Born From Silence
My history is written between the lines.
You see, I come from a long line of keep your head down, do not tell them what you are.
I come from a long line of shame, shame written in the blood of men and women who have been beaten down into silence.
We are silence, have walked in back alleys and taken home in broom closets to survive.
I come from a long line of silence.
Silence from those too afraid to speak
Silence from those too afraid to acknowledge
I come from a long line of opressed
My voice is just one in million, screaming out in rebellion, in question, for why society deems it acceptable to all discrimation.
My civil rights cases are only now seeing light
After years of silence we knew something would try to push us back into the cover of night.
But we are not intimated
We are no longer silent
We are loud and proud and vibrant
We are tired of silent
We are sick of closed door and back alley deals to find someone to love us for who we are.
We are not asking for acceptance, understand that there are people out there who thrive on their ideals, who will never change no matter how hard we try to seek approval.
We are done seeking approval, of falsifying love to be able to be part of the whole
We are done with denial, waiting for someone to say that we are here
We are here and there is nothing that can be done about it
We are not standing for massacre, for genocide
Silence bred us, hardened our resillance agasinst those who would intimidate us.
Orlando will not keep us down, will not solve anyone problems, only create more.
All the -isms out there are not worth destroying the nation we've built, not worth sending children to bed terrified that they will not wake up.
These little differences are unjustifable, unfathomable in relation to morality and humanity.
People no matter their background, no matter what -ism they may fall behind, are not animals to slaughter, not here to fall into line.
We all are merely here to survive.
And we, those who speak out against the atrocities of Orlando, are here to say that we are no longer silent, we are here to stand together.