Forgot How To Smile
Such a long time, yes it’s been awhile
I think I forgot what it is to smile
My face is frown, hard and stiff
I forgot how to smile, I need a face lift
Deep in my soul sadness is what I feel
I forgot how to smile, could this be real?
Could it be that the happiness I once had?
Is lost without a trace and has turned into sad?
Will I ever smile again or even a grin?
Or will this sadness inside take over and win?
I forgot how to smile, I try but can’t do it
I start to feel happy but then suddenly I lose it
What will it take to feel that joy once again?
To smile from ear to ear and mean it within
To have peace in my life and enjoy the little things
To feel excited inside even to hear birds sing
Remind me please! Show me how to smile
I forgot how to do it… It has been awhile.