This is not my face.
This is a façade
I have worn this mask forever, so long I almost forget it's not really me
But I am not alone in this
We all hide ourselves at times
I chose to hide forever
I have spent years building up walls to surround my feelings
I heard if you distance yourself you cannot get hurt
So, I fled my own feelings
Locked up my own heart & swallowed the key
You dared me to become someone I could never be: real
To strip away a mask and expose the true me
I was afraid, really
When you release yourself people judge
What if they hated me?
I told myself I didn’t care
I lied.
I have not cried since I was six years old
I have spent years laughing in silence
I have never loved and maybe that’s why I feel so empty
This ended yesterday.
Today, I will fling myself at the world
Laugh so hard I cry
And I will let you in.
I do not expect you to love me because I am perfect, but to love me in spite of my imperfections.
So I bare my face to you. I bare my heart to you. And finally, I bare my soul to you.
No filter.
Take me as I am.