All I Need Is You
People have come and gone in my life
But you have always stayed.
Through all my ups and downs, every happy moment and every break down.
Every moment I was hurt and in the back of my head wanted things to end
You were there.
You don't judge me, you don't look down on me.
You look at me like I put the stars in the sky.
Like I am the reason anything good happens in the universe.
Like I am your entire life and in a sense I guess I am.
You might not understand why sometimes I cry enough tears to fill the Pacific Ocean itself, but
regardless you stay with me.
You sit with me even after the tears stop.
And because you do that.
Beucase you look at me with such love and have never left my side
since the day we met.
I need you.
I need you when i'm at my happiest and when i'm at my lowest.
I need you because when everyone else leaves you stay by my side making me feel loved in the purest way.
You do this as if it's your only purpose.
Like it's your job, and the payment you recive is my affection.
Which you would get even if you weren't so good at your job.
Because I need you.
To me you are the purest thing in the universe.
The greatest being full of love, affection and loaylty.
I've needed you since day one.
And I will need you until my last day.
I need you forever and always.