There comes a time in
There comes a time in life
Where you gotta do whats right
Leave all the bad stuff you did behind
Start that grind
Grinding not just for you but for you family
Going through hell and back will open your eyes so you will see
Not everyone are what they say
You will soon find that out some day
But until then this is about you and all up to you
Question is what you going to do?
See your back is up against the wall
And your knees are buckling looking like your ready to fall
But dont give up
Stand tall
Never slack on what you love to do
No matter if its huslting
Or bagging food
See at the end of the day
You getting paper either way
Be smart with your paper tho
Because just like them seasons change
That paper going to disappear like snow.
Hear me out for a second
Just listen
I got the smoothest flow
That will have you trippin
Checking your shoes
To see if they loose
Making sure they tied
Shot Craig you aint gotta lie
Just listen
I speaks that real life