Looking up

We're always looking up to someone better someone more. Wanting to be faster, more attractive, famous, smarter, more talented, taller. We chase after the fools gold held up by ubiquitous insecurities. We begin to grow as cold and lifeless as these expectations. Sacrificing ourselves to be them. But who even is them. The wealthy but isolated CEO, the doctors that spend over 8 years studying having to prove themselves, the models who are photoshopped? 
Aren't we all just humanity assailed by the worlds profanity, just trying to find an answer, an audition, or a cure. Coming home each night bearly escaping a fight because success has become more valuable than family. Full yet empty, rage and hopelessness begin to metastasize through our human species. 
But wait there is hope.
Because we are all just paper bags filled with sand from different places
Being exposed to different faces.
Different traces of emotion 
That help, or hinder us in pushing through all this commotion
Where will you travel
Who will you become
Just because you feel empty
Doesn't mean your done
If you haven't become your own role model or hero
That just means you have your adventure yet to come
There is more to be seen more to be done
You're journey is to discover the most lustrous jewel
The most lustrous jewel which is in you.


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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741