Mon, 09/12/2016 - 21:11 -- mudkipz

Ah, another day another pancake! 

Did I say pancake? I meant another sunshine!

Close enough, right?

We all wake up in the morning in purest blip of rawness and honesty.

Unaware of our surroundings yet, so calm and accepting.

The smell of coffee, the tweeting of birds, 

the blinding ray of sunlight peaking through the blinds.

We all absorb this inside us as we are mentally loading to grasp it’s morning.

Isn’t it divine?
How, though, we all are not with each other nor even have the slightest idea of who each other are or what our appearance is

yet we’re all so subtly interconnected because we all experience yet another

…purified morning.

All obtaining a different strive in ourselves to cease the day. 

For myself, there is no simple reason as to why because it is ever changing,

I'm infatuated with the concept of mornings, 

Everyday you can wake up with the thriving sensation of leaving your bed, your base, your safe-haven for whatever you desire!

Mornings are your own delight, they’re your exemplary temperature of coffee.

They are your milk and honey for your tea with a buisuit on the side.

Whether it be for a fresh start of your life or a fresh bladder, 

they are what you make it and it really is awfully that simple.

I get up in the morning for the purpose of taking advantage of this divine opportunity granted to me everyday. 

The rawness in the morning air is enough to empower my soul until the following dawn.

As well as the smell of pancakes... 

That’s been lingering in my lungs since I started this. 
