You Lied
You left me. You never stopped and thought about how I would be affected. You walked away like it was nothing and I was nothing like we weren't something at one point in time. I knwo maybe it's time to walk away, but maybe you could walk my way and tell me everything is ok? Just whisper in my ears something sweet and tell me everything will go back to the way it used to be? If it had gone my way you would have never walked away and would have stayed. Instead you walked away like it was nothing like I was nothing. Like you had never told me I was something, and that you loved me for me. That you would never leave, but you left anyways. In your absence I lost a piece of myself and with that piece I lost peace within myself. I lost half of me when I lost you. Its all because you left when you said you wouldn't. You lied. You left me.