She’s Broken, torn, shattered and abused
scared to try again
Because she’s been so misused
Not sure what to say, how to feel, or what to believe
Just believing that the Next like the
Will do nothing but deceive
Wanting to relax, wanting to feel
To breath
To have something Real
Desiring to love again
But the first time she tried that
They played with her heart
Then they tossed it in her hand
Numb to what others say “in good intention”
How they are different they never fail to mention
Pessimistic Always expecting the Worst
She plans to hurt them before
They get a chance to hurt her First
But her punctured heart
Still it beats every now and then
Wanting to allow someone special in
Even though sadly It knows
With each and every pulse it’s life’s blood overflows
And with each beat
The girl it belongs to only wants to
Back to the comfort of her cold-hard
Because she knows within it she is free
To Dwell
but safe
Where no one can hurt her again
Or cause her unbandagable Pain
The kind that almost drove her
Selflessly Insane
Those who look at her will never know
How she wishes
That she would have never seen
Love’s beautifully crafted present’s bow
And never pulled the ribbon’s satin locks
Like Pandora opening that Dreadful box
Out poured hurt, Disappointment,
and Lies
Blood pounding in her ears, salty burning cheeks
and Watery Eyes
Nightly breaks downs
Weeping alone
And Out cries
But she closed the lid just in time
Because what is left Maybe
What she needs to Find
What may help her Cope
Is there in that beautifully deceptive
from: love
There Lies only