Just a Day
Some like you hot, others cold,
Either way your taste is bold.
I love the warmth in my hands and the hint of honey I taste.
So sweet and warm with flavors galore, not a drop of tea I would waste.
Your so soft and cute in your little furr boots, my clothes always end up hairy.
Your clean coat of fur and your sweet little purr, how could anyone think you're scary?
You keep me warm and make me sneeze but that's not your fault,
you're usually nice and try to catch mice, my cats are the loves of my life.
As I sit on the couch with a cat on my lap and warm cup of tea,
I watch from inside as you fall from the sky and think "you're so pretty."
To some you are cold and ruin the day but to me you're so much more,
You help the world and life itself...and to me, rain is so much more.