About Me
Mom of three and dad in the army, try to provide for me.
I don’t always listen for the love.
I told myself its useless and redundant to paint a picture for them, when my mind whispers
to me ”they don’t admire you.”
Shoes and clothes are nice to receive, but I’d rather be in love; this is who I am, so be it.
I am ashamed and depressed about my face.
So I use this $11 makeup to disguise the marks of my growth and transition into adulthood.
I lie to myself… “It doesn’t make you ugly.”
I’ve had it for so long, I started to believe it does.
The brain-washed propaganda say’s “you’re ugly.”
The blind says, “you’re perfect.”
I don’t know what to believe.
So I believe myself.
Problems are an endless circle; this is who I am, so be it.
I’m talking loud because no one honestly listens to me anymore.
They only care about what they want to say!
I understand more than them because I’ve been through more than you.
You know, maybe I’m not the best because I haven’t been to Milan
or because I don’t get my own money.
I’m only 16, I act 19, but I feel 13.
This is who I am; so be it.