Am I Really That Strong?
Am I Really That Strong?
They say, she's smart and strong.
But they don't know what's really going on.
Constantly having to wear a hat of intellegence,
and a mask of diligence.
She isn't smart, she isn't stong.
And theres so much going on.
She's scared and doubtful,
but she'll step up hopeful.
Shes been though hell, and back
but nobody knows that.
Rasing her sisters, being that mother figuer
which brought her down making her a little sicker.
She carry's so much grief on her shoulders.
Making it hard for people to get closer.
She wants to cry and ask for help,
but it to scared to ask endding up with self-help.
She wants to look strong as if nothings going on,
but ends up felling alone, lost and cant belong belong.
I'm tired of the hat of intellegnce.
I'm tired of the mask of diligence.