
Sun, 07/03/2016 - 16:54 -- j3ss13

The pictures fade to gray

While the memories stay the sam [still remain]



[Are] taken when we're happy

Why then, do the people in them change?

Grow old?


A picture is a moment in time 

A moment that can be rememebered[;] [by] creating it ina tangible form

Yet it can never be brought back again.


People grow old and change and nothing ever stays the same.

Just like a picture in a frame.



Life moves all around us while we are living and when we are gone

My love for you was like the rising sun

It was graceful and slow, yet powerful and unknown [when it fully arrived over the horizon]

One minute it was in the seams of the planet

And the next it was in full view


My love for you is like the pouring rain

It is gentle and vast and deep 

It drenches my soul with the things I love you for


Novermber 6, 2014 6:34 AM
