Patient Waters
The water was clean, the water was clear
The water was felt and fell over her
Through her hair and to the nape of her neck
It ran down her shoulders, onto her back
Clear, clean, and cold it crept to her soul
Into her heart it fell to join its chill
It could not smooth the cracks, nor penetrate
Its mass of lonliness, caution, and hate.
So the water flowed and felt, fing'ring brick
Patiently, perseveringly a crick
Sought, seeped, soaked: sluicing so slowly, soothing
Invading the layers, parting, grooving
At last to the core, aflame, aburning
Roiling, rushing water streaming, steaming!
The pressure too great for stone so compact
Both water and fire escaping and cracked
That obsidian coeur-- once cold and dead--
Now gushing with purpose it bled and bled
Revealing a feeling so appealing
The heartwarming blaze a girl was healing.
New life growing for the wayward daughter
All caused by persistant, patient water.