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Outside Your Frame
They convey a thousand words,
.Convey a hundred meanings,
And yet,
Not one of them is me.
Look at me.
Look past the labels and the assumptions
That you see
In my pictures
And actually see me.
What do you see?
Do you see the me that used to be?
The top of the class,
The queen bee of the nerds,
Or maybe
The one with a “future?”
Do you see
What you hope to see?
Parents’ dreams?
Doctorates, and
Fleeting things that no longer are,
But should be?
Do you see the me that you’ve labeled me to be?
The young mother,
The drop-out,
Or maybe
The one without a future?
Do you see
What you expect to see?
Poverty, lost dreams?
Minimum wage, and
Binding things that currently are,
But don’t define me?
Or maybe…
You see the me that I’ve labeled me to be?
The failure,
The one who never catches her future?
Do you see
What I think you see?
Determination, slipping dreams?
Impossible goals, and
Slippery things I wish were,
But that I keep missing?
Because those aren’t me.
No filter can disguise me.
No picture can capture me.
No label can contain me,
And no poem can describe me.
I am
Beautiful and strong,
Scarred and scared.
I am
Full of passion and
Terrified of failure.
I am
A lover,
A fighter,
A mother,
A learner.
I am everything you once saw,
Everything you now see,
And everything my dreams will be.
I am not a label.
“Class nerd.”
“Teen mom.”
I am not your hopes and dreams.
“What I never had.”
“Perfect wife.”
I am simply
Not your labels.
Not your dreams.
And one day,
I’ll overcome it all,
Absorb it all,
And become greater than any image,
Picture, or poem could contain.
Because without a filter,
Outside my pictures,
I have no bounds.
I can just