Why faith has made my life "awesome"
Helping hands touched my heart to an extent.
They saw and felt my pain, my distress and wanted to help.
They guided me to a pathway that led to a love.
This love overwhelmed me, filled me, so I proposed.
Once a hopeless case that now breathes and lives for him.
Lost and confused but I was never outside his reach.
My life is all his.
I am his.
Because he showed me that I AM precious.
He has showed me his amazing promise.
It is a promise that I long for.
Eternity, the promise that makes everything miniscule because
Forever will arrive.
My faith is rested on God , my God who i find all mighty loves me.
My faith has the power to connect me to what i need in my times of need.
God continues to reveal his awesome hand in my life.
Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and it will be given to you seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.