Once upon a time...
They tell you to wait
For a man riding in on a white horse
While you remain confined within castle walls
With a dragon as a guardian
And shackles as a means of comfort
But that’s alright
Because he will come, you can rest assured
With silver and buffed armor
A sword capable of slaying any beast
A bright smile, charm and riches
Exactly what you have been waiting for
Saving you from solitude
But let me inform you
I refuse to wait
My story is not a fairytale
I can slay my own dragon
I can break my own chains
I am stronger than the charming man on the white horse
I can dazzle myself better than any bright smile or sparkle in his eye
Because before the sun rises I will be on my own horse
Riding away from captivity and confinement
Because I am no damn princess waiting for a prince
I am a queen
Loved and owned by a King
And the only way my story will be a fairytale
Is if I am the hero