My locks of curls
are a glamorous mountain
of blown out dandelions.
“This is all my hair.
I am not lying.”
My locks of curls,
they fall from left to right.
Their delightful poise
full of African American stride.
My locks of curls
are fluffy marshmallows,
sweet smelling
and bouncy.
“Look and
do not touch please.”
My locks of curls,
strong, brown, and long,
Diana Ross’ family
some say I belong.
Although, without a lyric on my
lip, or a pitch to match,
my locks of curls
make eyes attract.
Sure, these curls
get trapped in a door,
a window,
or all up in someone’s personal space
“Oops, sorry.”
Yet, still
many desire
my curly locks
of galore,
lovely, lovely, lovely, glamorous,
my curly locks,
I adore.