Dictionary Definition
Me :noun
a. family member: 1. a loving sister who talks too much, 2. a devoted daughter who is full of questions;
b. friend: 1. a quiet companion who is good at listening and remembering, 2. a kind friendly face who tries to remember and always asks questions, 3. an old friend with so many inside jokes those around have no idea what is being discussed, 4. someone who is always working or studying when you want to do something, 5. someone with a knowledge of Harry Potter that is comparable to or greater than yours, 6. someone you sat next to in one class and talked to during the semester but will likely never see again;
c. student: 1. quick to answer questions about the homework and join in discussions, 2. quietly listens to lectures and occasionally asks questions, 3. readily answers when called on, with good ideas, 4. someone who comes to class with their homework done,
d. musician:
e. poet: