Pearly Whites
I can analyze the dichotomy
Of good and evil
Light and dark
Life and death
Not one without the other
The ying to the yang
The extremes of both sides
Cliches so easy to analyze
I hold this split close
Internal struggles fight with my being
But every day of every year
I cannot identify the dichotmy in myself
Society at fault
I scream and cry
At the loss of a friend
That I am told to ignore
I smile and laugh
At my friend
The pretty one
That I adore
I yell and argue
With my caretakers
The ones that are supposed to always be on my side
Not parents all the time
I see this in myself
I must cover up the bad
The bad is private
To be ashamed of
And yet
We don't see this fault
In everyone that walks
We are taught
To wear the mask
Of those pearly whites
Even when turmoil is ensuing
Prehaps it could fix
Societies fault
If we simply remembered
That we are all covering our private tears with a public smile