The Most Vital Thing Of All
Blood shed
Years that can't be returned
Lovers that died
Mothers that stll yearn
Yet we have the choice
To bypass all despair
And keep what they fought for
But some would choose hair
An item for the stomach
Entertainment to view
A genie for three wishes
A million dollars among a few
Yet I would turn down all options
In order to keep one idea that is fair
The idea that still kills
The idea which we are unaware.
Whenever we are asked
What lies above all else
What many will say
Are items that can be held
But if I had to keep one thing
Above all else
It would be my freedom
Becuase not everyine knows that word well
Yet me still salivate over material items
At really dont do us very well
While some will never know
How to spell out the word.