Bitter Loneliness
I had always believed that I had a black hole
In the place of my soul
I was always so numb and cold
Or that was what I was always told
Rarely did I ever crack a smile
Nor did I get easily riled
Nothing fazed me
Not even when I fractured my knee
Then why did I hurt
When he decided to flirt
With her and not me
Can't he see
I'm right in front of him
Willing to break a limb
If meant he could see
The real me
The one that loved drawing
And didn't mind withdrawing
From normal social interactions
The one who didn't mind making distractions
Why did I even care?
It just wasn't fair
I'm not used to feeling this way
I should just stay
Far, far way from them both
The girl that I now loathed
For stealing the guy
Just because I am way too shy
And didn't get to him first
But it could be worst
Him and me could be nobody to each other
I guess I'll have to look for another
One that didn't mind my cold heart
And my need to sometimes be apart
Someone who wanted me for who I am
And wouldn't just eventually scram