This Doll Represents ME.
Start with a thrift store doll and strip away the frilly dress
give her black skinny jeans and a band t-shirt for comfort
put boots on her feet so she can trudge through any mess
place her in a library so she can travel without a passport.
Now give her glasses to see with and a leather jacket to keep warm
pull her blond hair back from her face and paint her frown over with a smile
infuse her with the kind-hearted, hard-working nature of a farm
start her up with a brand new Starbucks battery and wait a while.
Sometimes you have to bring her smile back musically,
but this doll only really represent me.
When she finally moves, you give her a worn voice box you found
she seems unafraid to strike up a conversation with you, the stranger
you discover she loves to play games and can cheerfully joke around
she can't sing but that doesn't stop her from putting your ears in danger
The radio comes on and she starts to dance to the beat
not a care in the world that other dolls could and would judge her
soon she bounces right out the door and down the street
looking for art supplies to express the inspiration she know will occur.
This doll seems to own a spirit thats free
because she really does represent me.
By the time you catch up she's burried under a mountain of her favorite stuff
action movies, a karate uniform, manga, anime box sets and puzzling anagrams
not to mention the rock climbing gear, comic books and cotton candy fluff
or a laptop full of k-pop dance tutorials and some Learn To Speak Japanese programs.
You stare at the content before you wondering if she'll be okay
notice a stack of papers screaming of amateur author sitting off to the side
your little doll manages to get out from under her hobbies and find her own way
she shrugs at your questioning look and says "I decided not to hide."
She may seem weird, odd, and immersed in her own hobbies,
but this doll is who I am and thats okay with me.