ABC's Of You
A smile that brightens a dark room of sins
B rown eyes that could melt a soul just by one look
C ould you come back to me?
D ancing in the moonlight with the stars sparkling
E very look you give makes butterflies
F alling in love you couldn’t do
G iving your heart wasn’t a choice
H aving just one girl was a joke to your mind
I came along and your game changed
J ust by giving you my flesh, blood, and backbone
K eeping you was a fairytale
L osing you was a cold-sweat nightmare
M emories are all I have
N othin’ could put out the fire love brought
O ut of control our minds couldn’t catch up
P utting our all in this wasn’t enough
Q uitting was failure
R eady to marry you
S topping and going made our gas run out
T ouching hands, and loving each other
U were the one for me
V ery much did I love you
W on my heart that’s what you did
X-iting you out my life I couldn’t do
Y did you have to leave me so soon?
Z ombie you were, you always craved me… ...