heavenly Universe,
O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were the most fantastically embellished and informally heartfelt entities; on this immaculately invincible Universe,
O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were
the most eternally liberating and blissfully vibrant entities; on this victoriously Omnipresent Universe,
O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were
the most benevolently philanthropic and wholeheartedly Samaritan entities; on this indefatigably proliferating Universe,
O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were
the most patriotically unflinching and fearlessly divine entities; on this unbeatably emollient Universe,
O! Yes; there were definitely two women in my life; both of whom for me were
the most synergistically consummate and ardently affable entities; on this impregnably transcending Universe,
O! Yes; there were definitely two women in life; both of whom for me were the most dexterously molded and creatively evolving entities; on this fabulously twinkling Universe,
O! Yes; there were definitely two women in life; both of whom for me were the most eclectically adept and unshakably harboring entities; on this magically mitigating Universe,
The first one of them was my perpetually Godly Mother who gave me birth to
relish the astoundingly unlimited gifts of this planet. Whilst the second one was my Heavenly Beloved; who not only made me feel unassailably alive in this lifetime; but was the cardinal reason for my rebirth an infinite more times to enjoy an infinite more lifetimes.
Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Businessmen; astoundingly manipulating even the most infinitesimal nuances of trade; handsomely seated on the absolute zeniths of corporate victories,
Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Magicians; possessing the unbelievable ability of transforming even the most tawdrily decrepit piece of junk; into unconquerably glittering gold,
Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Politicians; dexterously governing the pragmatic lives of countless million people; right at their surreptitiously slippery fingertips,
Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Warriors; altruistically shedding even the last bone of their spines for the service of their venerated motherland; whilst wholesomely capturing every element of the devil in mind; body and spirit,
Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Devils; the most despicably hedonistic curmudgeons of insanity; satanically massacring every thing that they encountered in vicinity; without the tiniest reason or rhyme,
Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Astrologers; amazingly able to portend even the most obfuscated of happenings to unfurl; centuries later than this very vivaciously breathing day; today,
Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Philosophers; holding boundless organisms in an unimaginably spell-bound stupor; as they indefatigably
sermonized the ideals of exhilarating existence and ultimate death,
Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Gamblers; where an infinite currency coin first slipped from their palms like ecstatically melting; before astutely multiplying itself into fathomless more of its very own kind,
Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Musicians; timelessly rekindling even the most lugubriously livid parchment of the atmosphere; with victoriously unfettered rhapsody,
Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Sportsmen; majestically recoining the definition of whichever game that they played; perpetually ensuring their place in the most spectacularly emollient of legend books,
Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Pioneers; evolving an inexhaustibly fructifying revolution; out of inanely dying wisps of battered nothingness,
Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Dancers; flexing even the most obsolete crannies of their bodies to myriad colors; shapes and forms; timelessly
bewitching the atmosphere of even the most monotonously deadened of night,
Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Fantasizers; perennially galloping in the full fervor of life in those inscrutably tingling spaces; which were beyond the definitions of infinite infinity,
Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Swimmers; profoundly enjoying it only when there was the most truculently devastating storm at sea; when waves as ferociously tall as the sky; intransigently whipped them on every part of their naked form,
Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Street-Smarts; deplorably spitting an ocean of deplorable slang; at even the most non-receptively robotic bits of concrete in the gutter can,
Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Robbers; wholesomely dumbfounding the law on every conceivable occasion; stupefying millions of true soldiers with the parasitically profane treachery in their glib heels,
Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Philanderers; flirting with an infinite women at one given moment; almost proclaiming themselves to have given birth to the entire of the limitless living kind,
Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Devotees; selflessly beheading the most intriguing of their scalps at the feet of the Almighty Lord; at the slightest of innuendo,
Some introduced themselves as the greatest of Wrestlers; indefatigably overpowering every element of perceivable weakness in the Universe; with the sheer and most ardent tenacity of their robustly bulging muscle,
Whilst I introduced myself as a hopelessly devastated and irretrievable loser in every commercial aspect of life; but nevertheless and solely as the “Son” of my unconquerably Omnipotent and eternally compassionate mother.
Give me the most treacherously stagnating of lies; or give me the most triumphantly blazing Sun of gloriously unfettered truth,
Give me the most invidiously crippling of disease; or give me the most spell
binding rainshowers of eternally fructifying prosperity,
Give me the most sadistically perverted of insomnia; or give me the most celestially mollifying and perpetually reinvigorating of rest,
Give me the most viciously stoning of torture; or give me the most astoundingly Omnipotent atmosphere of ubiquitous prosperity,
Give me the most obliviously rotting of dilapidation; or give me the most
robustly burgeoning mists of unbelievably ecstatic freshness,
Give me the most sinfully massacring coffins of betrayal; or give me the most compassionately invincible valleys of perennially liberating camaraderie,
Give me the most hedonistically delirious of slavery; or give me the perennial wings of freedom to timelessly and unabashedly discover my own identity,
Give me the most hopelessly crucifying of abuse; or give me the most unassailably proliferating of victoriously undying blessing,
Give me the most raunchily diabolical of prejudice; or give me the most impregnably benign spirit to disseminate the mantra of unconquerably symbiotic humanity; till the very last breath of my life,
Give me the most diabolically penalizing of prison; or give me the most pristinely panoramic gorges of stupendous wonderment; to tirelessly enthrall even the most infinitesimal of my senses,
Give me the most flagrantly sacrilegious of deterioration; or give me the most fantastically ameliorating of virility; which instantaneously engendered me to spawn into countless more of my kind,
Give me the most haplessly inexplicable of misery; or give me the most insuperably redolent power to portend even the most inconspicuously fragile element of my enchanting destiny,
Give me the most lethally asphyxiating of venom; or give me the most bountifully heavenly elixir to triumphantly transcend over even the most obfuscated devil in life,
Give me the most lecherously vomiting of monotony; or give me the most benevolently blessed brain; which had the unfathomable temerity to fantasize
even beyond the land of infinite infinity,
Give me the most brutally tormenting of cancer; or give me the most infallibly fiery blood in my veins; which possessed the tenacity to overtopple even the mightiest of satanic devils,
Give me the most cadaverously fetid of ghost; or give me the most undefeated
form of life in every of my stride; as I galloped towards the ultimate epitomes of venerated paradise,
Give me the most inevitably squelching coffin; or give me the most indomitably perpetual cistern of breath; that lit a fire of unsurpassable hope on every speck of the atmosphere that it fell,
Give me the most perniciously salacious dungeon of tawdry betrayal; or give me the most Immortally untainted sky of limitlessly blessing love,
Give me the most heinously cursed form of orphaned death; or give me the most unconquerably iridescent Universe of life; which none could ever dream to besiege,
And give me whatever you choose to O! Omnipotent Mother; I would still accept it with the most symbiotically effulgent of smile; without the tiniest of angst in my heart; soul and breath; if only you just allowed me to wholeheartedly and open-handedly receive the same at your; timelessly divinely feet
It was only a mother who so majestically bore you 9 months in her Omnipotent womb; nourishing every ingredient of your blessed body and bone; with her very own pricelessly inimitable blood,
It was only a mother who delivered you so celestially to the world; not letting even the most infinitesimal of scratch engulf your persona; whilst bearing the most indescribably excruciating of pain,
It was only a mother who so compassionately suckled you with her sacrosanct
milk; mollifying even the most mercurial trace of your irascible hunger; although she was uncontrollably shivering in cancerous disease all the time,
It was only a mother who so holistically taught you how to walk; following
and tracing even the most oblivious footstep of yours; whilst you kicked your baby feet in uninhibited abandon towards her impeccable face,
It was only a mother who so obsessively searched every cranny of this earth;
to feed you with the best food and fruit available; bearing countless a whiplash of the sadistically pugnacious society in the entire process,
It was only a mother who so unsurpassably trembled in the freezing winter night; but enveloped every inch of your tiny form in the last altruistic robe adorning her venerated body,
It was a only mother who so endlessly fought against the entire planet; just so that you wholesomely followed even the most unconventionally evanescent dreams of your heart; just so that you blossomed till realms beyond infinite infinity in whatever symbiotic you chose to do,
It was only a mother who so irrefutably believed every voice that emanated from your soul; even as the entire Universe ignominiously slandered you and incarcerated you in ghoulishly crippling chains,
It was only a mother who so magnanimously condoned even the most unpardonable of your sin; infallibly believing it when you said that it had happened quite inadvertently from your demeanor,
It was only a mother who so indefatigably prayed to the Omniscient Almighty
Lord for your perpetual betterment; whilst herself pathetically emaciating on a coffin of cadaverously fetid thorns,
It was only a mother who so selflessly and forever showered her countless blessings upon your impoverished form; even though at times you rebuked her; and lived in separated dwellings after earning your own livelihood,
It was only a mother who so brilliantly sketched even the most ethereal ingredient of your form with the redolent blood in her veins; even in the most diabolically crucifying of blackness,
It was only a mother who so perennially congratulated you at the even the most fugitive of your accomplishment; whilst the entire tawdry planet unceasingly laughed at your inanely frigid foolhardiness,
It was only a mother who so inexhaustibly stood guard by your side all day
and satanic night; invincibly safe-guarding you from even the most dreariest voice of the devil; whilst you snored in bounteous heaven’s paradise,
It was only a mother who so unabashedly sold herself to every tangible trace of the chauvinistic male demon; just in order to earn that extra penny; which would add an undefeated glint to each element of your survival,
It was only a mother who so indefatigably harnessed even the most fleeting trace of your creativity; epitomizing the artist effulgently radiating from your breath; to perpetually blend with the Omnipresent Almighty Lord,
It was only a mother who so royally ameliorated you from the dungeons of torturous pain; metamorphosing even the most unstoppably bleeding of your wounds into the unassailable light of the Morning Sun; with just a single of her miraculous caress,
It was only a mother who so immortally loved you as her child; immortally dedicated every beat of her heart to your ecstatic creation; for a countless more of her lifetimes,
It was only a mother who so timelessly nourished every aspect of your truncated existence with her unflinchingly godly breath; tirelessly pumping victorious life in your mind; body; soul and spirit; even after she inevitably left for her heavenly abode,
And yet you fecklessly decrepit human molecule overlooked everything that she’d done for you; cannibalistically overlooked the incomparable sacrifices that she’d made to enable you to live an unlimited number of lifetimes; ruthlessly embossing your father’s initials instead of hers between your name and surname; just because it’d been going on since thousands of years; and just because your spuriously stupid society said
Not even the most indomitably peaking and handsomely compassionate of
mountains could ever dream of perennially protecting me; as much as,
Not even the most tantalizingly tangy and intrepidly fearless of oceans could ever dream of bountifully revitalizing me; as much as,
Not even the most celestially sacrosanct and pristinely blessed of cows could ever dream of holistically purifying me; as much as,
Not even the most vivaciously virgin and indispensably mollifying droplets of rain could ever dream of victoriously liberating me; as much as,
Not even the most optimistically brilliant and unceasingly divine of Sunlight could ever dream of insuperably inspiring me; as much as,
Not even the most resplendently tranquil and irrefutably altruistic of shadows could ever dream of endlessly pacifying me; as much as,
Not even the most ebulliently mystical and impeccably benign of moonlight could ever dream of timelessly consecrating me; as much as,
Not even the most fathomlessly majestic and unsurpassably unhindered of skies could ever dream of inexhaustibly freeing me; as much as,
Not even the most Omnipotently blessed and symbiotically fortified of milk could ever dream of perpetually nourishing me; as much as,
Not even the most inscrutably enthralling and vividly embellished of forests could ever dream of forever entrancing me; as much as,
Not even the most redolently inimitable and unassailably royal of lotus’s could ever dream of limitlessly befriending me; as much as,
Not even the most fantastically potent and everlastingly fructifying of seeds could ever dream of gloriously burgeoning me; as much as,
Not even the most supremely invincible and unprecedentedly vibrant of paradise could ever dream of unceasingly blessing me; as much as,
Not even the most eternally glorifying and serendipitously stupefying of rainbows could ever dream of insurmountably bewitching me; as much as,
Not even the most candidly scintillating and indefatigably honest of mirrors could ever dream of truthfully reflecting me; as much as,
Not even the most magically ameliorating and wonderfully crystalline of streams could ever dream of bounteously quenching my thirst; as much as,
Not even the most ingeniously original and boundlessly mitigating of fantasies could ever dream of miraculously alleviating me; as much as,
Not even the most unconquerably Omnipresent and ubiquitously ever-pervading of messiahs; saints; lovers and heartthrobs could ever dream of harmoniously
rekindling me; as much as,
As much as my immortal mother is forever crazy about even the most infinitesimal aspect of my existence; as much as my mother protected me from even the most diminutive trace of the devil before I could emanate my very first breath; as much as my mother endlessly blesses me even in the most oblivious of her dreams; as much as my mother admires me more than what anything could have admired anything else on this fathomless Universe; as much as my mother forgives me more than what the Lord could have forgiven any organism alive on this aristocratic earth; as much as my Mother breathes my and solely my reflection in each of her breath; and in every of her lifetime.
Those fingers of hers might be too infinitesimally tiny for the world to comprehend; inarticulately swishing all the time; in free bits of exotic space,
But each compassionate caress of theirs; imparted my disastrously dithering countenance with such marvelous rejuvenation; that no other caress on this endless Universe; could ever fathom to bequeath.
Those eyes of hers might be too incoherently flirtatious for the world to comprehend; unknowingly swirling in boundless directions; at a single time,
But each resplendent twinkle of theirs; bestowed upon my manipulatively besieged visage with such majestic exhilaration; that no other twinkle on this gigantic Universe; could ever perceive to bequeath.
Those lips of hers might be too inconspicuously mumbling for the world to comprehend; hardly able to explicitly pronounce their own identity; timelessly
searching for the right word,
But each poignant kiss of theirs; flooded my murderously bereaved soul with such an unfathomable ocean of mesmerizing melody; that no other kiss on this limitless Universe; could ever envisage to bequeath.
Those feet of hers might be too ludicrously tiny for the world to comprehend; perennially tucked under the profusely silken quilt; sporadically changing their
complexion with the swaying winds,
But each divine impression of theirs; overwhelmed my malevolently faltering conscience with such irrefutable righteousness; that no other impression on
this fathomless Universe; could ever imagine to bequeath.
Those voices of hers might be too innocuously abstruse for the world to comprehend; sounding to some as pathetically rambunctious balderdash,
But each magical incantation of theirs; soothed my tyrannically dictatorial nerves so much blissful royalty; that no other incantation on this unsurpassable Universe; could ever conceive to bequeath.
Those ears of hers might be too frigidly soft for the world to comprehend; capriciously flapping to even the most diminutive draught of breeze,
But each inscrutable reverberation of theirs; drifted my abhorrently plagued existence so heavenly towards the aisles of exuberant rhapsody; that no other reverberation on this unprecedented Universe; could ever visualize to bequeath.
Those cheeks of hers might seem too insignificantly insipid for the world to comprehend; resembling the purest shades of white from the; ebulliently midnight moon,
But each vivacious blush of theirs; maneuvered my ungainly tottering footsteps so celestially to blazing victory; that no other blush on this mammoth Universe; could ever fantasize to bequeath.
Those freshly budding crusts of her teeth might seem too nimbly unwarranted for the world to comprehend; occasionally getting stuck with the robust pinks of her tiny tongue,
But each ardent chattering of theirs; impregnated my impoverished visage with a tenacity so invincibly resolute; that no other chattering on this gargantuan
Universe; could ever dream to bequeath.
Those nostrils of hers might seem too lividly inconsequential for the world to comprehend; at times making her minuscule bundle in the cradle invisible; to even the most stringently brilliant of light outside,
But each aristocratic breath of theirs; enshrouded my lugubriously dwindling persona with such astounding exuberance; that no other breath on this scintillating Universe; could ever visualize to bequeath.
And those heartbeats of hers might seem too capriciously evanescent to the world outside; at times making it difficult for strangers to discern as to whether she was lifeless or vibrantly alive,
But each immortal bonding of theirs; made each element of my traumatically beleaguered life blossom with so much unconquerable love; that no other bonding on this tireless Universe; could ever cogitate to bequeath.
I still profoundly remember those moments when we had first met; with your eyelashes fervently fluttering in untamed exhilaration; under golden rays of the midday Sun,
And today you sat like a silken princess beside me; with our new born daughter cuddled compassionately in your palms; as you bounced her euphorically towards
the mystical clouds; every now and again.
I still ardently remember those moments when we had first met; with an unfathomable myriad of emotions stifled a trifle in your throat; as you nervously groped for the right words to begin,
And today you stared into the whites of my eyes like the ultimate angel of my life; with our new born daughter poignantly suckling milk from your impeccable chest; as you perpetually tightened your grip; upon my impoverished palms.
I still fondly remember those moments when we had first met; with the beats of your heart throbbing more vociferously than insatiable thunderbolts of lightening in crimson sky; as you tried to sagaciously discern every element of my diminutive countenance,
And today you embraced me more impregnably than the heavens could every embrace the clouds; with our new born daughter marvelously relishing your Godly touch; as you resolved to be only mine; for a countless more lifetimes.
I still ecstatically remember those moments when we had first met; with an air of stupendously supreme consciousness; triggering you to adjust the parting of
your mesmerizing hair; with even the most inconspicuous draught of air,
And today you miraculously bestowed a river of unfathomable newness upon my every disastrously traumatized nerve; with our new born daughter mischievously poking her immaculate fingers into your nose; as you kissed me like a tantalizing seductress on my cheeks.
I still eternally remember those moments when we had first met; with your ingratiating form timelessly eluding me; as you surreptitiously tried to camouflage your shivering form behind the undulating hills,
And today your ravishing hair blew perennially across the contours of my despicably languishing face; with our new born daughter blissfully sleep in your heavenly palms; as you poignantly assimilated even the most infinitesimal desire of my soul; in the ever-pervading streams of your scarlet blood.
I still fervently remember those moments when we had first met; with an unsurpassable sky of goose-bumps; creeping in inexplicable excitement upon every pore of your celestial skin,
And today your enamoring lips had forever interlocked with mine; with our new born daughter innocuously wailing in your majestic ears; as your even the remotest trace of your shadow blended with mine; for centuries immemorial.
I still passionately remember those moments when we had first met; with torrential showers of rain pelting from the sky; propelling you to shiver in uncontrollable excitement; as you regally awaited my advancing footsteps,
And today even the slightest of your gaze had taken invincible control over my heart; soul and conscience; with our new born daughter flirtatiously frolicking at your divinely feet; as you made me feel the richest organism ever alive; on the trajectory of this gigantic Universe.
I still piquantly remember those moments when we had first met; with your sensuously fulminating eyes; hardly mustering the courage to witness even the most obfuscated of my reflection,
And today you unassailably signed every beat of my romantically throbbing heart with the immortal signature of love; with our new born daughter snuggling deeper and deeper into your comforting bosom; as you became the only reason for my holistic existence.
I still proudly remember those moments when we had first met; with your words of inarticulately melodious introduction; seeming to me like the most fascinating
sounds on this mammoth planet,
And today you enshrouded me from all sides with your aura of Omnipresent righteousness; with our new born daughter making us feel greater than the greatest of Gods every unfurling minute; as you impregnably intermingled each of your breath; with mine.
It was a moment which had blissfully bestowed all astounding beauty of this colossal Universe; in our diminutively impoverished laps,
It was a moment which impregnated such an exhilarating cheer to our cheeks; that we became wholesomely oblivious; to even the most infinitesimal definition of bizarre sadness,
It was a moment which perpetually annihilated even the tiniest iota of our guilt; inundating our frantically traumatized souls; with the marvelously ingratiating melody of the; enthralling atmosphere,
It was a moment which miraculously transformed the treacherously sullen contours of our defeated faces; into the blazingly triumphant fireball; of Omnipotent sunshine,
It was a moment which bountifully transpired the most eclectic artist from our bereaved bloodstreams; articulately molding us into an entrenchment of stupendously vivacious beauty and unparalleled charm,
It was a moment which blessed us with the Herculean tenacity; to smilingly confront; even the most acrimoniously vicious disaster; in inscrutable life,
It was a moment which brought back an ocean of unbelievable empathy in our manipulatively prejudiced eyes; eternally taught us to compassionately coalesce
with all resplendent mankind,
It was a moment which indefatigably triggered us to enchantingly sing and dance; exuberantly gyrate our nimble forms forever; under the voluptuously seductive curtain of; milky midnight,
It was a moment which perpetuated us to wholeheartedly laugh; magnificently express the inner most of our feelings; to symbiotically exist as one for centuries
It was a moment which Omnisciently took away even the most horrifically remorseful of our grief; perennially enveloping us in the swirl of; divinely mesmerizing existence,
It was a moment which majestically swept us of our drearily tyrannized feet; to timelessly soar in the paradise of; ravishingly charismatic togetherness,
It was a moment which made us live each second to the most stupendously unprecedented limits; sagaciously realize the most exotically wonderful essence;
of gloriously Omnipresent life,
It was a moment which instilled in us an untamed spirit of unconquerable pride; a cloud of blissful contentment which even the greatest of God’s in the cosmos;
found hard to believe,
It was a moment which spell bindingly redefined every languidly insidious element of our miserable existence; fulfilling even the most evanescent of our wishes; with the heavenly replenishment of this entire planet,
It was a moment which transited us back into realms of our very own impeccable childhood; far away from the vagaries of this salaciously corrupt Universe; and
frolicking in the lap of our Mother to our absolute heart’s content,
It was a moment which regally transformed every tear from our despicably withering eye; into a priceless jewel of uncrowned glory; showering synergistic prosperity on every step that we transgressed,
It was a moment which fulminated the fire of irrefutable truth in our invidiously beleaguered conscience; tirelessly propelling us forward; to unite every scattered thread on this gigantic planet; in the light of celestial righteousness,
It was a moment which beautifully enshrouded us with unassailable whirlwinds of sensuously ecstatic breath; wholesomely disassociating us from the chapter
of lugubriously ghastly death,
And it was a moment which unequivocally made us the richest organisms on this Universe; ironically without a penny in our rudimentary pockets;
As the first cries of our freshly born daughter; embedded its godly impression in our joyous hearts; for infinite more births yet to come; and imparted us with the ardor to exist; forever and ever and ever.
The afternoon of 2nd April was profusely bountiful; as the Sun cast its flamboyantly Omnipotent spell; upon even the most penuriously obsolete granules of soil,
The afternoon of 2nd April was unbelievably rhapsodic; as vivaciously striped butterflies; melodiously philandered over the; perennially blooming lotuses,
The afternoon of 2nd April was exotically enchanting; as gorgeous waterfalls cascaded harmoniously from the mountains; euphorically titillating dreary earth,
The afternoon of 2nd April was blissfully bestowing; as fountains of ever pervading beauty; sprang in ebulliently untamed unison; from the aisles of orphaned nothingness,
The afternoon of 2nd April was blisteringly patriotic; as unflinchingly scintillating soldiers fearlessly marched forward; to impregnably defend their ruthlessly imprisoned motherland,
The afternoon of 2nd April was ingratiatingly heavenly; as gigantically enamoring festoons of leaves; exotically placated all those aimlessly loitering without the most insipid of roof,
The afternoon of 2nd April was marvelously majestic; as a blanket of vividly fascinating rainbows; poignantly enshrouded the fathomless firmament of blue sky,
The afternoon of 2nd April was stupendously royal; as an unsurpassable fleet of kingly eagles; indefatigably encircled the gloriously misty cocoon of satiny clouds,
The afternoon of 2nd April was impeccably candid; as even the most disastrously beleaguered of conscience’s; irrefutably drifted towards the corridors of unassailable truth,
The afternoon of 2nd April was exhilaratingly adventurous; as torrentially frosty winds of timelessness; ecstatically gushed past the unsurpassably grandiloquent landscapes,
The afternoon of 2nd April was incredulously mystical; as the endless undulations of the ravishing forests; incessantly reverberated; with an ocean of melodious nightingale sounds,
The afternoon of 2nd April was magically articulate; as an incomprehensible of gregarious spiders; rhetorically spun dwellings of pure silk; within lightening seconds of time,
The afternoon of 2nd April was insurmountably passionate; as insatiably infatuated lovers; took clandestine reprieve behind the honey drenched meadows; to have the most tantalizing time of their lives,
The afternoon of 2nd April was overwhelmingly sacrosanct; as young ones replenished their bodies to the most unprecedented limits; amiably bouncing in the lap of their divinely mother’s,
The afternoon of 2nd April was splendidly persevering; each instant of the tickling clock; unfurled into a river of marvelously well deserved sweat; and
exotically gratifying hard work,
The afternoon of 2nd April was eternally vibrant; as the winds of magnanimous graciousness; compassionately embraced all those; engulfed with treacherous
misery and traumatized pain,
The afternoon of 2nd April was seductively whispering; as the boundless fleet of fish and celestially rising waves; congenially kissed till times immemorial,
The afternoon of 2nd April was unshakably invincible; as Omnipresent God’s in the cosmos; magnificently feasted upon all harmoniously endless bliss; upon the trajectory of this colossal planet,
And although it had embossed in it all ingredients to make it passionately special; the afternoon of 2nd April for me was immortally priceless; as there lay the most wonderful gift of the Lord's creation in my fervently outstretched palms; there lay my princely and first daughter kavya.
Her impeccably wandering and emphatic eyes; were exactly like mine; mischievously fulminating into an island of unparalleled exuberance; every unfurling minute of the day,
While the charismatically wonderful lips; she had stupendously inherited from her mother; perennially blossoming into a paradise of rhapsodically untamed happiness.
Her magnificently robust and heavenly pink toes; were exactly like mine; intrepidly frolicking all the time; towards the clouds of mystical adventure,
While the miraculously Omnipotent contours of her pristine feet; she had astoundingly inherited from her mother; enchantingly dancing to the tunes of the seductively milky night.
Her celestially radiant and immaculate palms were exactly like mine; metamorphosing every thing that she blissfully caressed into an entrenchment of unfathomable empathy,
while the enamoring vivacity in her intricately poignant fingers; she had eclectically inherited from her mother; delectably swishing them to inquisitively explore even the most minuscule trace of newness; in the gloriously dazzling atmosphere.
Her bountifully twinkling and mesmerizing ears were exactly like mine; ebulliently flapping under thefirst rays of the Omnisciently golden Sun,
While the melodiously enchanting voice; she had profoundly inherited from her mother; as she exotically placated even the most disastrously traumatized parts of this unending Universe; with the unsurpassable joy in her untainted sounds.
Her diminutively fragrant and triumphant neck was exactly like mine; innocuously drifting towards all ravishingly tantalizing goodness in the vibrant atmosphere,
While the majestic silhouettes of her everlasting chest; she had incredulously inherited from her mother; beautifully assimilating all priceless humanity on this unfathomable planet; in her gloriously Omnipotent soul.
Her poignantly crimson and immaculate blood was exactly like mine; innocuously culminating into a stream of sparkling newness; every unveiling instant of the brilliantly flamboyant day,
While the magnanimously ingenious network of her virgin veins; she had ecstatically inherited from her mother; as she profusely harbored the virtues of fathomlessly glistening mankind; in every element of her regally aristocratic visage.
Her voluptuously ebullient eyelashes were exactly like mine; handsomely fluttering towards the corridors of eternity; under the milky ocean of iridescently starry twilight,
While the ravishingly priceless crusts of hazel hair on her scalp; she had scintillatingly inherited from her mother; as she philandered in the meadows of divinely playfullness; for infinite more births yet to unveil.
Her resplendently fiery and mystical breath was exactly like mine; boundlessly spawning into an entrenchment of spell binding exoticism; on every path
that she enigmatically transgressed,
While the fabulously silken shapes of her nose; she had majestically inherited from her mother; as she became the irrefutably unparalleled darling; of even the most obsoletely forlorn and coldblooded devils.
Her eternally blissful and sacrosanct conscience was exactly like mine; fostering nothing but the blazing whirlwinds of Omnipresent truth,
While the freshly budding crusts of scintillating teeth; she had fascinatingly inherited from her mother; as she ingratiatingly munched the fruits of timeless creation; for centuries unprecedented.
And although she had proudly inherited some of me; while a fathomless elements of her divinely body were an astounding replication of her; heavenly mother,
Her new born heartbeats were the most purest form of the Almighty Lord; not only immortally diffusing into the chapter of perpetual love; but unconquerably proving that it was indeed the most ultimate panacea for all forms of existence; the most unassailable belonging to handsomely cherish; even centuries after invidiously ghastly death.
Your impeccably fascinating and nimble lids; had infatuated my despicably tyrannized eyes; to such an overwhelmingly profuse extent,
That they had forgotten to disdainfully cry; shrugging the winds of brutally traumatized anguish; forever and ever and ever.
Your freshly budding crusts of immaculately clattering teeth; had infatuated my pathetically gloomy lips; to such an unimaginably unprecedented extent,
That they had forgotten even the most diminutive definition of painstaking sadness; perennially blossoming into cloudbursts of ebullient laughter.
Your rhapsodically tinkling and tranquilly dangling lobes; had infatuated my drearily dwindling ears to such a profoundly unconquerable extent,
That they had completely relinquished the ocean of diabolically manipulative sound forever; poignantly blending their fading senses; with the entrenchment of bountifully panoramic atmosphere.
Your celestially innocuous and mesmerizing dimples; had infatuated my nervously writhing neck to such an irrevocably overpowering extent,
That it incorrigibly refrained to maneuver even the slightest towards salaciously evil; fabulously enshrouding itself with the heavenly fruits of eternally ravishing creation.
Your magically resplendent and supremely tiny palms; had infatuated my penuriously staggering fingers; to such an Omnisciently miraculous extent,
That they unequivocally quit even the most infinitesimally insipid iota of evil; invincibly bonding with all philanthropically symbiotic mankind.
Your wonderfully regale and twinkling feet; had infatuated my morbidly wavering footsteps; to such an incomprehensibly exuberant extent,
That they perpetually marched towards the path of gloriously unflinching righteousness; spawning a fascinatingly unassailable religion of humanity; on
every step that they transgressed.
Your daintily enamoring and immaculate belly; had infatuated my disastrously famished stomach to such an endlessly supreme extent,
That it perennially expurgated even the most inconspicuous element of treachery miserably incarcerated within; handsomely replenishing itself with the seeds of romantically unending timelessness.
Your unchallangably godly and pristine breath; had infatuated my heinously estranged nostrils; to such a tantalizingly fathomless extent,
That they exhaled only the mantra of scintillatingly priceless truth; wholesomely abdicating even the tiniest trace of malice; for infinite more births yet to unveil.
Your melodiously poignant streams of innocent blood; had infatuated my remorsefully shrinking veins to such a holistically serene extent,
That they intractably vomited all lecherously dolorous despair; majestically assimilating the gorgeously untainted charisma; of this boundlessly beautiful
And your royal fountain of immortally new born beats; had infatuated my ludicrously extinguishing heart to such an undefeated extent,
That it not only indefatigably entwined with the cradle of glitteringly compassionate love; but ubiquitously disseminated a stream of marvelous humanity to every cranny besieged with horrendously crippling despair; passionately sequestered every devastatingly orphaned cry; in its humanitarian swirl.
I had been ardently yearning for this moment as much as fathomless fields of barren grass; passionately yearn for rain,
And today her beautifully soft palms were entwined in heavenly unison with my chest; as she astoundinglystartled me with her bountifully sporadic winking.
I had been intransigently desiring this moment; as much as the unfathomably mystical forests; perennially desire resplendent fruit,
And today her celestially innocuous eyes reflected the Omnipotent charisma of the entire Universe in my face; as she gorgeously emanated her very first cry of survival.
I had been tumultuously craving for this moment; as much as the patriotically blazing soldiers crave for; irrefutably scintillating triumph,
And today her mischievous shock of ravishing hair; eternally caressed my
ebulliently tear soaked cheeks.
I had been intractably perceiving this moment; as much as the Gods in the cosmos indefatigably perceive; harmoniously symbiotic brotherhood on even the most
remote quarter of this Universe,
And today her divinely diminutive feet rhapsodically kicked my chin; with each profoundly pronounced line on her majestic palms; euphorically chiseling the
remainder of my penurious life.
I had been irrevocably fantasizing about this moment; as much as the profusely scarlet roses fantasize about being regally kissed; by the voluptuously
silken clouds,
And today her innocuously rubicund lips smiled uninhibitedly at me; putting my unsurpassable ocean of worries and anguish; to a perpetual rest.
I had been indefatigably wanting this moment; as much as dolorous solitariness wanted to be handsomely perpetuated; by a resplendently twinkling fountain of
enchanting sounds,
And today her ingratiatingly sacrosanct forehead rested blissfully in my outstretched hands; as she beautifully suckled my little finger in her Godly mouth.
I had been unrelentingly cognizing this moment; as much as the freshly sown seeds incessantly cognized about being aristocratically drenched; by torrential tumblers of sparkling rain,
And today her immaculately Omniscient skin bestowed upon me not only the strength to rise from my veritable grave; but unflinchingly exist for infinite
more births yet to unveil.
I had been fanatically waiting for this moment; as much as the disheveled orphans on the street optimistically waited; to be embraced by cisterns of unparalleled caring,
And today her impeccable large ears flapped in queenly tandem against my fingertips; as she incoherently whispered the magical mantra of life to my; baselessly wandering soul.
And I had been immortally anticipating this moment; as much as gruesomely hapless darkness in the dungeons; perennially anticipate vibrant beams of vivaciously unflinching light,
And today her impregnably minuscule heart throbbed more vibrantly than the chapter of existence near my neck; with the blood running in her sacred veins the same as mine; as she was none other than my newly born daughter; kavya.
There was such an Omnipotence in those impeccably mesmerizing eyes of hers; that made even the most exuberant winds of rhapsody; wholesomely drift their course towards her charismatic contours,
There was such marvelous innocence in those immaculately silken lips of hers; that made even the most brilliantly flaming beams of the Sun; salute her in uninhibitedly unending unison,
There was such endless euphoria in those robustly crimson cheeks of hers; that made even the most voluptuously tantalizing beauty of this colossal planet; bow down in humbly unparalleled adulation,
There was such alluring enigma in those poignantly everlasting smiles of hers; that made even the most ebulliently frolicking meadows on this fathomless earth; stoop down in profusely unconquerable adoration,
There was such natural incoherence in those celestial wails of hers; that made even the most tumultuously compassionate thunderbolts of clouds in unprecedented sky; to torrentially shower down their benign blessings upon the entire human race; for times immemorial,
There was such bountiful vivacity in that vividly enamoring and innocuous stride of hers; that made even the most princely whirlpools of desire; unabashedly crown her as the ultimate mantra to eternal success,
There was such heavenly artistry in those unbelievably rhetoric and minuscule fingers of hers; that made even the most unfathomable cradles of versatility; overwhelmingly applaud her in awe-struck splendor,
There was such profound sensitivity in those delectably diminutive ears of hers; that made even the most glistening hives of enchanting honey; melodiously flow
towards her blissful circumference,
There was such irrefutable honesty in those righteously divine eyes of hers; that made even the most royal Gods in the gigantic cosmos; ecstatically clap till countless more births; yet to unveil,
There was such enamoring exhilaration in those freshly evolved tiny toes of hers; that made even the most patriotically scintillating of paths; wait in ardently augmenting anticipation; for her to perennially tread,
There was such majestic aristocracy in those exotically hazel brown hair of hers; that made even the most unsurpassable entrenchments of timelessness; enshroud her like an impregnable fortress for; limitless more decades yet to come,
There was such regale endowment in those inscrutably tiny destiny lines of hers; that made even the most ecstatically floating clouds in abundant sky; beautifully caress her with their incredulously fascinating charm,
There was such indefatigable poignancy in those vibrantly ravishing veins of hers; that made even the most seductively blossoming lotus’s; to perpetually encapsulate her captivating grace; with ever-pervading fountains of ingratiating scent,
There was such wonderful intrigue in those inadvertently harmonious yawns of hers; that made even the most inscrutably ingenious waves of invention; stand in obeisant guard for decades immemorial beside her,
There was such unassailable triumph in those merrily advancing footsteps of hers; that made even the most blisteringly Omniscient rays of hope; stoop their lids in astounding acknowledgement,
There was such spell binding enthusiasm in those mischievous fantasies of hers; that made even the most fantastically panoramic gorge of proliferating newness; forever bend down in charismatically due respect,
There was such magnificence blended in those gorgeously infinitesimal fists of hers; that made even the most priceless angels in the cosmos; profusely stare till realms beyond eternity; in untamed celestial stupor,
There was such sensuous fervency embellished in those inconspicuous nostrils of hers; that made even the most fragrant lap of the heavens; miraculously bestow vivacious life upon even the dreariest cranny of this unending planet,
There was such immortal love in those passionately palpitating beats of hers; that made even the most Omnipresent messiahs of humanity; sing in Godly praise; for unsurpassable more decades yet to come,
And I considered myself the richest organism on this boundless Universe; as she had my very own blood beautifully fulminating in her tiny veins; as the contours of her innocent face reminded me profusely of my sacrosanct childhood; as she was none other; than my new born daughter kavya.
Enough has been said and appreciated about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the walls of this dwelling; would never have been able to bear the onslaught of the vengefully greedy and rigid society,
Enough has been said and admired about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the children of this dwelling; would never have been able to sleep all blissful night; in the cozy delights of the opulently silken quilt,
Enough has been said and preached about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the rooms of this dwelling; would never have been embedded with luxurious luminosity; which all members profoundly relished all their lifetime,
Enough has been said and saluted about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the driveways of this dwelling; would never have been deluged with bountiful prosperity; which celestially circulated through the hearts of one and all; alike,
Enough has been said and patronized about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the commercial ambitions of all; would never have been so sumptuously placated; imparting them with a chance to embrace even the most bizarrely remote of their dreams,
Enough has been said and advocated about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; sagacious knowledge of this Universe; would never have entered this dwelling; with the mantra of ignorance is bliss; being the only jargon till eternity,
Enough has been said and idolized about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the infants of this dwelling; would never have been able to get the most majestic education; miserably buckling under the whirlwind of poverty and insanity,
Enough has been said and prayed about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the boundaries of this dwelling; would never have been able to bear; the acrimoniously appalling abuse of the uncouth society outside,
Enough has been said and highlighted about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the floors of this dwelling; would never have been able to so handsomely withhold; the unfathomable demands of pampered brats around,
Enough has been said and idolized about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the winds of this dwelling; would never have been so royally subjected; to an unsurpassable fortress of flamboyantly dynamic exuberance; perennially diffusing from your stride,
Enough has been said and talked about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the regal grandiloquence of this dwelling; would never have remained so invincible; with the parasitic world outside insatiably longing to devastate each of its brick,
Enough has been said and revered about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the flowers of this dwelling; would never have bloomed so radiantly; with all inevitably busy in their own conquests; failing to water them so magnificently as you did unflinchingly each day; with the Sun transcending over the rosy horizons,
Enough has been said and symbolized about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the clothes of this dwelling; would have never been so
immaculately spotless; with the ruthless planet outside fervently waiting to
envelop them in bloodbaths of abhorrent war,
Enough has been said and cherished about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the plates of this dwelling; would never have been so aristocratically replenished; with the ungainly famished earth outside unsparingly commencing its vicious atrocity; upon our obliviously innocent blood,
Enough has been said and sung about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the sweat in this dwelling; would never have glistened in such extraordinarily timeless perseverance; with all invidiously lazing without realizing the actual value of life,
Enough has been said and cheered about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the enthusiasm in this dwelling; would never have been so ebulliently prolific; with the worthlessness in the air outside; being simply no match for your exhilaratingly vivacious flair; to win over the entire planet,
Enough has been said and celebrated about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the picturesque timelessness of this dwelling; would never have been so magnificently unassailable; with every lecherous organism who tried to trespass it; sinking only more and more deeper into his ultimate grave,
Enough has been said and embellished about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the breaths of all those in this dwelling; would never
have flowed so uninhibitedly; feeling perpetually free even against the most mightiest of impediment that came its way,
Enough has been said and immortalized about the Mother of the house; had it not been for you dear Daddy; the hearts of all in this dwelling; would never have
throbbed with such unconquerably unending passion; as and when your charismatic voice blazed forever and ever and ever; way above the dormitory of
despairing death.
In the lap of the road there was abundant traffic; wailing pressure horns producing discordant cacophony,
In the lap of the colossal mountain there was snow; shimmering immaculately in the sunlight; projecting shades of white,
In the lap of the garden there was green grass; sprawled rampantly on the soil; tickling me as I walked,
In the lap of a contemporary computer; there lay embossed a plethora of finely chiseled microchips; functioning scrupulously,
In the lap of the river gushing at violent speeds; there were fish of handsome sizes and shapes,
In the lap of a tree densely foliated with leaves; there lived bushy squirrels
juxtaposed with resplendent insects,
In the lap of the scorching desert extending to unfathomable limits; there was hot sand and the rustic cactus swirling magnificently in the wind,
In the lap of the grandiloquent palace; there resided the dainty princess floating in the aisles of ostentation and luxury,
In the lap of the refrigerator; there was succulent fruit strewn alongwith barrels of cold wine,
In the lap of the sky; there was the brilliant sun and placid moon; blessing the earth with light all round the clock,
In the lap of the concrete wall; there were baked bricks impregnated to provide it fortification,
In the lap of the tropical jungle; there were wild animals; white water streams and a scores of venomous spider,
In the lap of the fountain pen; there was colored ink; granting profound impetus to words; molding them to beautiful calligraphy,
In the lap of the deep well; there was stagnant water; which was deftly evacuated by humans to quench their insatiable thirst,
In the lap of prejudice; there lived disdainful hatred; which was its obvious manifestation,
In the lap of the dictionary; there were infinite words finely embodied; granting us
the privilege of communication,
In the lap of the city gutter; lay fetid sewage giving rise to the most unbearable of stench,
In the lap of a cigarette there was bountiful tobacco; which produced carcinogenic smoke when consumed,
In the lap of omnipotent God; there lay the entire universe; with a fleet of organisms diligently executing their tasks,
And in the lap of my mother; there resided perpetual care; the love that no price on this earth could purchase.
Where do we get succulent fruit from; scores of raspberry attached to fresh green leaves,
The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the tall and finely corrugated tree.
Where do we get flocculent wool from; clusters of fur curled up in bountiful heaps,
The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the rotund and blissful mountain sheep.
Where do we get salt from; tones of white powder to impregnate favor to our meals,
The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the magnanimous
and turbulently swirling ocean.
Where do we get milk from; immaculate curd dribbling to consume; for blissfully commencing every morning,
The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the sacrosanct and robust cow.
Where do we get glistening leather from; sleazy chunks of cloth to make our pocket purses,
The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the slithering and tantalizing reptile.
Where do we get scintillating pearls from; impeccable jewels untouched by adulteration,
The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the delectably molded shell of oyster.
Where do we get loads of illumination from; dazzling rays to fumigate the profusely moistened earth,
The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than celestial body of the blazing Sun.
Where do we get mesmerizing fragrance from; gorgeous scent profoundly besieging our nostrils,
The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the crimson colored and dew drop coated lotus.
Where do we get rain from; pelting globules of liquid blended with streaks of white lightning,
The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the colossal expanse of the ominously black sky.
Where do we get bountiful blessings from; tones of unsurpassable success in every sphere of life which we undertake,
The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the omniscient Almighty.
Where do we get insurmountable love from; the exuberant spirit in life to contentedly exist,
The answer to this is simple; for it is none other than the impeccable beloved.
And where do we get an outlet to uninhibitedly express our emotions; informally blurt out the most inconspicuous problem of our mind,
The answer to this is as ubiquitous as ever; for it is none other than the divine mother.
Lunch boxes filled with spicy delicacy,
Children dressed in neat uniform,
Stitched badges identifying institution,
Spacious coarse bags filled with textbook volumes,
On innocuous shoulders of budding youth,
Polished footwear projecting from cream pant,
Shoelace tied in immaculate fashion,
Plaits of hair brushed with coconut oil,
Red tie dangling from shirt collar,
Secured to shirt cloth with metal cufflinks,
Luminous watch dial displaying scrupulous time,
Elastic socks of white conclude attire,
As scores of children boarded the school bus.
Shouts of laughter, chorused rhymes,
Plodding of feet, biting of nails,
Twinkling smiles, comic faces full of glee,
The children were having a gala time,
With dead drunk driver hands on steering wheel,
Flashing demon smiles through rear view glass,
Meeting personal frustration on gas pedal,
As the bus sky rocketed into daylight,
Leaving whirlwinds of dust behind,
Swerving wildly like an African panther,
Ultimately crashing into the wrought iron posts,
Marking the outlines of river bridge,
Shouts of ecstasy transited to breathless horror,
Metal screeched against solid concrete,
Multiseater bus took a hundred feet plunge,
Chorused rhyme converted to imprisoned cries,
As innocent lives plummeted into the ghastly waters,
Eventually drowning into the savage waters of the Amazon
23. 9 MONTHS
9 months of painstaking labor,
9 months of confinement in Luke warm recesses of womb,
9 months of parasitic nourishment from mother food,
9 months of luxury cushioning in chambers of slime,
9 months of oblivion from vagaries of life,
9 months of proximity with rich mass of intestine,
9 months of blissful sleep sheltered from light,
9 months of swim in bountiful fluid encapsulating body,
9 months of gentle caress by her hands occasionally gliding over inflated part of her belly,
9 months of complete suspension in elastic skin pouch,
9 months of developing skin and formation of calcium bone,
9 months of perpetual ecstasy moving tiny legs and hands,
9 months of incessant heat ensuring future health,
9 months of carrier comfort in perambulators of flesh,
9 months of pitch dark existence with blurred premonitions of beautiful mother,
9 months of perspiration blending profusely with gastric juice,
9 months of anxious wait for an encounter with all living and created,
the time is up; multiple day wait seems concluded,
dazzling light of the sun blinds me in entirety,
compassionate soft hands of my mother raise me to the Almighty,
as I open my eyes; emit my first incoherent scream,
silencing worldly commotion with innocent cries of fresh birth.
It doesn't matter at all if you didn’t clamber up the corporate ladder to success; prepared appetizing food in the domestic kitchen instead,
It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t earn exorbitant heaps of money; waited with a glimmer of hope in your eyes for your husband to arrive back from office instead,
It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t pioneer spurious conferences; relaxed in the blissful shades of the lawns; catering to each plant with astronomical love and empathy instead,
It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t march towards work at electric pace 9 'O' clock every morning; profoundly engrossed yourself in meticulously cleaning the entire household instead,
It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t surf the web for hours on the trot chatting with Business magnates; acerbically scolded the Milkman for not delivering milk on time instead,
It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t enter the bank ever in your life; busied yourself safeguarding and refurbishing your husbands assets at home instead,
It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t adorn glamorous clothes and an ocean of ostentatious scent; handsomely chopped a plethora of vegetables for afternoon lunch instead,
It doesn’t really matter if you didn’t speak in bombastic English all day; recited sacrosanct hymns in front of the deity you worshipped instead,
It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t wander in and out of sleazy restaurants to entertain a bunch of baseless clients; nostalgically browsed through the collection of your childhood photographs instead,
It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t use pompous interjections like "sorry"; "excuse me"; "thank you", "please"; every minute; merrily played with scores of infants seated on the golden sands instead,
It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t change cars as frequently as your clothes; molded toys of delectable clay to amuse those orphaned instead,
It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t blow your entire life in extravagant clouds of cigarette smoke; narrated enchanting stories to your entire family at late night; to ease off their tensions and put them off to tranquil sleep instead,
It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t function like clock work all throughout the day; meeting a series of deadlines, fantasized about making this Universe a paradise to live and exist instead,
It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t use manipulative jargons in your speech; displayed pure passion in your eyes to help your counterparts and siblings instead,
It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t bark orders in your sonorous voice to your team of snobbish compatriots; engaged yourself splendidly knitting for your grandchildren instead,
It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t drink inebriating pegs of scintillating whisky in the contemporary bar; fed your pet cat with loads of rich cream and milk affectionately instead,
It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t have contacts spread all over awaiting to execute your every command at the mere tap of your finger; satisfied yourself tremendously in bathing your children clean of their incorrigible dirt instead,
And It doesn’t matter at all if you didn’t achieve any target in your life; didn’t earn even a single penny of your own irrespective of your age; remained a complete recluse without intermingling the slightest with the pompous society,
As I would still "consider you the mortal greatest " dear biological mother ; for
bearing me 9 months in your belly; evolving me to admire all the beauty that philandered in this world; making me capable of confronting any difficulty that
came my way; and granting me the privilege to enjoy all that I was today
I wanted to have breakfast on the Himalayas; profoundly admiring and captivated by the brilliant morning light,
I wanted to perform yogic exercise; sit with my legs crossed in blissful meditation on the 100th floor of the colossal building,
I wanted to breathe whirlwinds of exotic air; wholesomely engulfed by twinkling stars of the sky and the enigma of the night,
I wanted to dance exuberantly under the scintillating moon; swaying my body rhythmically with the mystical tunes of air,
I wanted to masticate succulent chunks of raspberry; in an ambience of dense shrub and enchanting wilderness of the mountain,
I wanted to drink gallons of reinvigorating water; standing at the base of the virgin chain of corrugated rocks,
I wanted to witness my reflection in the mesmerizing eyes of the angel; drown profusely and forever into the ocean of empathy she radiated,
I wanted to laugh standing in the midst of the steep gorge; hearing each giggle reverberate boundless number of times before striking me back in the ear,
I wanted to perspire lazing on the grass; with the majestic rays of the Sun fomenting globules of golden sweat to trickle down my skin,
I wanted to write while seated royally on the cocoon of pearly clouds; metamorphosing each fantasy of mine into a perpetual reality,
I wanted to run along with the battalion of Kangaroos; picking up spurts of speed and expending every iota of power lingering in my leg,
I wanted to give orders sitting on the Princely cushion; seeing to it that the entire nation was prudently synchronized and listened to even the most minuscule of my commands,
I wanted to play incessantly with the dolphins; fondle their ravishing snouts to feel entrenched with waves of unprecedented excitement,
I wanted to sketch and paint seated on the deck of the ship; stroking the barren sheet of canvas with resplendent shades of enamoring color,
I wanted to violently fight in the heart of the pugnacious battlefield; brandishing a shimmering sword in my palms; and an overwhelming ardor to conquer sunk deep into my blood,
I wanted to bathe in a tank of pure honey; allowing it to trickle tantalizingly through each pore of my skin,
I wanted to dig a tunnel prolifically embedded with pearls; savor the opulence and glow that emanated as my pickaxe burrowed a way of its own,
I wanted to pray diligently to the creator; in a century old temple hidden handsomely within the murky camouflage of the dispersed coconut trees,
I wanted to love for fathomless times in the lap of my beloved; intermingling each breath of hers; each heart beat of hers that arose; completely with mine,
And in the end I wanted to sleep; rest in blissful silence far away and oblivious to the tensions of this world; escaping all death and pain; escaping all evil and satanically dark; breathing deeply and feeling invincibly secure; clinging tightly to the body of my mother.
We welcome you with tears of unprecedented empathy in our eyes; wishing you tumultuous luck and success in your future life to unveil,
We welcome you with ardor in our rubicund tongues; blessing you with sacrosanct hymns that diffused from our mouths,
We welcome you with the blistering intensity in our blood; earnestly wanting you to rise to the most astronomical limits in your life,
We welcome you with the passion profusely embedded in our bones; insatiably desire that you keep living blissfully without the slightest of scratch to your scalp,
We welcome you with uninhibited love in our hearts; ardently wanting to wholesomely blend your beats with ours,
We welcome you with our open arms open like the colossal sky; imparting your persona with all the love that we could ever savor or salvage on the circumference of this planet,
We welcome you with profound feelings lingering deep down our soul; fighting till our last breath to wade away even the most tiniest shadow of evil from around your impeccable demeanor,
We welcome you with compassionate smiles engulfing our lips; deluging your future with bountiful spurts of laughter,
We welcome you with overwhelming exuberance in our minds; with an inexorable propensity to enlighten every moment of your life to unveil,
We welcome you with fathomless gifts sandwiched in our palms; hoisting you up and down in the air; umpteenth number of times,
We welcome you with unprecedented mysticism in our voices; blessing you by singing all the divinely prayers we had imbibed till the present time,
We welcome you with clusters of silken sheets and pillows on the floor; an insurmountable yearning in our pulse to make you feel wholesomely at home,
We welcome you with a festoon of ingratiatingly scented flowers in our fists; showering them delectably over the innocuous contours of your new born face,
We welcome you with a profusely enamoring charm in our visage; tickling you playfully in your softly molded ribs,
We welcome you with boundlessly effusive feeling in our chests; casting on your quota of good luck on your spell binding and heavenly form,
We welcome you with the spirit of magnanimous sacrifice embodied in our philanthropic bodies; supporting and propelling you to move forward with all the power we possessed in our entity,
We welcome you with a nostalgic longing in our countenance; transporting ourselves way back into innocent childhood; cuddling you indefatigably in our palms,
We welcome you with all the warmth that we had amalgamated in the tenure of our short lives; disseminating it benevolently for your's as well as the prosperous growth of; several other children of your kind,
And in return to all this we don’t want even the slightest of favor from your side; our only request to you is to call us "Mother" just once perhaps in your entire lifetime; making us more happy than God could ever have been; making us forget that we could never ever have our own blood; an entity whom we could address as our very own child.
Never snatch the Omnipotent Sun; from the fathomless expanse of mesmerizing
blue sky,
Never snatch the poignantly ravishing salt; from the belly of the tantalizingly undulating ocean,
Never snatch the triumphantly scintillating tip; from the gorgeously invincible silhouette of the gigantic mountain,
Never snatch robustly crimson blood; from the boundless conglomerate of intricately bustling veins,
Never snatch the boisterously humming bee; from the heart of the resplendently blossoming flower; philandering merrily with the exuberant breeze,
Never snatch the rhapsodically ebullient melody; from the victoriously drifting and tantalizing breeze, Never snatch the immaculately Heavenly Moon; from the voluptuously titillating wilderness of the enchanting night,
Never snatch the vibrantly flamboyant wings; from the majestically soaring and uninhibitedly innocuous bird,
Never snatch the thunderously impregnable roar; from the throat of the royally ferocious and unequivocally supreme Lion,
Never snatch celestially ingratiating innocence; from the impeccably frolicking and pristinely princely child,
Never snatch eloquently magnetic voice; from the spell bindingly ravishing and sweet nightingale,
Never snatch irrefutably unconquerable pride; from the soul of the immortally departed and valiant martyr,
Never snatch poignantly glistening sands; from the panoramically sweltering landscape of the blisteringly golden desert,
Never snatch naturally proliferating virility; from a harmoniously blending and symbiotically breathing organism,
Never snatch the rustically embellished roots; from the colossally sprawling and aristocratically tree,
Never snatch the wave of sensuously titillating embarrassment; from the freshly adorned and nimbly trembling bride,
Never snatch indispensably Omniscient breath; from a man who altruistically devoted every instant of his life to the service of humanity; tirelessly endeavoring to unite the entire planet in threads of eternal mankind; perpetually alike,
Never snatch immortally unassailable love; from two hearts perennially bonded in chords of symbiotically priceless compassion,
And it is my humble plea to you O! Omnipotently Almighty Lord that no power on this Universe ever succeeds in accomplishing the above; more importantly; no power on this Universe ever succeeds in snatching a Divinely sacred mother; from her newly born and immaculate child.
A million kisses on her mischievously magical palms; as she intriguingly darted to explore every bit of the ecstatically astounding atmosphere,
A million kisses on her flirtatiously dancing lids; as she inadvertently fluttered those diminutively silken folds; at the slightest insinuation of vibrant light,
A million kisses on her immaculately divine lips; as she Omnisciently unveiled into a festoon of enchanting smiles; after every feed of her Mother’s milk,
A million kisses on her innocuously flapping ears; as she poignantly bounced to even the most inconspicuous sounds; euphorically feasting on the first rays of the Sun; like no other entity on planet alive,
And my lips still unrelentingly craved for more; such was the timeless incantation of her newly born spirit; such was the luminescence of her impeccable soul; such was the charisma of her tiny; but immortal heart.
A million kisses on her sacredly minuscule forehead; as she regally stared at my alien face in innocent bewilderment,
A million kisses on her jubilantly tinkling feet; as she naughtily thrust at all that she encountered in vicinity; with her unfathomably burgeoning euphoria,
A million kisses on her royally mesmerizing neck; as she immaculately maneuvered it umpteenth number of times in a single minute; passionately searching for her mother’s breast,
A million kisses on her eternally bountiful eyelashes; as she winked every now and again; demanding to be celestially hoisted towards the fathomless sky; by virtually all her by her tiny side,
And my lips still intransigently wandered for more; such was the miraculous impression of her Omnipresent soul; such was the unsurpassably resplendent radiance of her every new born footstep; such was the charisma of her tiny; but immortal heart.
A million kisses on her profusely baby powder coated armpits; as she unleashed into a fountain of wonderful laughter; gleefully poking me in my ribs,
A millions kisses on her Omnipotently golden belly; as she perennially snuggled closer and closer to my chest; with the onset of the remorsefully fearful and
sordid night,
A million kisses on her marvelously embellished shadow; as she enchantingly crawled towards an entrenchment of endowing goodness; every unfurling minute of the brilliantly sparkling day,
A million kisses on her microscopic yet philanthropic shoulders; as she harbored nothing but unassailable love for all mankind; bonding every element of her countenance with the religion of humanity,
And my lips still ardently prayed for more; such was the glorious essence of her perpetually amiable sharing; such was the unblemished spirit that encapsulated her newly born demeanor; such was the charisma of her tiny; but immortal heart.
A million kisses on her magnificently curly hair; as she fervently suckled her big thumb to divinely appease every ingredient of her; invincibly scarlet blood,
A million kisses on her robustly ebullient tongue; as she rejuvenated life in even the most lugubriously dead; with her inarticulately affable sky of natural cries,
A million kisses on her profoundly rubicund palms; as she frolicked in the aisles of beautifully captivating childhood; entirely oblivious to the rigors of tyrannical destiny and this satanically savage planet,
A million kisses on her freshly spawning fingernails; as she unveiled into a palace of everlasting newness; heavenly bouncing in the lap of her Godly mother,
And my lips still indefatigably sought for more; such was the benign power of her newly born soul; such was the inimitable propensity in her effusively spell binding cries; such was the charisma of her tiny; but immortal heart.
Just spawning an offspring out of your wife’s body; doesn’t make you a father,
Fatherhood is all about the poignant empathy lingering in your eyes; the astronomical pride deep in your chest; for your child.
Just conquering all the wealth in the world; incessantly chasing your aspirations beyond the realms of prudent control; doesn’t make you a father,
Fatherhood is all about walking shoulder to shoulder with your child; enlightening him about the unfathomable intricacies in the chapter called life.
Just embedding bombastic designation tags on your blazer; scurrying with untamed passion in your eyes towards the corridors of monotonous office; doesn’t make you a father,
Fatherhood is all about uninhibited sharing; understanding and profusely blending with the agony in your child’s heart; to the most ultimate of your capacity.
Just greeting your progeny with a spuriously mechanical smile on your face; at the crack of dawn and every once in a while past the descending of midnight; doesn’t make you a father,
Fatherhood is all about supreme informality; bouncing and rampantly frolicking with your child; continuously inculcating in him the ingredients of a blissful existence.
Just dancing in meticulous precision with your unsurpassable armory of manipulative guests; guzzling opulent wine with a somberity befitting the kings; doesn’t make you a father,
Fatherhood is all about possessing the tenacity to shun the entire Universe for your child; cherishing all your wealth; ambition and desires; in the whites of his impeccable eyes.
Just discussing issues with your son with a pompous air in your voice; a colossal conference table dividing you ostentatiously in a single room; doesn’t make you a father,
Fatherhood is all about standing abreast your child in good times and bad; discovering his unfathomable myriad of hidden energies; to make him an
invincible winner in life.
Just putting a miserly advertisement in the newspaper seeking your sons spouse; targeting your bondage with families of status; blowing their wealth like baseless
cigar smoke; doesn’t make you a father,
Fatherhood is all about sacrificing a lifetime for your child’s happiness; exploring that immortal love that needed to encapsulate his mind; body and soul.
Just signing an incomprehensible number of checks in a single day; browsing through the most contemporarily corporatish of business magazines; doesn’t make you a father,
Fatherhood is all about evacuating each droplet of blood that circulated through the conglomerate of your robust veins; to help your child manifest his every dream into a perpetual reality.
Just hardselling your cloudburst of ingenious concepts; astutely maneuvering through each hurdle of life to catapult to the summit of overwhelming fame and popularity; doesn’t make you a father,
Fatherhood is all about philandering with your child through the aisles of uncurbed freedom; reliving till times beyond eternity; those instants when you were an innocent infant.
And just addressing your son as son umpteenth number of times in the sweltering day; doesn’t make you a father,
Fatherhood is all about living life higher than the clouds; making your child constantly feel as if in a land of enchanting paradise; ensuring that his spirits
soared more exuberantly than the angels; even after you had died
Tangily mischievous; yet supremely compatible whenever I needed her the most,
Boisterously bouncing; yet profoundly empathizing with the myriad of difficulties that encountered me in my way,
Incessantly chattering; yet metamorphosing to more silent than a leaf; when I needed to be in perpetual solitude,
Overwhelmingly pampered; yet ready to relinquish the last iota of her riches for saving my life,
Nostalgically childish; yet comprehending all my agonies more sagaciously than the greatest of saints; putting me off to blissful sleep,
Profusely dreaming; yet stirring me completely out of my weird reveries; tumultuously pepping me all the time to march ahead in life,
Crankily agitated; yet triggering me off into an unrelenting festoon of smiles; as I sat devastated in the corridors of gloom,
Insatiably ambitious; yet surrendering herself to incoherent bouts of frolic; to keep my spirits indefatigably soaring higher than the clouds,
Enigmatically nervous; yet standing like an invincible fortress when I came to defending my wave of stupendous integrity,
Inexorably chirpy; yet sitting by my side for hours immemorial as I fervently awaited my examination results to come,
Irrevocably stubborn; yet commiserating and earnestly blending with all what I remarked,
Cheekily extravagant; yet harboring me in realms of secure introversion; when my wounds slit apart with manipulative malice of the extraneous world,
A cyclonic whirlwind; yet waiting with insurmountable patience for me to grace every occasion of her life,
Prudently mature; yet shunning the entire Universe; endeavoring her best to uplift me from my cloistered shell of eccentric recluse,
Nimble statured; yet swirling higher than the most fulminating of volcano's at every heinous finger that dared to stretch even a trifle towards my countenance,
Euphorically artistic; yet confronting an unfathomable battalion of monotonous vagaries in life; so that I remained enchantingly engrossed in the ocean of poetry
for centuries unprecedented,
Magnetically glamorous; yet melanging perfectly with the most aboriginally rustic lifestyles; while trespassing with me on a holiday,
Candid tongued; yet pacifying the belligerent agony torrentially exploding in my heart; with her mesmerizing tunes of immortal love,
Are just frugal words; for even if I assimilated all the philanthropic goodness lingering on this planet; it would be still prove a fraction too less; to describe my
sacrosanct and adorable sister
I will never kiss lips other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; incorrigibly refraining from indulging in the web of licentious desire,
And if ever I did; it would only be your voluptuous armory of seductive smiles; freshly born once again.
I will never stare into eyes other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; abhorring the most gorgeous of alien eyeballs like infinitesimal strands of worthless broomstick,
And if ever I did; it will only be your island of tantalizing eyelashes; freshly born once again.
I will never caress skin other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; disdainfully shrugging the very prospect of ravishing complexion under my
nonchalant frowns,
And if ever I did; it will only be your river of mesmerizing perspiration; freshly born once again.
I will never fondle hair other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; disregarding the most titillating conglomerate of silk; like infinite mosquitoes descending from the sky,
And if ever I did; it will only be your blanket of stupendously enchanting eyebrows; freshly born once again.
I will never drown in any voice other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; massacring even the most exotic trace of sound hovering in untamed
And if ever I did; it will only be your melodious ocean of poignant tunes; freshly born once again.
I will never frolic with a persona other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; sequestering myself in wholesome oblivion amidst the juggernaut of boisterous activity in this chaotic world,
And if ever I did; it will only be your innocuously divine progeny; freshly born
once again.
I will never worship footsteps other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; perennially closing my ears to the most ravenously rhapsodic maidens in this boundless Universe,
And if ever I did; it will only be your incredulously royal shadow; freshly born
once again.
I will never blend with palms other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; blowing all magnetic touch lingering in the atmosphere; under the languid yawns which entrenched my mouth,
And if ever I did; it will only be your cavalcade of profusely impeccable destiny lines; freshly born once again.
I will never mingle with breath other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; remaining as stoical as white ice; even as the most fabulous of seductresses overwhelmed me with their charismatic fragrance,
And if ever I did; it will only be your flurry of insurmountably passionate gasps; freshly born once again.
I will never love any heart other than yours till the time I breathed my last breath; standing like an invincible fortress against the most inevitable of alluring assaults,
And if ever I did; then it will only be your everlasting paradise of pulsating beats; freshly born once again.
Every divinely smile of his; made me blossom into an unsurpassable paradise of astounding newness; as I ebulliently surged forward with the untamed fervor of
vibrant life,
Every naughty wink of his; made me timelessly flirt behind the sun soaked hills; as I perennially felt like a immaculately new born child; in the sacrosanct lap of
my mother; once again,
Every princely footstep of his; made me forever assimilate all benign goodness in the stupendously splendid atmosphere; enshrouding my life with unfathomable righteousness,
Every innocuous cry of his; made me indefatigably transpire towards transcending beyond the pinnacles of irrefutably glittering philanthropism; amiably bond in threads of humanity; with my fellow comrades in inexplicably horrendous distress,
Every delectable snore of his; made me relentlessly fantasize about the fathomlessly bountiful wonders of this magnanimous planet; trace back my very first rudiments; to the sacred lap of everlasting romance,
Every heavenly finger of his; made me ecstatically leap in an ocean of enchanting enthrallment; fantastically conceive the most incredulously grandiloquent contours of priceless mankind; for infinite more births yet to unveil,
Every innocent shadow of his; made me unequivocally feel the most blessed organism on this Universe; as I felt every manipulatively beleaguered cranny of my impoverished demeanor; being sparklingly replenished each minute,
Every celestial blush of his; made me exuberantly wander in lanes of incomprehensibly boundless jubilation; as I felt I had wholesomely vanquished all sorrows of mine with the; blissful cradle of scintillating newness,
Every incoherent word of his; made me rhapsodically stumble upon an expedition of blooming optimism; discovering a profusely magical radiance in every wind of the atmosphere; that I wholeheartedly embraced,
Every melodious whisper of his; made me benevolently float with the angels of royal humanity; attune my disastrously dilapidated existence; in synergy with the principles of; benign mankind,
Every spotlessly untainted yawn of his; made me feel bereft of all my inadvertently committed sins; as I marvelously rejuvenated every iota of my famished existence; with the impregnable fervor of uninhibited togetherness,
Every poignant expression of his; made me feel rejoicingly human; as I fulminated even the innermost parts of my soul; to beautifully blend with the river of; unassailably glorious honesty,
Every innocuous maneuver of his; made me supremely drift into an entrenchment of Omnipotently shimmering belief; as I pioneered a sparkling Sun of patriotism; on every step that I harmoniously tread,
Every droplet of his vivacious blood; made me flamingly rise to kiss the fireballs of unbelievably euphoric compassion; tirelessly disseminate the unconquerable mantras of eternal friendship; to the most fathomless parts of this earth,
Every spontaneously ingratiating frown of his; made me deeply realize that even the most greatest of humans are sporadically fallible; infact just an infinitesimally minuscule fraction of the Almighty divine,
Every freshly protruding teeth of his; made me intransigently salute God for so handsomely evolving freshness; for so aristocratically creating and molding each element of; wonderfully mesmerizing mankind,
Every piquantly tiny fist of his; made me intractably believe in my integrally inborn spirit of never dying enthusiasm; as I tirelessly diffused the rainbow of vivacious hope; in every dwelling brutally asphyxiated with murderous gloom and despair,
Every resplendently enamoring breath of his; made me forever feel that I was radiantly dancing on the carpet of blissfully unending survival; leading each
instant of my existence; in holistic symbiosis with the united rays of all; living kind,
And every beat of his passionately throbbing heart; made me alive even from the corridors of despicably gory hell; more importantly love my first son; as much
as the Creator loved this ravishing planet
You were the ones who cared for me; sacrificed the most minutest of your belongings to see me blossom till times beyond eternity,
You were the ones who incessantly showered gifts upon me; slept many a times without inevitable morsels in your famished stomachs,
You were the ones who safeguarded me like a formidable fortress; taking the brunt of the murderously acrimonious world; directly on your shivering chests,
You were the ones who ensured that I always smiled; weeping inexplicable tears in solitude; as the deviltried to lambaste you from all sides,
You were the ones who unrelentingly encouraged me towards my goal; when the extraneous world outside fretted and turned an uncouthly deaf ear,
You were the ones who sequestered me from every ray of sweltering heat; bathing in whirlwinds of perspiration every instant; as the fireball of Sun; blazed to its most unsurpassably vicious radiance,
You were the ones who responded to even the most faintest of my cries; lived a countless sleepless nights; while I snored to blend with realms of absolute heaven,
You were the ones who instilled in me the essence of life; ensured that my impoverished soul transcended over the boundaries of paradise; even at the cost
of your precious extinction,
You were the ones who taught me how to crawl; walk; conquer every obstacle that confronted me in my way; even when the blood flowing in your veins was rapidly evaporating over the threshold of obsolete oblivion,
You were the ones who magnanimously nurtured my every desire; saw to it that I diffused the philanthropic fragrance of mankind; even when you were besieged from all quarters with the most devastating of disease,
You were the ones who passionately discerned the artist fulminating in my beats; even as the planet outside savagely massacred it with swords of macabre manipulation; even before it was born,
You were the ones who shared each unfurling second of my agony; listening to the innermost voices of my heart; even as the society around; was devouring you in its horrifically greedy belly,
You were the ones who bestowed upon me a roof to live till the times I wanted; even as you coalesced with infinitesimal bits of threadbare dust outside; to pacify my list of ever augmenting demands,
You were the ones who defended me against the most diabolical of foes; selflessly beheading your scalps; to witness me sprout into an unfathomable fountain of happiness,
You were the ones who stood with me for the love of my life; spending your entire existence in dilapidated dungeons of penance; for the plethora of misdeeds I might have unwittingly committed in my quest for the ultimate summit,
You were the ones who laughed when I laughed; cried when I cried; relinquishing your fathomless list of personal ambitions; to make me eat the fruits that I wanted,
You were the ones who followed me like an incorrigible shadow; in good times as well as bad; even though I snubbed you sometimes with cloudbursts of irascible
You were the ones who perpetually remained my friends for centuries incomprehensible; even as those closest to me stabbed me insidiously with
dagger heads of prejudice,
You were the ones who were immortal angels; having not only given me birth and your name; but harnessing each part my persona till date; with your breath; your heart; your very own blood,
And even if I assimilated the entire wealth on this earth; it would still prove a fraction too frugal in front of your divinely countenance; instead I proudly proclaim to the entire Universe; that you would always remain; my Godly parents.
I felt the most wonderfully ameliorated woman on this fathomless Universe; when you poignantly sketched even the most infinitesimal contour of my sensuously impoverished form,
I felt the most unbelievably liberated woman on this boundless Universe; when you flirtatiously chased me till times beyond infinite infinity; behind those voluptuously rain soaked hills,
I felt the most unassailably virile woman on this indefatigable Universe; when you passionately interlocked every pore of your naked flesh with mine; tantalizingly stroking your masculine fingers through every crevice of my nubile spine,
I felt the most fearlessly intrepid woman on this endless Universe; when you timelessly stared into the whites of my eye; exploring and magically deciphering
its never-ending mysteries and astounding depth,
I felt the most eclectically endowed woman on this resplendent Universe; when you whispered a tale of inscrutable desire into my ears; gently nibbling at their lobes as the Sun slowly sunk behind the enchantingly evanescent horizons,
I felt the most impregnably honored woman on this inexhaustible Universe; when you unceasingly called my name infront of the entire planet; without the tiniest of embarrassment or uncanny fear in your profoundly muscled chest,
I felt the most jubilantly fructifying woman on this boundless Universe; when you sowed the seed of your friendship; deep into the most innermost crannies of my crimson blood and veins,
I felt the most inimitably undefeated woman on this triumphant Universe; when you unflinchingly stood by my diminutive side; in my times of inexplicably asphyxiating duress and celestial felicity; alike,
I felt the most pricelessly perennial woman on this ever-pervading Universe; when you compassionately coalesced even the most mercurial line on your palms; with the innumerable permutations and combinations of destiny on my laconic hands,
I felt the most euphorically learned woman on this everlasting Universe; when you unabashedly embossed your signature of humanitarian goodness upon both my breasts; unafraid of even the most diabolical of consequence to unfurl,
I felt the most incredulously serenaded woman on this bountiful Universe; when you timelessly conserved even the most infinitesimal droplet of my sweat; in the center of your reflection even in the most hedonistic of mayhem and maelstroms,
I felt the most victoriously accomplished woman on this limitless Universe; when you blessed me with your unconquerably divinely child; fertilizing me with your undying manhood for times and centuries immemorial,
I felt the most ubiquitously worshipped woman on this unsurpassable Universe; when you discovered the most replenishing sleep of your life on the soles of my
Spartan feet; wholesomely oblivious to even the most lucratively magnetizing vagaries of this treacherously robotic planet,
I felt the most astoundingly fragrant woman on this gargantuan Universe; when you tirelessly blended every of your fierily unbridled breath with mine; at the most ethereal insinuation of Sunrise and seductive nightfall,
I felt the most unlimitedly possessed woman on this spell-binding Universe; when you placed me as the most supreme throne in even the most obfuscated of your fantasy; overruling even the most uncontrollably obsessive desire of your body,
I felt the most ecstatically imaginative woman on this panoramic Universe; when you inundated even the most transient portions of my mind; body and soul; with the unconquerably optimistic kisses of tomorrow,
I felt the most opulently inebriated woman on this proliferating Universe; when you unstoppably traced the hapless barrenness of my skin; with your magically
velvety tongue,
I felt the most inevitably surrendered woman on this spell-binding Universe; when you impregnably clasped me in your fervent arms; the very first time we proposed each other; to be insuperably bonded for an infinite more lifetimes,
And I felt the most blessedly immortal woman on this miraculous Universe; when you loved me more than you could love any other woman on this interminable earth; granting me not only the status of your beloved wife; but every breath that you undefeatedly inhaled in the tenure of your truncated life
Don’t try to purchase him with the unfathomable armory of your spurious wealth; dictating to him the spurious norms of your monotonously conventional lifestyle,
Just sit by his side sharing his joy and pain; and then witness him cling perpetually close to your heart; instead.
Don’t try to intimidate him with your treacherous set of rules and bombastic regulations; tyrannizing him to stand first in his class,
Just play with him uninhibitedly in your lap; and witness him make you feel the richest man alive; showering his celestial smile; instead.
Don’t try and teach him textbooks of manipulative corporate management indefatigably throughout the blazing day; stringently whipping him as he made
the tiniest of mistake,
Just wholeheartedly share with him the experiences of your life; and then witness him scrap the most inconspicuous iota of agony from your anguished blood; instead.
Don’t try and dress him up according to your pompous tastes and desires; brutally ordering him to shake hands with your sanctimoniously attired mates in the baseless party hall,
Just stand for what he was; wherever he wanted; and then witness him bestow upon you an infinite lives; be only yours for centuries immemorial; instead.
Don’t try and slave him to your every command; taking undue advantage of his boisterous youth and inherent charm,
Just philander and gallivant with him rhapsodically through the mystical hills; genuinely admiring the most diminutive of his attribute; and then witness him
bloom into your every philanthropic dream; instead.
Don’t try and challenge his immaculate persona with your inevitably acquired knowledge; ruthlessly assassinating his innocent suggestions,
Just let him pursue the dreams that he wanted; inspiring him to be the very best in the mission of his heart; and then witness him become the unfathomable pride of your impoverished soul; instead.
Don’t scare the winds out of his Godly countenance; making him retreat in his shivering cocoon; the minute you stepped like a white collared tycoon from
the office,
Just embrace him ardently with both arms; talk to him like the best friend of his life; and then witness him enlighten the tunnels of frantic desperation in your eyes; instead.
Don’t penalize him for his inadvertently committed misdeeds; belting your fanatic frustrations of the day upon his intricately tender visage,
Just free him from the chains of your parasitically congenial society; making him feel the strongest entity alive in the warmth of your chest; and thenwitness him become the jewel of your blind eyes; as well as of the entire Nation; instead.
And don’t make him feel as if you were only his guardian; feeding him whenever he desired; providing him cloth and shelter only because his veins carried rudiments of your own blood,
Just treat him as your immortal son; a friend to him when he was mischievous; a philosopher when he indispensably needed your vast experiences of life; and then witness him tirelessly call you; love you; as father; instead
Neither could I relinquish your impeccable memories from the whites of my eye; forgetting you for times immemorial,
Nor could I allow anyone else to be the perpetual queen of my eyelashes; except for her majestically mesmerizing countenance.
Neither could I pulverize my rubicund lips; given to me by you after countless hours of enduring turmoil,
Nor could I allow anyone else to be their ravishing smile; except for her
impeccably floating gorgeous shadow.
Neither could I char all those enchanting fantasies; which you had wonderfully nourished me to witness,
Nor could I allow anyone else to be the divinely mediator of mind; except for
her tantalizingly alluring voice.
Neither could I brutally abdicate your innocuously heavenly caress; that transited me every night into realms of invincible sleep,
Nor could I allow anyone else to touch me even the slightest; except for the profuse enigma that circumvented her intriguing soul.
Neither could I disobey your unfathomable battalion of benevolent commands; disgruntling the slightest before your revered grace,
Nor could I allow anyone else to enslave me; except for her magnanimously romantic aura; that blended royally with the stars in blue sky.
Neither could I change the color you’d imparted to my skin; harnessing me with scarlet streams of your very own poignant blood,
Nor could I allow anyone else to be the rhapsodic excitement of my flesh; except for her unbelievably voluptuous body; which ignite fireballs of passion in the heart of the dead night.
Neither could I savagely exonerate the mystical language; which you’d unrelentingly taught me since nascent years of immaculate childhood,
Nor could I allow anyone else to be the words of my tongue; except for her philanthropic persona; which insatiably craved to embrace all humanity.
Neither could I lead my life without your irrefutably sacred charm; propelling me each instant to be handsomely alive,
Nor could I allow anyone else to be the breath in my lungs; the passionately throbbing beats of my heart; except for her immortally augmenting flame of love.
For on one hand you were the Godly mother who gave me birth in the first place; nourishing me with your mind; body and blood; while on the other; she was the
wife who ensured that I was today; blissfully breathing each of my dreams and unconquerably alive
It seemed you were just a pound of flesh; in the sacrosanct womb of your revered mother; only fractions of seconds ago,
While today you stood more towering than the skies; with your eyes glistening more flamboyantly than the midday Sun; as you hoisted me on your fearless shoulders.
It seemed you were just a pound of bones; in the immaculate belly of your vivacious mother; only fractions of seconds ago,
While today you matched me step for step as I raced towards the finishing line; entwining your fingers impregnably with mine.
It seemed you were just a pound of water; in the divine pouch of your stupendous mother; only fractions of seconds ago,
While today you literally blew the air from my lungs; as you euphorically punched me in waves of insurmountable triumph; on heart of my chest.
It seemed you were just a pound of hair; in the Omnipotent sac of your impeccable mother; only fractions of seconds ago,
While today you proudly intimidated me in every aspect of life; soaring above the crimson cocoon of clouds; even before you alight a single footstep.
It seemed you were just a pound of wails; in the divine cradle of your ingratiatingly alluring mother; only fractions of seconds ago,
While today you confronted me eye to eye across the table with passionate fire blazing in your eyes; drowned in astounding fantasy; that triggered thunderbolts of lightening in clear sky.
It seemed you were just a pound of blood; in the invincibly compassionate stomach of your mesmerizing mother; only fractions of seconds ago,
While today you signed countless Business deals every unfurling minute; blazed like an insatiable volcano; in whatever sphere of life you wholeheartedly undertook.
It seemed you were just a pound of inconspicuous jelly; in the worshipped bowl of your philanthropic mother; only fractions of seconds ago,
While today you left me panting for breath; as you clambered like an uncontrollable whirlwind to the summit of the mountain; carrying me down; as I miserably felt short of indispensable life.
It seemed you were just a pound of diminutive emotions; in the innocent entrenchment of your twinkling mother; only fractions of seconds ago,
While today you indefatigably romanced with the soul mate of your choice; conceiving and profoundly assimilating the beauty of this fathomless planet; in
every beat of your thundering heart.
And it seemed you were just a pound of brain; in the celestially blissful bag of your immortal mother; only fractions of seconds ago,
While today you had made me feel the richest entity on earth alive; granting me an infinite more lives to live in this single lifetime of mine; as you tirelessly kept calling me father.
38. MY SON
He was one inconspicuous entity in this entire planet; for whom I could sacrifice all the wealth which I had arduously assimilated till date,
He was one magnificent angel cuddling the silken sheets; for whom I could relinquish every iota of smile; lingering uninhibitedly in my persona,
He was one fountain of mesmerizing emotions; for whom I could remain famished without a single droplet of water; all marathon night and flaming day,
He was one impeccable bundle of overwhelming joy; for whom I could annihilate all tumultuous passion fulminating in my heart; bond with the threads of manipulative reality,
He was one angel with a glorious conscience; for whom I could lead my entire life without my pairs of robust hands and feet,
He was one immaculate cloud inundated with optimistic beams of new found hope; for whom I could walk barefoot; for centuries unprecedented on a mountain of acrid thorns,
He was one celestial marvel deluging the air around with Omnipotent light; for whom I could sip the most heinous of poison; the very first day; each time I took birth as a man once again,
He was one enthralling adventure who captivated everyone in his charismatic swirl; for whom I could blindfold myself perpetually; plunge without the slightest of apprehension in my eyes into a valley of sinister darkness,
He was one sacrosanct idol of happiness bouncing towards the sky; for whom I could burn all my inevitable belongings into threadbare realms of ghastly hell,
He was one innocuous jewel of prosperity; for whom I could bury myself boundless kilometers beneath gigantic avalanches of white ice; without a cloth to drape my nimble body,
He was one philanthropic spirit floating in a river of majestic goodness; for whom I could stand unflinchingly amidst the most inclement of fires; till the last bone down my spine charred to an appalling death,
He was one epitome of ubiquitous solidarity; a messiah of every religion created by man; for whom I could selflessly impart every beat of my passionately
palpitating heart,
He was one enchanting scent; disseminating his immortal essence wherever he crept; for whom I could confront the mightiest of disasters every unveiling
second of the day,
He was one tornado of effusive empathy; more grandiloquent than the heavens when he danced; for whom I could lick the most morbidly sweltering sand; sprinkled on the uncouth rocks,
He was one Omnipresent mirror of righteousness; candidly reflecting to the world its battalion of sins; for whom I could wholeheartedly embrace the corridors of extinction; in the most magnificent stages of my life,
He was one diminutively blue eyed beauty singing in the winds of exhilarating jubilation; for whom I could emboss unsurpassable lines of poetry; even after the
last droplet of blood in my veins had utterly exhausted,
He was one Omniscient ray of ethereally everlasting light; for whom I could survive till endless infinity; in a dungeon replete with hideous scorpion,
He was the most sacred fruit of our invincible love; for which me and my divinely beloved; had prayed since our several past lifetimes,
Most importantly; he was my blood, my breath; my heart; my soul; for whom I was ready to be born again only to face a countless more deaths; for infact he
was none other than my ultimate identity; he was my son.
A complete surrender of every iota of my exuberance; my insatiable proclivity to triumphantly surge forward in the chapter of mesmerizing life,
A complete surrender of my profoundly sensuous artistry; the miraculous power in my fingers to evolve magic out of inanely vexing nothingness; by the grace of Almighty God,
A complete surrender of my blazingly intrepid dynamism; the wave of unflinching patriotism that unassailably circumscribed my soul; to fight till my very last breath for my beautifully venerated motherland,
A complete surrender of my astoundingly vivid sensitivity; the fathomless festoon of panoramically spell binding fantasy titillating the dormitories of my brain,
A complete surrender of my uninhibitedly unlimited freedom; the boundlessly
ebullient spirit of sensuous frolic and philandering; that everlasting wafted from each of my ecstatically silken nerves,
A complete surrender of every ingredient of my rhapsodically untainted blood; the indefatigable tenacity embedded in it; to kiss the aisles of insuperable unceasing prosperity,
A complete surrender of every globule of my redolently placating perspiration; after I majestically toiled under the blazing afternoon Sun; for righteously deserving my inch of Omnipotent soil,
A complete surrender of my tirelessly enamoring fantasy; the magnificently
resplendent and unconquerably fructifying dreams that splendidly engulfed my
mind every unraveling instant of my impoverished existence,
A complete surrender of my Herculean temerity to survive amidst a pack of
hedonistically cannibalistic wolves; the mantra of survival of the fittest diffusing from even the most parsimoniously frigid of my senses,
A complete surrender of every iota of impeccable truth garnishing my conscience; the untamed fireballs of glorious resilience that I possessed to even the most obnoxiously truculent impediments of life,
A complete surrender of my insurmountably endless innovation; the countless
ideas of miraculously endowing newness; that perpetuated like pristinely regale thunderbolts of lightening in my mind,
A complete surrender of my mischievously unrelenting mysticism; the tunes of
supremely tantalizing mellifluousness that that disseminated from the corners of my cavorting mouth,’
A complete surrender of my handsomely unfettered integrity; the unparalleled
yearning to mitigate and blend with every echelon of ubiquitously symbiotic living kind,
A complete surrender of my brilliantly enlightening positivity; the Sun of perpetual hope that vibrantly lingered in even the most diminutive of my senses,
A complete surrender of my bewitchingly blissful aura; the mists of royal conviviality that profusely enshrouded every conceivable speck of my holistic demeanor,
A complete surrender of my whirlpool of unprecedented desires; the unfathomably ardent yearning to exist in even the most mercurial element of my nimble silhouette,
A complete surrender of my magnanimously embracing voice; the indomitably
humanitarian ideals that encompassed every aspect of my truncated life,
O! Yes; A complete surrender of even the most ethereal traces of my mind;
body and benign spirit; A complete surrender of all burgeoning goodness bestowed upon me by the Omniscient Almighty Lord; A complete surrender of even my most remotely obsolete of shadow,
Only at the feet of my newly born daughter; at the feet of my Goddess of
love; at the feet of my sole messiah who not only taught how to live for the
moment; but divinely blessed me with a limitless more immortally jubilant lives.
We don’t expect astoundingly extraordinary gifts from you; not even the most infinitesimal of bountiful commemorations,
But at least don’t mercilessly trample over all the extraordinarily majestic that we tirelessly endeavor to shower upon you; at least don’t do that sin to your severely ailing and old parents; dear children.
We don’t expect compassionately invincible hugs from you; not even the most diminutive tear-drop of heart-rendering empathy,
But at least don’t ruthlessly disown all our invincibly unshakable embraces towards you; at least don’t do that sin to your inevitably decrepit and old parents; dear children.
We don’t expect brilliantly insuperable victories from you; not even the most fugitive speck of altruistic martyrdom that would do us and our country proud,
But at least don’t hedonistically spit on our indomitably unblemished victory of so royally procreating you; at least don’t do that sin to your disastrously maimed and old parents; dear children.
We don’t expect insurmountably infallible reverence from you; not even the most beguiling trace of sacrosanct dedication and honesty towards us,
But at least don’t demonically desecrate over our timeless prayers for your eternal betterment; at least don’t do that sin to your penuriously hapless and old parents; dear children.
We don’t expect impeccably glorious truthfulness from you; not even the most evanescent trump card of unassailably burgeoning success,
But at least don’t barbarously decimate our unshakably perpetual truthfulness for you; at least don’t do that sin to your miserably withering and old parents; dear children.
We don’t expect the entire wealth on this fathomless Universe from you; not even the most ephemeral castles of unchallengeable solidarity and heavenly ambrosia,
But at least don’t insidiously annihilate the castle of royally celestial dreams that we had constructed solely for you; at least don’t do that sin to your uncontrollably shivering and old parents; dear children.
We don’t expect unceasingly endowing verses of symbiotic poetry from you; not even the most abstemious chunk of priceless humanity towards us,
But at least don’t satanically transgress across our perennial love for you; at least don’t do that sin to your helplessly staggering and old parents; dear children.
We don’t expect everlastingly fragrant sharing from you; not even the most disheveled wisp of support towards us in treacherously cataclysmic apocalypses,
But at least don’t lecherously chop our hands which wanted to forever exist only to regally protect you; at least don’t do that sin to your impoverishedly orphaned and old parents; dear children.
We don’t expect blissful rides on your exuberant shoulders; not even the most bedraggled piece of fructifying sublimation from you,
But at least don’t diabolically torch our lips which knew nothing but to smile only for you; at least don’t do that sin to your flagrantly disabled and old parents; dear children.
And we don’t expect marvelously reinvigorating fireballs of breath from you; not even the most deteriorating corridor of optimistic light in your eyes for us,
But at least don’t hedonistically snap the fangs of our life which we lived every unfurling minute solely for you; at least don’t do that sin to your despairingly blinded and old parents; dear children
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms into an infinite children of wonderfully emollient freshness; every unfurling instant of impregnably magnificent existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms
into an infinite children of spellbindingly undefeated innocence; every unfurling instant of symbiotically pristine existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms into an infinite children of timelessly unconquerable truth; every unfurling instant of bounteously magnanimous existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms
into an infinite children of unfathomably unfettered creativity; every unfurling instant of timelessly burgeoning existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms
into an infinite children of royally triumphant resplendence; every unfurling instant of unconquerably majestic existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms
into an infinite children of eternally exhilarating vivaciousness; every unfurling instant of redolently insuperable existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms into an infinite children of unbelievably ameliorating optimism; every unfurling instant of marvelously benign existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms into an infinite children of brilliantly liberated camaraderie; every unfurling instant
of iridescently inscrutable existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms into an infinite children of unshakably virgin righteousness; every unfurling instant of beautifully untainted existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms
into an infinite children of uninhibitedly heavenly frolic; every unfurling instant of tantalizingly sensuous existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms
into an infinite children of compassionately humanitarian friendship; every unfurling instant of magically mitigating existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms into an infinite children of miraculously everlasting freshness; every unfurling instant of invincibly coalescing existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms
into an infinite children of pricelessly ubiquitous oneness; every unfurling instant of robustly blessed existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms into an infinite children of unbreakably Omnipotent desire; every unfurling instant of victoriously effulgent existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms into an infinite children of unceasingly reinvigorating fantasy; every unfurling minute of oignantly charismatic existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms into an infinite children of insurmountably intrepid enchantment; every unfurling minute of rhapsodically unhindered existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms into an infinite children of Omnisciently tranquil serenity; every unfurling instant of endlessly bestowing existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms into an infinite children of perpetually fragrant breath; every unfurling instant
of Omnipresently benevolent existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms into an infinite children of Immortally ardent love; every unfurling instant of limitlessly fructifying existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms into an infinite children of fantastically alleviating poetry; every unfurling instant
of boundlessly splendid existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms
into an infinite children of fabulously effervescent tanginess; every unfurling instant of spiritually uplifting existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms into an infinite children of unlimitedly enlightening Sunshine; every unfurling instant of infallibly luminescent existence,
A mother might bear just a single child in 9 months; but an artist blossoms into an infinite children of immaculately godly melody; every unfurling instant of amiably melanging existence,
Because. And Only Because. A Mother is; has and shall for times immemorial
remain the Greatest Sculptor of every organism on this astoundingly multiplying Universe; A Mother is the Greatest Artist.
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times every unfurling instant; into a valley of stupendously exotic and tantalizingly resurgent; freshness,
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times every unfurling instant; into a cloudburst of eternally symbiotic and pricelessly invincible; humanity,
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times every unfurling instant; into a dynamite of unceasingly ardent and unconquerably righteous; energy,
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times every unfurling instant; into a waterfall of indefatigably enthralling and poignantly divine; sensuousness,
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times every unfurling instant; into a cocoon of immeasurably blissful and bountifully unlimited; fantasy,
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times every unfurling instant; into a mist of magically ameliorating and timelessly coalescing; friendship,
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times ever unfurling instant; into a meadow of uninhibitedly mesmerizing and celestially unrestricted; mischief,
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times every unfurling instant; into a cradle of inimitably artistic and insuperably fragrant; newness,
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times every unfurling instant; into an ocean of unsurpassably undefeated and enchantingly everlasting; desire,
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times every unfurling instant; into a dewdrop of astoundingly unprecedented and limitlessly royal; sensitivity,
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times every unfurling instant; into a field of unbelievably emollient and effulgently jubilant; victory,
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times every unfurling instant; into a kaleidoscope of amazingly fructifying and unendingly subliming; color,
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times every unfurling instant; into a fortress of altruistically philanthropic and boundlessly unbreakable; unity,
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times every unfurling instant; into a rainbow of charismatically unfettered and ubiquitously endowing; versatility,
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times every unfurling instant; into a fireball of handsomely augmenting and perennially passionate; longing,
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times every unfurling instant; into a seed of indomitably glorious and marvelously proliferating; virility,
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times every unfurling instant; into a Sun of profoundly optimistic and unstoppably blazing; enlightenment,
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times every unfurling instant; into a pearl of unlimitedly ecstatic and vibrantly unshakable; creativity,
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times every unfurling instant; into a paradise of supremely unmatched and resplendently miraculous; breath,
By the Grace of God; you were born an infinite times every unfurling instant; into a heartbeat of immortally fervent and timelessly uniting; love,
But still you just called one particular day in the entire year as your “ Happy Birthday” ; as it was that very day when you’d crawled out from the womb of the Greatest source of life; it was that very day when you’d liberated from the womb of the Greatest God on this Universe; who was none other but your Omnipresent Mother.
You might perhaps not need their altruistic support anymore; as you now felt yourself to be the strongest organism on the Universe; blazing through even the most fearful of maelstroms; in the untamed effervescent flavor of youth,
You might perhaps not need their compassionate fragrance anymore; as you now had the most pricelessly opulent of scents; sanctimoniously lined up on the windshield of your majestically crimson Mercedes,
You might perhaps not need their amiably bonding house anymore; as you now
resided in the most invincibly diamond studded castle; on this fathomlessly enamoring planet,
You might perhaps not need their selflessly guiding lights anymore; as you now evolved a civilization of unparalleled newness on every path you transgressed; pierced through even the most ghoulishly appalling darkness with your spell bindingly hawk-eyed sight,
You might perhaps not need their celestial nourishment anymore; as triumphant blood now flowed through your ebulliently ecstatic veins; at a speed faster than magical white lightening,
You might perhaps not need their profoundly heartwarming caress anymore; as
you now merrily cavorted with the girl of your choice behind the rain soaked
hills; with her hands convivially exploring every cranny of your miserably trembling skin,
You might perhaps not need their indefatigable inspiring anymore; as you now had the entire planet subliming you to unflinchingly march forward; to ubiquitously disseminate the royally unfettered power of your God-gifted artistry,
You might perhaps not need their optimistically enlightening talks anymore;
as you now had perennially imbibed the good’s and bad’s of inscrutably fantastic existence; deep into the dormitories of your blessed soul,
You might perhaps not need their irrefutably authoritative signature anymore; as you now had majestically carved a brilliant niche for your ownself on this limitlessly mesmerizing planet; and people around knew you by your very own inimitably victorious identity,
You might perhaps not need their lighthearted jokes anymore; as you now had
the power to cognize even the most funniest of anecdotes on the boundless
Universe; laugh every bone of your body out on the incomprehensible parody
You might perhaps not need their impeccably divinely spirit anymore; as you
now had assimilated all the unconquerably Omniscient spirituality of this timelessly extemporizing planet; tirelessly meditating in front of the Immortal Lord Almighty,
You might perhaps not need their enchantingly undefeatable voice anymore; as you now had discovered that the chords of your mesmerizing throat could timelessly enthrall one and all on this boundlessly insuperable Universe; wonderfully alike,
You might perhaps not need their splendidly recharging pat on the back anymore; as you now had the most iridescently tantalizing waterfalls and maidens to unassailably ignite even the most infidel of your senses,
You might perhaps not need their uninhibitedly emotional bonding anymore; as
you now had the heart of your eternally blessed lover to wholesomely lean and infallibly depend upon,
You might perhaps not need their impregnably untainted shoes anymore; as you
now created an ingeniously unconquerable pathway of effulgent freshness; on even the most evanescent chunk of soil that you tread,
You might perhaps not need their perpetually heartfelt presents anymore; as
every part of your diminutive persona; was now torrentially showered upon by
every bit of panoramically eclectic richness on this victorious planet,
You might perhaps not need their unceasingly fertile smiles anymore; as you
now had the indomitable virility to proliferate into infinite more of your kind; procreate your progeny till the time earth existed by the Grace of Omnipresent Lord Almighty,
You might perhaps not need their unsurpassably ardent breath anymore; as each time you now exhaled romancing in the elixir of youth; nothing else emanated but the fiery first rays of the Omnipotently golden Sun,
You might perhaps not need their Omnipresently throbbing hearts anymore; as
you now had perennially coalesced every beat of your endowed existence with
your heavenly venerated beloved,
But irrespective of whether you needed them the tiniest iota or not; without their blessings your identity wasn’t even an obsolete piece of preposterously bizarre nothingness; without their blessings you stood neither in heaven and not even the most diabolical of hell; without their blessings success forever metamorphosed into gruesome failure before you could even scent it; O! Yes without the blessings of your Godly Parents you weren’t just dead; but a sinfully satanic living dead.
What was more sacrosanct; was it her inimitably ebullient and beautifully crimson blood; or was it her celestially invincible and victoriously unflinching; milk?
What was more compassionate; was it her uninhibitedly everlasting and blissfully bonding embrace; or was it her impregnably bountiful and victoriously heavenly; belly?
What was more beautiful; was it her impeccably artistic and timelessly emphatic eyes; or was it her philanthropically helping and magically ameliorating; palms?
What more Omnipotent; was it her pricelessly undefeated and perpetually liberating blessings; or was it her unconquerably miraculous and perennially triumphant; footprints?
What was more fragrant; was it her unceasingly royal and altruistically infallible principles of humanity; or was it her unalterably truthful and gloriously
pristine; sweat?
What was more artistic; was it her innocuously nubile and divinely unbridled
skin; or was it her Omnisciently curvaceous and mellifluously entwining; fingers?
What was more tranquil; was it her resplendently effulgent and blessedly synergistic lap; or was it her incredulously mollifying and unnervingly venerated; voice?
What was more blessed; was it her tirelessly fructifying and symbiotically blossoming countenance; or was it her selflessly sacrificing and limitlessly endowing; fantasies?
What was more sensitive; was it her daintily twinkling and iridescently euphoric ears; or was it her Omnisciently unimpeachable and boundlessly benign; soul?
What was more queenly; was it her intrepidly fearless and spotlessly unperturbed stride; or was it her brilliantly enriching and immaculately unconquerable; eyelashes?
What was more sheltering; was it her untiringly unhindered and courageously carrying shoulders; or was it her unfathomably mitigating and pricelessly comforting; shadow?
What was more promising; was it her jubilantly unparalleled and irrefutably unshakable signature; or was it her endlessly undying and fantastically flamboyant; aura?
What was more indomitable; was it her affably melanging and poignantly showering smile; or was it her unlimitedly ardent and astoundingly fecund; strength?
What was more accentuated; was it her peerlessly undefeated and exuberantly
transcending stare; or was it her supremely affable and prudently eclectic; nose?
What was more enlightening; was it her celestially melodious and harmoniously uniting voice; or was it her fabulously spotless and charismatically honest; conscience?
What was more life-yielding; was it her unstoppably fervent and amazingly
proliferating breath; or was it her ubiquitously spawning and timelessly unassailable; virility?
What was more vivacious; was it her fantastically uncurbed and spell bindingly evolving brain; or was it her innocently kissing and synergistically reviving; lips?
What was more faithful; was it her passionately throbbing and endlessly gregarious heartbeat; or was it her simplistically blessed and eternally persevering bones?
Well the answer to all of the above was a big “nothing”; neither was anything of hers was better than something of hers; neither could anything of hers be compared to anything existing on earth and even beyond infinite infinity; as just everything; O! Yes completely and entirely everything; of her The Omnipresent mother was intransigently Immortal.
Some called her a tantalizing seductress; philandering uninhibitedly through the inscrutably rustling forests,
Some called her an angel having just descended from the sky; bountifully pacifying even the most traumatically agonized senses; with the stupendous charisma in
her voice,
Some called her a poignantly tangy wave; profusely enlightening the gruesomely pallid atmosphere around; with the incredulous euphoria in her ravishing stride,
Some called her an unfathomably enigmatic wind; that mystically tingled countless of impoverished souls; in the heavenly swirl of her compassionately diffusing breath,
But for her baby; she was solely an immortal mother; feeding it with celestial granaries of impeccable milk; and loads of overwhelmingly silken warmth.
Some called her a gloriously alluring pack of metamorphosing cards; enthusing boundless with the magic in her triumphant smile,
Some called her an insurmountably nubile vixen; voraciously drowning even the most lecherously monotonous; in an untamed thunderbolt of never ending raw desire,
Some called her a fabulously evading mirage; captivating even the most insensitively alien; in the ingratiating aroma that lingered incomprehensibly around each of her vivacious senses,
Some called her an unsurpassable carpet of marvelously scarlet roses; profoundly illuminating every dwindling path that she tread on; with the philanthropic divinity enshrouding her immaculate conscience,
But for her baby; she was solely an immortal mother; cuddling its tuft of innocuously heavenly hair indefatigably throughout the day; sequestering it from the even most infinitesimal of evil every moment of the disastrously horrendous night.
Some called her an unparalleled magician; metamorphosing every shattered heart that she caressed; into an enthralling paradise which kissed the realms of eternity,
Some called her an irrefutably bestowing fairy Goddess; fulfilling every wish of the despicably shivering and miserably penurious,
Some called her an exuberantly swimming mermaid; deluging the invidiously pathetic gloom around; with her unbelievably enamoring charisma and tinkling footsteps,
Some called her a panacea for even the most devastatingly debilitated disease; impregnably finding reprieve under nothing else on this planet; but
her magnanimously showering palms,
But for her baby; she was solely an immortal mother; sacrificing everything in her life; to witness it eternally blossom into the most invincibly unflinching entity alive.
Some called her a fantasy come true for all births; tickling the most inner most dormitories of the ludicrously bedraggled mind; with optimistic hope and intrepidly soaring adventure,
Some called her a neverending heartthrob; royally making them feel the most opulent organisms ever alive; as they perpetually bonded with her flamboyantly pulsating festoon of rhythmic beats,
Some called her a gorgeously blissful experience; rejuvenating their obsoletely remorseful blood; with the unconquerable exhilaration of life,
Some called her reflection that triggered fathomless whirlpools of insatiable yearning; coining a whole new chapter of mesmerizing existence,
But for her baby; she was solely an immortal mother; keeping it incessantly close to her womb; bequeathing upon it all the tenacity in this world to survive; even after she veritably died.
You were my first and last SMILE in life; incessantly triggering me to exist in celestial contentment; even though the clouds of abominably treacherous manipulation enshrouded me from all sides,
You were my first and last HOPE in life; profoundly enlightening vibrantly optimistic rays of desire in my impoverished existence; propelling me to kiss the aisles of astronomically benevolent success,
You were my fist and last STRENGTH in life; imparting me with the overwhelmingly Herculean resilience; to unflinchingly confront even the most mightiest of insidious devil,
You were my first and last FANTASY in life; handsomely flooding each arena of my incredulously bizarre mind; with the tonic of astounding rhapsody and majestic happiness,
You were my first and last AMBITION in life; indefatigably transpiring me to blossom into the best; uninhibitedly dedicate each of my senses to the service of despicably shivering mankind,
You were my first and last ADVENTURE in life; as I poignantly soared above the charismatic clouds; exuberantly blending each ingredient of my crimson blood with unparalleled and enigmatic excitement,
You were my first and last PHILOSOPHY in life; illuminating my every night of insidiously lecherous blackness; with the irrefutably pious ideologies of
immortal mankind,
You were my first and last FRIENDSHIP in life; compassionately encapsulating me like an invincible fortress from all sides; in my times of ecstasy; as well as unsurpassably hideous sadness,
You were my first and last EUPHORIA in life; landing me in waves of incomprehensible exhilaration; as I unraveled a path of supreme exultation and fragrant newness; on every step that I nimbly alighted,
You were my first and last ROYALTY in life; opulently besieging my drearily wandering eyes with your unbelievable embellishment; metamorphosing my
disdainfully shriveled visage into an avalanche of princely paradise,
You were my first and last AUTHORITY in life; as I bent my head in due obeisance of your Omnipotent aura; marching on even the most infinitesimal of your heavenly commands; to save wonderfully vivacious humankind,
You were my first and last REFLECTION in life; candidly expelling out even the most subdued dormitories of my conscience; so that I blossomed into a queenly flower disseminating the everlasting redolence of humanity,
You were my first and last TRIUMPH in life; as I felt irrefutably victorious at every stage in my diminutive survival; felt as if prosperity timelessly lingered on my inevitably orphaned doorsteps,
You were my first and last AWARD in life; blessing me beyond the realms of bountiful eternity; gifting me with the impregnable virtue to exist in synergistic harmony and equality with all mankind,
You were my first and last ENCHANTMENT in life; enthralling me to the ultimate realms of magnificent captivation and nostalgia; as I bounced in your lap like a freshly born infant; once again,
You were my first and last ENERGY in life; the boundless reservoir of emphatic ebullience in my incoherent bones; to catapult to the epitome of glittering success,
You were my first and last SONG in life; maneuvering each element of my disastrously stumbling countenance; with the ingratiating melody in your
ardent voice,
You were my first and last BREATH in life; instilling in me the unprecedented ardor to exist beyond my destined times; my insurmountable tenacity to believe in truth; non-violence; humanity; even as wailing hell coalesced with immaculate night,
You were my first and last LOVE in life; passionately embracing me forever and ever and ever; everytime I took birth once again; even as the uncouth society had kicked me to insipid submission outside,
And you assumed countless proportions of; Mischievous Sister; Princely Beloved; Unconquerable Father; Sacrosanct Mother; in the tenure of my transiently shivering life;
But each iota of my visage; each ingredient of my heart; soul; body and blood; would perennially remain grateful to you not only for this life; but for fathomless more lifetimes of mine; only as mother; mother and divinely mother
In your immaculately spell binding eyes; I found an astronomical ocean of Omnipotent light; maneuvering my every dwindling footstep towards the
untamed fireballs of prosperity,
In your celestially rubicund palms; I found my impoverished destiny bloom past the corridors of eternity; spawning into a wholesomely new chapter of fabulous creation,
In your poignantly crimson and holistic blood; I found the impregnably overwhelming tenacity; to stand unflinchingly against the most acrimoniously
treacherous attacks,
In your ingratiatingly sacrosanct voice; I found the rudiments of the most enthralling existence; blending my soul with ubiquitously perpetual elements of irrefutable truth and peace,
In your invincibly supreme shadow; I found a perennial river of ecstatic enchantment to lead life beyond my times; embrace one and all in the royal religion of humanity; alike,
In your stupendously profound footprints; I found a tornado of passionate nostalgia; reminiscing all those priceless moments of fantastic life; that had blissful kept me alive,
In your wonderfully intriguing mind; I found a divinely solution to relinquish all indiscriminately uncouth killing; a messiah to keep the fathomless planet harmoniously bonded; and bountifully breathing,
In your magnanimously benign shoulders; I found an uninhibitedly compassionate comfort; which even the most opulently embellished contraption on this earth; miserably dithered to provide,
In your incredulously mesmerizing signature; I found the ultimate stamp of flamboyant authority; an everlasting longing to philanthropically succeed; irrespective of the unfathomable juggernaut of impediments that dared crumble me in my way,
In your incomprehensibly godly womb; I found the most majestic proliferation of Almighty’s colossal evolution; as I worshipped it indefatigably for decades immemorial,
In your impeccably cascading eyelashes; I found the most innocently heavenly charisma on this boundlessly gregarious Universe; coalescing myself for infinite
more births yet to unveil; in an impregnable entrenchment of truth; non-violence and unbelievable calm,
In your innocuously alluring earlobes; I found all the Omnipresent sound of this fathomlessly overpowering earth; as I radiated like an ebullient fairy; in the mystically poignant aura of its irrefutable reverberations,
In your miraculously rejuvenating stride; I found the unimaginably resilient fervor to flamboyantly surge forward in life; fight till my last iota of breath; to free my motherland from the dungeons of lecherously manipulative captivity,
In your beautifully slender fingers; I found marvelously fulminating artistry; an incessant reservoir of solidarity to bless all those horrendously deprived; with the Omniscient powers of the divine,
In your benevolently unfettered smile; I found all unsurpassable richness of heaven in my penurious lifetime; a tumultuous transpiration to solely listen to the innermost voices of my conscience; and yet prudently survive,
In your piquantly protruding nose; I found unequivocally egalitarian philosophies leading to the path of unconquerable righteousness; an unprecedented ardor to forever blossom in; vibrant life,
In your integrally rhapsodic ideals; I found an unchallengable conviction to patriotically sequester all devastatingly tottering mankind; rise above my graves to the tiniest insinuation of my comrades in insidious pain,
In your passionately fragrant breath; I found an unending volcano of euphorically sprouting life; a perpetual desire to exist in glorious symbiosis; with countless more of my diminutive kind,
In your immortally unparalleled heartbeats; I found the love that I had always insatiably desired; the wholesomely compassionate beams of comfort that kept
every despicably wandering organism; kingly and alive,
But it was only in your gorgeously sacerdotal lap O! divine mother; that I found all the happiness of my disastrously staggering life; perennially basking in the aisles of fresh birth once again; rejoicing forever and ever and ever; the first cry of my beautifully gifted life.
Let a child blissfully grow,
Don’t try and obstruct his natural flow.
Let a child sleep,
Don’t try and break his dreams.
Let a child run,
Don’t try and smack his ear-drum.
Let a child confidently walk,
Don’t try and lure him with your talk.
Let a child create,
Don’t try and teach him to hate.
Let a child be innocent,
Don’t try and show him the art of disguise.
Let a child be naughty,
Don’t try and instruct him to be haughty.
Let a child play,
Don’t try and intentionally spoil his day.
Let a child make mistakes,
Don’t try and show him the stick.
Let a child roam in Sunlight,
Don’t try and hide him from the bright.
Let a child express his thoughts,
Don’t try and be a mental block.
And let a child prosper and smile,
Don’t try and expose him to worldly guiles.
The rain was uninhibitedly untamed; and so was my new born baby daughter;
kicking left; right and center; in her diminutively blessed cradle,
The rain was Omnipotently pristine; and so was my new born baby daughter;
mischievously tossing in unadulterated joy on the tufts of majestic green grass galore,
The rain was magically mitigating; and so was my new born baby daughter; miraculously ameliorating me of my most horrific despair; with her innocuously fluttering eyelashes,
The rain was eternally liberating; and so was my new born baby daughter; naughtily smiling amidst her spectrum of teddy bears; as if there was not even the most infinitesimal trace of tension on this fathomless Universe,
The rain was perennially fructifying; and so was my new born baby daughter;
perpetually proliferating into unparalleled festoons of happiness; every unfurling minute of inscrutable existence,
The rain was unbelievably colorful; and so was my new born baby daughter; unfurling into the infinite shades of mystically emollient life; every time she alighted her pristinely nimble foot,
The rain was timelessly life-yielding; and so was my new born baby daughter; perpetuating a paradise of unsurpassably undefeated newness; in every direction that she cast her immaculately dancing sight,
The rain was pricelessly inimitable; and so was my new born baby daughter;
unconquerably enamoring even the most farthest quarter of heaven; with the twinkle in her rhapsodically infallible eyes,
The rain was the ultimate gift of the heavens; and so was my new born baby daughter; whose cries of stupendously charismatic freshness; spawned a civilization of boundless beauty; till times beyond infinite infinity,
The rain was the most virile cistern of optimism; and so was my new born baby daughter; unprecedentedly subliming even the most cadaverously deadened corpses; with her unflinchingly raw energy to exist,
The rain was brilliantly unfettered; and so was my new born baby daughter;
expressing the innermost feeling of her heart till the ultimate pinnacle of the sky; whilst the salaciously manipulative planet moaned and miserably groaned outside,
The rain was Omnisciently blessing; and so was my new born baby daughter; altruistically wishing the greatest of success even for the most treacherously ribald of her foes; wholesomely oblivious to the sanctimonious varsities of this corrupted planet,
The rain was unassailably fragrant; and so was my new born baby daughter; metamorphosing even the most capricious iota of evil into a sky of unshakably peerless truth; with the divine righteousness in her tiny soul,
The rain was eclectically artistic; and so was my new born baby daughter; weaving a cosmos of unparalleled beauty; with the egalitarian compassion in her eyes for every caste; creed; race; color and tribe,
The rain was timelessly victorious; and so was my new born baby daughter;
forever winning the hearts of every conceivable entity on this unceasing planet; with her impregnably selfless love for all living kind,
The rain was ubiquitously a superstar; and so was my new born baby daughter;
transcending every boundary of worthless discrimination; to tirelessly exult in the profoundly unstoppable glory of panoramic creation,
The rain was fearlessly intrepid; and so was my new born baby daughter; poignantly exploring every exhilarating path of life; interminably following nothing else but the inner most voices of her benign heart,
The rain was universally amiable; and so was my new born baby daughter; compassionately coalescing with any entity around her venerated visage; who
gave her a gregarious smile,
And the rain was insuperably Immortal; and so was my new born baby daughter;
disseminating only the beats of love; love and Immortally princely love; every time her Godly heart throbbed in her tiny chest.
The job of the sensuously virile clouds perhaps ended; at showering torrential downpours of magically glistening rain; upon the trajectory of this fathomlessly enchanting earth,
The job of the beautifully bountiful lotus perhaps ended; at timelessly perpetuating the miserably rotting fabric of earth; with unbelievably insuperable scent,
The job of the vivaciously poignant ocean perhaps ended; at perpetually culminating into quintessentially frosty salt; with every swirling wave that rose high and handsome towards the royal sky,
The job of the everpervadingly fructifying seed perhaps ended; at spawning into an exuberant plant; as the clock of indispensable time gradually unveiled by and by,
The job of the voluptuously tantalizing grass blades perhaps ended; at diffusing into pristinely delightful dew every midnight; as the Omnipotent Moon crept up in impeccably wonderful sky,
The job of the rambunctiously effervescent bumble bee perhaps ended; at rendering unsurpassable tons of golden honey; in its parsimoniously catacombed hive,
The job of the eclectically talented artist perhaps ended; at capturing the panoramically unconquerable beauty of this priceless planet; with his articulately dancing paintbrush and upon the limitlessly barren canvas of his imagination,
The job of the Omnipresently blistering Sun perhaps ended; at majestically
inundating even the most infinitesimal arena of this boundless planet;
with unshakably optimistic light,
The job of the effulgently blossoming leaves perhaps ended; at triumphantly
permeating the carpet of the squalidly dolorous atmosphere; with rhapsodically untainted wind,
The job of jubilantly exotic fantasy perhaps ended; at enshrouding every pore of the monotonously devastated skin; with sensations of endlessly untamed delight,
The job of the gloriously intimate apogee perhaps ended; at towering into
the ultimate scepter of aristocratically unflinching courage and eternal victory,
The job of the inscrutably inexhaustible forests perhaps ended; at radiating into an unfathomably unlimited valley of profound mysticism; as each day unfurled
into charismatically surreal night,
The job of the eternally iridescent waterfall perhaps ended; at heavenly revitalizing even the most drearily subjugated of venom and dirt; that came in the course of its magically gurgling cascade,
The job of the intricately blessed veins perhaps ended; at unceasingly supplying unassailably crimson blood to an infinite pores and part of the; symbiotically breathing form,
The job of the affably twinkling stars perhaps ended; at altruistically granting compassionate beams of enlightenment; in the heart of the mercilessly
blackened night,
The job of the indomitably unfettered truth perhaps ended; at forever beheading the cadaverously corrupted coffins of satanically worthless lies,
The job of the harmoniously unadulterated nostrils perhaps ended; at tirelessly supplying pricelessly ecstatic draughts of life-yielding oxygen; to the penuriously asphyxiating lungs,
The job of the perpetually beating heart perhaps ended; at promulgating the
beats of Immortally unparalleled love; to the farthest quarter of this limitlessly proliferating Universe,
But the job of the Parents just doesn’t end at giving birth to the innocuous
infant; just doesn’t end even after harnessing it with their very own blood to face the acrimonious world outside; just doesn’t end even at equipping it every conceivable comfort on this Universe; just doesn’t end even after they veritably died; as they continue to Omnisciently enlighten it from their heavenly abode; far away from the torturous devil and forever towards the path of amiably synergistic righteousness
I might perhaps forget even the most sensuously untamed feel of raindrops; if they don’t cascade from fathomless sky; for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most mellifluously mystical voice of the nightingale; if she doesn’t diffuse sound from her throat; for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most fantastically unbridled royalty of the lion; if he doesn’t uninhibitedly growl in the jungles; for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most Omnipotently brilliant light of the Sun; if it doesn’t blaze from behind the ominously treacherous clouds; for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most poignantly coalescing frostiness of the
wave; if it doesn’t kiss the pristinely blissful shores; for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most triumphantly unfettered redolence of the rose; if it doesn’t profoundly blossom from the infinitesimally ethereal bud; for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most altruistically philanthropic of humanity; if it doesn’t embrace the innermost dormitories of my soul; for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most indomitably undaunted victory; if it
doesn’t unfurl infront of the whites of my impeccable eyes; for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most perpetually emollient paradise; if it
doesn’t engulf a diminutive speck of the planet; for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most salubriously robust fruit; if it doesn’t perpetuate into the ghastily emaciated walls of my stomach, for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most resplendently jubilant of star; if it doesn’t celestially twinkle in the aristocratically crystal blue carpet of sky; for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most unassailably unparalleled voice of truth; if it doesn’t transcend the mortuaries of sacrilegiously threadbare lies; for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most effulgently mitigating of sensuousness; if it doesn’t enshroud every conceivable pore of my drearily lambasted skin; for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most quintessentially burgeoning waterfalls;
if they don’t cascade down the handsome mountains; for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most victoriously unfettered destiny lines;
if they don’t inhabit the lap of my dreadfully diminishing palms; for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most brilliantly unadulterated winds of honesty; if they don’t wholesomely massacre every trifle of parasitically rancid corruption; for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most Omnisciently life-yielding breaths; if they don’t miraculously rejuvenate fresh life into my haplessly amorphous veins; for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most Immortally uniting of heartbeats; if they don’t eviscerate me from the coffins of salaciously pulverizing betrayal; for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most fabulously scintillating of diamonds; if they don’t glitter into charismatically impregnable glory; for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most pricelessly unconquerable anecdotes of innocence; if they don’t unflinchingly tower above the cold-bloodedly rampaging devil; for far too long,
I might perhaps forget even the most saliently symbiotic rudiments of existence; if they don’t fearlessly tower above deliriously decrepit depression; for far too long,
But I can never ever forget your Omnipresently Godly womb O! Mother for an
infinite more lives of mine; can never ever disown its undefeated compassion for an infinite more deaths even after the chapter of my survival had veritably ended; even after I had renounced every speck of my physical form and died
There was nothing ever born on this fathomlessly majestic Universe; which was as altruistically blissful; as her unconquerably venerated lap,
There was nothing ever born on this limitlessly inscrutable Universe; which was as peerlessly invincible; as her compassionately infallible embrace,
There was nothing ever born on this unfathomably reinvigorating Universe; which was as freshening; as her philanthropically Omniscient smile,
There was nothing ever born on this countlessly endowing Universe; which was as pristinely emphatic; as the whites of her royally twinkling eyes,
There was nothing ever born on this unbelievably emollient Universe; which was as pricelessly insuperable; as her perpetually caring innocuousness,
There was nothing ever born on this stupendously endless Universe; which was as magically livening; as her impregnably poignant caress,
There was nothing ever born on this gloriously undaunted Universe; which was as benevolently burgeoning; as her timelessly blessing fantasy,
There was nothing ever born on this tirelessly proliferating Universe; which was as unflinchingly divine; as her wonderfully symbiotic friendship,
There was nothing ever born on this mystically triumphant Universe; which was as vibrantly undefeated; as her Omnipotently inherent charisma,
There was nothing ever born on this synergistically unceasing Universe; which was as harmoniously fragrant; as her immaculately perennial lap,
There was nothing ever born on this fantastically inexhaustible Universe; which was as redolently effulgent; as her inimitably bonding swirl,
There was nothing ever born on this vividly panoramic Universe; which was as exhilaratingly innovative; as her indefinably subliming and magnanimous newness,
There was nothing ever born on this jubilantly ecstatic Universe; which was as gloriously mitigating; as her unshakably humanitarian and spell bindingly united camaraderie,
There was nothing ever born on this unlimitedly procreating Universe; which was as bountifully enamoring; as her peerlessly indefatigable spirit to fight the frigidly asphyxiating devil,
There was nothing ever born on this eclectically fabulous Universe; which was as unstoppably Samaritan; as her eternally blessed footsteps,
There was nothing ever born on this insurmountably fecund Universe; which was as symbiotically acclimatizing; as her Omnipresently untainted countenance,
There was nothing ever born on this euphorically serene Universe; which was as mellifluously mollifying; as her regally unmatched and astoundingly fertile voice,
There was nothing ever born on this holistically unprecedented Universe; which was as perpetually ardent; as her victoriously resplendent spirit of unfettered belonging,
And irrespective of whatever form and condition that she existed in; whether the disdainfully egregious gutter pipe; or a castle embellished with the costliest of jewels; whether infinite feet beneath the graveyard or in a land above unshakable paradise; whether as an infinitesimally intangible ant; or in the form of an undauntingly superior human being,
Every cranny of the earth; cosmos and beyond; including the Greatest of God’s will forever salute her indomitable tenacity to protect her child against each devil of hell; will forever salute her as a heavenly mother
If being a man; is all about ostentatiously malicious chauvinism; indifferently blowing countless bellows of cigar smoke; into the eyes of those innocent and haplessly deprived,
If being a man; is all about ruthlessly driving the most swankiest of Mercedes over those poor children fast asleep on the shivering streets; in celebration of the senses wholesomely inebriated with the richest of wine,
If being a man; is all about sadistically rolling in gigantically fetid mountains of currency note; whilst innumerable other fellow living beings lay gruesomely starving; without the tiniest morsel of food in their stomachs,
If being a man; is all about spuriously machismo whisky replacing every ingredient of blood in the body; and then deliriously abusing the pricelessly compassionate mother soil,
If being a man; is all about indefatigably engaging in abhorrent war; inundating fathomless granaries of the inimitable Universe; with irrevocably diseased nuclear bomb,
If being a man; is all about asserting vindictive superiority upon every other conceivable organism; letting the exposed bulging muscle barbarously trample over every ounce of sensitivity,
If being a man; is all about egregiously ill-treating your very own children; heartlessly embarking upon the most senseless corporate tours of your life; leaving them inconsolably crying,
If being a man; is all about philandering with a zillion women at a time; dexterously dodging one’s very own earnest wife; in worthlessly tireless search of spurious vixen and salacious wine,
If being a man; is all about fecklessly ridiculing every diminutively shriveled personality on the roads; spitting on them whatever foul was left in the compartments of the mouth; of the ghoulish day,
If being a man; is all about considering every piece of wondrously ameliorating artistry as frigidly babyish; roaring like a baselessly insensitive rhino; on a diabolical high with scotch on the rocks,
If being a man; is all about cold-bloodedly worshipping the parasitic devil;
believing in the sole concept of demonstrating brute power to snatch happiness from every cranny of the fathomless planet,
If being a man; is all about deplorably disregarding the most ultimate divinely love of the mother; for a few sleazily decrepit opportunities of quick money and fame,
If being a man; is all about betraying even the most immortally throbbing hearts for you; shattering them into an infinite pieces of nothingness; with the stone of your insanely satanic commercialism,
If being a man; is all about uttering the most unbearably sinful of abuse; infront of the most Omnipotent scepter of Godhead; just to demonstrate the nonchalant carefreeness of the slavering tongue,
If being a man; is all about committing the most venomously horrendous of crime in the name of religion; rendering countless innocuous children disastrously orphaned; staring meaninglessly at the sadistically slit throats of their parents and kin,
If being a man; is all about ruthlessly kicking every impeccably fructifying bit of vegetation left; right and center; just in order to release that extra iota of lazy energy trapped in the petulant bone,
If being a man; is all about lividly wastrel high society parties; in which billions were ghastily traded in the name of prostitution; child molestation; drugs and innumerable more offences of the kind,
If being a man; is all about portraying devilishly unsparing superiority; forever widowing your wife right on your wedding night; as you surrendered your mind; body and soul to someone else’s arms; whilst she hysterically cried,
Then Thank God. And I really thank the Omnisciently triumphant God. That by
his grace I was born as depicting the ultimate apogee of sensitivity and sensuality; O! Yes I was born a baby girl who would inevitably turn into a proud Woman !
How can I thank you for all those bountiful values of goodness that you've so magically inculcated in my child's innocent brain?
How can I thank you for so compassionately holding my child's hand in an alien premises-when I wasn't the slightest around to hear her inconsolable cries?
How can I thank you for making the whole process of monotonous studies—such an enchanting playground of richness for my child's eyes?
How can I thank you for so beautifully taming my child into a symbiotically civilized angel—from an unruly doll only obsessed with her very own toys?
How can I thank you for so adeptly solving each barricade in the path of my child—as she indulged the first chords of her infinite mind into the whole process called 'learning in school'?
How can I thank you for so magically triggering a smile on the face of my child—as she nervously fidgeted for her own space amidst several more of her kind?
How can I thank you for so magnanimously bearing with each bit of my child's peskiness—converting each tear that dribbled from her eyes into the most perfect nursery rhyme of life?
How can I thank you for so thoughtfully introducing my child to each new aspect of school—letting her marvelously adjust to even the remotest component in the new atmosphere—at her very own pace?
How can I thank you for guarding my child like an invincible fortress of friendship—whilst teaching her the quintessential alphabets of knowledge at the same time?
How can I thank you for untiringly being the eyes of my child as she feebly weaved her way through each bit of unknown territory- amongst the incredibly tall walls of her first school?
How can I thank you for observing even the most intricate development of my child—and then making constant persevering notes on how to improve her all round performance in the chapter called life?
How can I thank you for being the most adorable home for my child away from her real home-and being the most perfect mother for her and all her mates as well in mundane schooltime?
Well let me just start by saying Mrs. Shah -'That you mean the world
to my child' .
If a man was born out of a woman's divinely womb; after tossing; turning and kicking helplessly for 9 agonizingly marathon months; before tasting the first beams of light of the alien world,
If a man suckled life-yielding milk; comfort; and compassion; from the bosom of a woman; in order to perseveringly fortify each of his bone-to face the ghastly wrath of the parasitic planet outside,
If a man wailed in a woman's eclectically sensitive palms in his times of duress; felt their latent warmth as the most invincible fortress; even as the worst of hell descended on earth,
If a man fervently licked his fingers clean time and again; savoring the most succulently ravishing meals on earth even in his dreams; prepared by the artistically virile woman,
If a man flirted and philandered with a woman in iridescent twilight; in order to grant his veins the most tantalizingly unparalleled exhilaration that ever existed; in order to profoundly realize the glory of his untamed youth,
If a man kissed a woman with every ounce of passion that existed in each ingredient of his blood; in order to perpetually feel the quintessential reason of existence; as two souls royally blended to become one,
If a man took inimitably unflinching pride in introducing a woman as his better-half partner for life; thereby demonstrating his perfect symbiosis with nature and winning the unanimous applause of one and all around,
If a man started to work everyday with reinvigorated vigor to conquer life and its uncanny hardships; thanks to the fearlessly inspiring smile of a woman and the power of faith in her resplendent eyes,
If a man desperately sought a beautiful woman's face amidst a boundless crowd of other men; to enlighten his otherwise wretchedly remorseful evening with the clouds of effervescent desire,
If a man resorted to the sensuous caress of a magnetic woman-shrugging millions of the currency coin; only to feel the ultimate magic of exhaling in princely desire and unconquerably alive,
If a man desperately shouted the name of the woman who brought him to the world even before he remembered God; at the tiniest attack of the salaciously
crucifying devil,
If a man squeaked worse than an orphaned rat infront of a woman's door; to forgive him as night fell and he frantically needed a shoulder to cry upon—as the mosquitoes of worldly commercialism chased him down to the last hole,
If a man considered a woman his most eternally unshakable companion; to uninhibitedly blend with his feminist fears and tears; understand his sensitive soul to the hilt-like no-one else could ever comprehend,
If a man needed a woman to trigger an infinite colors and spectrums of desire; in his otherwise robotically routine business night; where all that was otherwise visible was plaintive cigarette smoke; tie; whisky; dubious collapse of stocks; and unbearable strife,
If a man depended on a woman to articulately assemble and sift through his disorganized life; make him feel more responsible in the chapter of existence; as he refreshingly marched forward with a purpose to serve back his own world,
If a man embraced a woman for bondings more immortal than an infinite more physical lives and veritable deaths; totally unfettered as the planet viciously abused him; locked in the arms of her ever-pervading love,
If a man secretly wanted to be fed every morsel of his food by a woman just like in innocuous childhood; in order to forever revel in the love and glory of the very best that life in its most pristinely form; had to ever offer,
If a man wholesomely leaned upon a woman to continue his race and name ahead; intransigently feel that the chapter of life had then eventually revolved a complete circle,
Then why the hell do you call it and rant about it as a 'mans earth'. For whether you agree or don't agree it always has been and always would be a womans world .
A dynamite of blazing optimism as the steps tread resolutely upon hapless floor ,
Majestic bristles of grey engulfing a handsomely robust jawline ,
Raw bundle of energy compounded with fearless streaks of adventure to clamber the
An unparalleled commitment to each project undertaken ; to take it to an honest
success ,
A desire to excel in whatever stage life offered ; without the tiniest of enviousness towards others who were better off ,
Thorough professionalism which never got office work to home ; relishing the verdant landscapes of the lawn with a rejuvenating stroll,
A flamboyant charmer with unmatched talking skills ; that converted the most dogmatic No into a mesmerizing Yes ,
Sheer astuteness compounded with an unbiased desire to make it independently ; evolving a lavish civilization from threadbare scratch,
Rustic truth which earned hostile foes at occasions more than friends ; but which
culminated into royally satisfying victory at the end ,
Profound love for the environment and wildlife ; flourishing with mother nature in its lap ; without asserting the slightest of spurious power or might ,
A loyalty to spouse whose examples were cited to household’s in strife ; as an
outstanding human saga of real life conviction , faith , understanding and forbearance ,
Hailed as the Supremo of Denim in our very own Manchester of Textiles; Ahmedabad ,
Most importantly a faith in God and his holy messengers which gave him his own
inimitable position on mortal earth ; as he happily jostled in his freshly constructed Kingsized farmhouse ,
The man turns 59 years today by the grace of God .
And though I have no regrets of not following his marketing prowess and write Poetry instead . I am still proud to have him as my Father .
Here’s wishing you Daddy a Happy Birthday for today , this gloriously enthralling 25th July , 2009
Not her daintily bountiful feet- which were the source of life in its uninhibited fullest in the brilliantly sunlit household,
Not her incongruous mumbling in the middle of the night; as she restlessly tossed and turned from one periphery of the King poster bed to another,
Not her vividly carefree artistry- which splashed color and gregarious charm –
resuscitating fresh life into the solitarily deadened canvas,
Not her streak for emulating fashion- earnestly trying to be a trendsetter in her own
pristine self- as she swayed joyfully under the stars in the royally moonlit night,
Not her unpredictable temperament- which flared up at the tiniest of provocation to box everyone around her and then tranquilly quell as a silent stream to eventually merge with the sea,
Not her intriguing genius that captivated the attention of the brightest in the world- as she collaged thin bits of obsolete waywardness to harness new dimensions of creativity,
Not her mischievously uninhibited smile- that led me merrily dancing in the surreal velvet of clouds - envisaging earth the most blessedly beautiful place to be,
Not her inherently philanthropic streak- her magnanimously diminutive persona which donated without inhibition- even whilst the richest of the richest sneered in contempt,
Not her gorgeously unruffled hair which marked her identity as one who loved to play and revel in the glory of enchanting music- occasionally running the hair comb through her dolls,
Not her sipper which she clung to with ecstatic fervor and unparalleled joy- whilst suckling droplets of impeccable milk at dawn,
Not her victorious enthusiasm to relish existence to its exhilarating fullest- as her sacredness was a treasured gift from Lord Almighty to do and disseminate goo around her,
Not her pedaling her cycle with new found spurts of energy- as she raced past the finishing line and immediately hugged me with invincible zeal to celebrate her monumental feat,
Not her unfettered sighs of admiration as she browsed television- garlanding her
favorite actors and actresses with tiny claps in her perception,
Not her unshakeable flair for choosing the right match of food at the right time - as she was one poignant aficionado of pungent taste and spice- making her meal a vibrant delight,
Not her unbridled passion for adventure as she made new friends irrespective of caste; creed; religion or tribe- explored new and natural pathways lugged on my shoulders in a piggy-back,
Not her artistically molded fingers with which she shaped clay into the choicest shapes of intricacy- and admirably wrote in handsome calligraphy upon listless paper- in a tenacity to succeed,
Not her magnetic ability to grasp things that she liked- and then form a story of the various characters she perceived- fearlessly reciting the same to adult audience in her own unduplicated aura,
Not her rushing to me like wounded crop at the tiniest fall which happened quite
inadvertently with the floor- and then I compassionately circled her in my arms showing her the fecund fields outside,
But what bowled me over. Was my baby daughter’s originality.
The lady that personified unassailable grace , treading on the most impeccable marble
of her choice,
The wife who was irrefutably loyal to her husband , in the motley situations that the exhilarating chapter of life had to offer,
The dutiful patron who embellished various spaces of her aristocratic farmhouse , with the choicest artifacts, figurines, statuettes and shrubs that she found with ease,
The daughter who skipped meals sporadically; earnestly concerned about her mother’s health; which was one of her most predominant priority as of now,
The uninhibited shopper who took rhapsodic delight in replenishing the shelves of her household – with the most robustly royal fruits to devour,
The grandmother who absolutely and profoundly doted on her grandchild , fulfilling the tiniest of her demands with toys befitting a grandiose princess,
The astounding philanthropist who would often lend all her meals to brutally famished street dogs and cats – and then cuddle them as if they were an inevitable constituent of her family,
The fantasizer who granted invincibly concrete shapes to her beautiful myriad of thoughts ; as she persevered in her natural capacity to salvage her very own inimitable identity on the trajectory of this planet,
The friend who patiently listened to the unprecedented agonies of her mates –
empowered their lives with her intriguing jokes; wit; laughter and congenial charisma,
The aunt who was ready impromptu to shoulder responsibility of the most distant of her relatives ; without the slightest trace of prejudice and malice – and as life demanded her to benevolently react,
The mother-in-law who had her share of irate squabbles with her daughter-in-law which was perfectly natural ; but yet at the same time made her welcome at home as she’d come far away leaving her own abode,
And most importantly ‘my mother’ for whom I was the unconquered best in the world – no matter what anyone said- and her belief in my poetry being the quintessential backbone of my impoverished mortal existence,
Here’s wishing you a very Happy Birthday on this joyously enthralling day of the 24th March , 2010 .
She hugged it tight to her adorably tiny chest - as fierce thunderstorms and lightening
announced the onset of the profoundly vivacious monsoon,
She carried it like the most invincibly cherished of her toys - fantastically bemused by its spongy texture and compassionate friendship - kissing its rotund periphery with her nimble lips,
She unabashedly chided it for being transiently lost - as she found it after an excruciating search from amongst her plethora of toys of multitudinal shapes and fraternities - immediately hiding it in her cup-board - so that none could inadvertently venture it out again,
She cuddled close to it like it was the best of her friends - joyously assimilating her daily dose of several varied colorful cartoon characters and films - alongwith her favorite platter of wondrously tantalizing snacks ; ofcourse ,
She uninhibitedly tossed it high up in the air and then darted at electric speeds to catch it safely in her impeccably dainty arms ; at times also allowing it have a free fall and then burst into laughter as it timidly bounced,
She used it as one of her most creative hotspot's - scribbling and embodying its surface with every conceivable graffiti that her innocuous brain could conceive - letting her ingenious kid fingers vividly sketch upon it with color; paint; gratitude and inimitable charm,
She sporadically involved it in her impetuously playful fights - hurling it an incongruous left ; right and center to differentiate her own little toy territory in her room from the rest ; eventually collapsing on the floor in sheer and exuberant exhaustion ,
She proudly brandished it criss-crossed in open space - as if she was a fearless soldier marching towards the corridors of victory - her very own fantasy triumph which was amiably frolicking with her parents and savoring her reinvigorating dollops of lime candy ice - cream ; towards the end of the blissful day ,
She mischievously patted it with all her minuscule might - to tease her pet dog as he patiently knelt on his hind legs as a mark of distinguished respect to her - and then she caressed him on his convivial ears and merrily gallivanted of to play with him on the open terrace ,
She nonchalantly kicked it to express her frustration as the electricity went out - more so ; since she knew that neither would it experience even the most insouciant of pain - nor would she harm herself in anyway ,
She used it as her most unfettered and darling punching bag - childishly pummeling those prized fists of hers into royal cotton fabric - as she relished her earthly freedom to its natural and unfettered best ,
She intermittently took it alongwith her in the car - as she leaned her full weight upon it to perch like a princess and fantasize goodness - as the vehicle majestically sped through the wilderness of the intrepid streets ; interspersed with motley traffic ,
She made it the most fantabulously decorated roof of her playhouse - with the walls made of rustic straw, stick, lace, plastic, cap, paper and whatever worthily intriguing object that she could lay her hands upon - as she entered her thrilling abode with her impeccably loved friend,
She sank deep within its cozily empowering recesses when tired after the evening's play - and then beautifully shrugged herself to complete her school work with utmost sincerity - greet the new tomorrow with philanthropy and astounding creativity,
She deliberately plucked at its stitching and ripped apart its cover to threadbare junk – to roll upon it ; in its gloriously bohemian baldness - and then beautify it with a richly embroidered cloth of her very own stellar choice ,
She narrated her different stories about her experience with it with mortally unmatched aplomb - which could almost be published as a book by some of the best publishers in the world ; as she happily jostled on the tree on the absolute edge of the magnificently plush lawn ,
She languished in its unparalleled serenity in her moments of silence - then came up with some of the most comic anecdotes of her trysts with existence - spontaneously rushing to hug those cherished to her as she felt earnestly versatile ,
I , her father, simply adored her benevolent feelings towards it ,
But she, my cute daughter, truly loved her fascinating Pillow .
Not because my daughter was studying in its majestically serene ambience,
Not because there stood a gigantic ‘Neem’ tree right in its center, enchanting every dreary nerve with unparalleled contentment,
Not because the sky above it always seemed cheerful-with innocent children shrieks and laughter forever winning its heart,
Not because of its indisputably sparkling floor and walls-the cleanliness that was spectacular in even the remotest of its quarters,
Not because of the English Language which was spoken to the highest authority-acclimatizing hearts at their youngest, with the expression of the World,
Not because of its enormous flexibility- which uninhibitedly heard the voice and whims of every parent and unruly toddler,
Not because it was successively adjudicated the best ‘Branch’ of its kind-from all across its centers in Asia,
Not because it brought about a whole new freshness of ideas, concepts and curriculum, as far as modern day teaching was concerned,
Not because it was one of India’s largest ‘Pre-School’ chains- giving concrete direction to many worried parents-who were otherwise helter-skelter in choosing the best for their blood,
Not because it bountifully showered various intriguing gifts to its students-painstakingly crafted by its ‘ever-hardworking’ bunch of adorable teachers,
Not because it had an amazing eye for detail-regularly maintained an accurate performance list of all its assiduous students,
Not because it magnificently helped your child to undergo the painful transition from home to school—always with a big smile,
Not because its methodology of teaching was ingeniously practical oriented-rather than loading the student with heavy school-bags-and endlessly cramming from text-books,
Not because of its beautifully personalized attention-where its tiny students never felt away from their mothers-infact started to poeticize in their alien environment,
Not because of the wonderfully patient ear-that it timelessly lended to even the tiniest of concerns or complaints from its discerning community of students and parents, alike,
But I was an all-time fan of “Euro-Kids, Vastrapur ; Ahmedabad, India” because it was here, that my child found a second home, away from her actual home-most importantly it was here that my child found “Love” & “Respect” for her in every teachers eye—which was the very reason that she longed to go to school, above all her indoor friends and toys .
The End .