Your Daughters
You look into the eyes of her and her kin
Do you bask in the pain you’ve injected within,
Smell the sheer terror that seeps through her skin,
And still believe you’ve committed no sin?
Breathe the dust, sweat, and blood in the atmosphere
Do you extract strength from the pure ones’ tears?
Does a tyrant revel in such violent fear?
Can’t you see the souls of the girls you dragged here?
Yes, girls. They are girls. Like your daughters at home.
You’ve condemned them with your hypocrite’s stone.
As you demand they give up something you won’t;
Are you that afraid of what women could know?
Do you hear your sister retch next to you?
Will your daughter die from a beating undue?
Your brothers’ children are in the crowd too
How will you live with yourself when this is through?
Look into the eyes of the girl you defiled
Does guilt tear your gut when you see the child?
Be ashamed that you stole such an innocent smile.
What kind of man does something so vile?
Even if you tried to let them go free
Their minds will stay there, they’ll never leave
Your faces branded into their memory
Coming to life at night in their dreams
Look in the eyes of your daughters and kin
Be haunted by the fear you’ve injected in
Look at the scars you’ve left on their skin
May your walk of mortified guilt begin