Imperfection is flawless
You, sir, may not think I’m pretty
You may even think that I am petty
And you can believe that I am a petty, not pretty woman
But I am confident and beautiful and I am flawless
Maybe, sir, you see that I am broken
That my will has been beaten time and time again
That it has been tortured and taken for granted by men all referred to as “him”
But I am resilient and powerful and I am flawless
Perhaps, sir, you noticed that I have so few friends
Because there are so many people with which I refuse to make amends
You assume I am stubborn and close-minded
But I am forgiving and understanding and I am flawless
You see, sir, flawless is not what the world sees
Flawless is not having every task presented with a side of ease
To be flawless is to be self-aware and self-improving
I am a work in progress and for that I am flawless