i fell in love
i've had some problems
but that's a gross understatement
i go up
and then down
and up
and then crashing back down again
and rising to the realm of clounds
and shattering into the ground and below
but why
i've tortured myself as to why i can't stay up like a bloon
or at least float like a skiff
but then i realized
i'm in love
and i do love her
and she does love me even though she does terrible things to me
and i could never ever be without her
because i fell in love
with loving life itself
love hurts and it hurts but the happy moments are pure and uninhibited and glorious
and i felt the hurt when i cry myself to sleep and look at my scars and wonder if it's even worth it
but it is
when i feel the pure joy
the lazy breeze that cools a river and my lazy limbs, hanging over the side
the smile on her face when i made her
exactly what she wanted
the unbridled excitement when he learns his first song, plinked out awkwardly and strange
but beautiful
in its own strange way
i love life
even when i hate it and what it to leave me
i still love it
that's what love does to people
it makes them irrational and strange
and makes them want to hurt eachother
but at the end of the day
they'll still come together
to say
i fell in love
with you