This Kid Can't Speak
Hey it's that kid with the ashen skin
Skinny white b♂y who you could snap like a twig
Ask me again how that story went
Because the first time around my voice cracked thin
I st-stuttered when I spoke
I should've told it louder but instead I fucking choked
It's a nuisance
Another story ruined
Second hand embarrassment
For a pessimists amusement
Fumbling my words makes my mumbling unheard
I project my vocals like the smallest little bird
from the nest of a skyscraper
Taking chunks out of cotton candy clouds
If a chick falls in a city, will its' chirps make a sound?
It's a fifty-fifty shot
O__________________________to see if my thoughts get caught
p ++++++++++++++++++++++++ s
e ++++++++++++++++++++++ t
n ++++++++++++++++++ e
u ++++++++++++++ n
p +++++++++ r
y o u
It might, it might not but why take the chance
To be a poet I can express my emotions without wearing pants
I can speak to everyone and not feel a l o n e
I can throw out all my stress and make the stage my home
I can think before writing as opposed to speaking without thinking
No longer in my mind binge drinking from wine
Made from fermented stories aged through symbolisms and rhymes
Instead of being spoiled by forced laughter and no time to find
The reason to share my story in the first place.
Poetry allows you to think
T B Outside of
Allowing you to step out on a beach made of cold smooth rocks
Looking out at the tumbling waves
With a tide receding
Like the
hairline on
an ancient
Hey it's me again with the ashen skin
Skinny white b♂y who you could snap like a twig
Stick around I have a tale to spin
A poem about how poetry gave this bird it's (\ wings /)