The One Beneath
Can you tell me what you see
When you look at me?
Do you see the girl on the outside
Or the one way beneath?
Do you see my flaws and little extra weight
Or do you see the girl who hurts all the time?
Do you see me as just another name
Or the only one you ever want to say?
Most only ever see the flaws
The things that will turn you off
The handicap sign on my car
Or maybe just my looks not being up to par.
But look underneath all the superficiality
And you will see my reality.
Can you see the fight I have every day
Just so I can go out and play?
Do you see the size of my heart?
It has always been big
Even from the start.
Two reactions i get when people see me
Which one shall I recieve from thee?\
If you don't appreciate what you've got
Then you don't deserve a shot.
Fore if you dee me different than I,
Then I will have to say goodbye.
I may not be perfect, far from it
But I try my best.
I don't have to be perfect in everyone's eyes
My own are enough for the time.
Those who mind don't matter,
Those who matter don't mind,
And if you disagree, then for you I don't have time,
Nobody's perfect
That I know well.
But I am darn close to it
And in my eyes, perfect is what I will always be.